Black Dragon Code

Chapter 473 Curse (3)

Aglaron stared at the black dragon's chest, feeling the waves gradually rising from the calm and the energy that was completely different from ordinary attributes, and he was quite excited.

Mortals yearn for boundless energy and immortal life, but for Aglalon, this is a kind of torture instead. As an extraordinary creature, Aglalon has underestimated too many things. In his eyes, both power and wealth are meaningless. Only the pursuit of power still drives him to stay active.

It's a pity that the lich is already the pinnacle of undead creatures. If he wants to go to the next level, he will have a chance to steal authority unless the entire material plane is subverted and the rules of the world are recast. Aglalon thinks he doesn't have that ability. With this hope in mind, it is more attractive to him to study the source of power of other extraordinary creatures, among which the research topic on the variant dragon is the top priority.

As far as he knows, most of the variant dragons from beyond the astral world, whether they are metal dragons, five-color dragons or other dragon species, have a source of power that is difficult to describe and understand. Being strangled, they can grow rapidly in a short period of time. Aglalon is very interested in this. He believes that this is a gift from another world. If he studies deeply, he may be able to obtain further opportunities.

He stared carefully at Caesar's chest. The lines displayed by the fusion furnace were ancient and obscure, but from the point of view of the operation mode, it was not complicated. It was the same as the operation method he knew: absorbing certain substances in the outer space, Use some kind of magic circle in the chest to transform it into powerful energy that can be driven.

The key to the problem lies in the way of "transformation".

"Magic? Psionic energy? Negative energy?"

Aglalon carefully analyzed the energy trajectory displayed by the furnace, and rejected his own judgment one by one through the feedback of the aura of the magic test: "I have never seen such an efficient transformation method."

"Okay." Caesar suddenly retracted the furnace: "It's time to talk about what I want to know."

"No, that's not enough." Aglaron stepped forward impatiently, and stretched out his hand: "You have to tell me what it is!"

"It's a deal, lich."

Caesar regained his shape, and his huge body of fifty meters filled the entire underground palace. He looked down at Aglalon, and his tone became heavy: "Next, I want to see your sincerity."

Instead, Aglalon pondered. He thought for a while and said, "Okay, is the Eye of Gruumsh right? It was buried in the battlefield of the setting sun."

"But you can't find it, Ramorahan's ancestors created a demiplane in the Scarlet Plains to hide the Orc's relic,

After that, the descendants continued to strengthen it layer by layer, and now the dimensional plane there has become a maze. "

Caesar's eyes twinkled, but he remained silent.

"I know what you're thinking. It doesn't matter if you destroy that place. The place where that thing is located is still connected to the outer domain. To tear up the space node will only turn it into a wandering space, drifting in the astral world forever."

"Entering the demiplane... How do I know if you are lying, this may be a well-planned trap, expecting me to jump into it foolishly?" Caesar said: "I remember that Dragon Mother used this trick once. "

"I don't seem to be able to convince you, but even a trap needs bait." The lich's finger bones flashed, holding a shiny ball: "According to its guidance, before entering the demiplane, you can find Some clues, you can judge for yourself when the time comes."

With a rumbling sound, Caesar stretched out his huge claws.

Aglalon shrank his arm bones: "You haven't paid yet."

"I—" Caesar pointed to his chest: "Nuclear change."

Unlike most long-lived species, as long as the supply of negative energy is maintained, the energy of undead creatures is almost endless. A lich does not need to rest or sleep. A lich that has been around for hundreds of years may have more knowledge than an ancient dragon. Knowledgeable, Caesar felt that if he made up random stories, there was a high probability that he would not be able to fool the guy in front of him, so he simply chose to tell the truth.

After all, exposing the fusion furnace has no effect on Caesar, he just needs to protect the black dream, so in the following time, the black dragon solemnly told the lich about the structure and changes of microscopic particles, atomic nuclei, and nuclear energy. , although Caesar also has a half-knowledge of this, but what he knows alone is enough to make the Lich suffer a cognitive wash.

Until the end of the narration, Aglalon kept silent, but according to the reaction of the Lich's soul fire, he could clearly find a series of emotional fluctuations such as the other party's doubts and thoughts.

After a while, Aglalon came back to his senses and digested a little of what he had just ingested: "These theories come from your world? In my opinion, the civilization development of that world has gone on a wrong path, but There is no denying that at the end of the road, there is indeed an amazing and majestic creation.”

This is far from the end, Caesar thought, stroking the ball floating into his claws: "Aren't you going to say something more?"

"If you want to enter the maze and come out, you need a map, a key, or a puzzle-solving system, and that's what you have in your hand."

The Lich said: "It will lead you to the Eye of Gruumsh. There may be a few good-level watchmen in the maze, but it's nothing to things like us. Get the Eye of Gruumsh Afterwards, you can deal with it as you like, as a friendly reminder, orcs are not creatures that are easy to control. Humans are greedy and aggressive, and they also have a lot of them. Unlocking the shackles of orcs' blood is not necessarily a good thing."

"Pleasant cooperation."

Caesar nodded in satisfaction, and then said: "I remember that there seems to be a half-lich in my family that failed to transform, and it stayed pretty well with me. In addition to force, your brain is also capable of being sent by the Black Wing Empire." It will be of great use, how about it, consider it?"

"Are you recruiting me?" The Lich sneered, "Do you think that the former emperor, who never sets the sun, would willingly submit to the dragon? Or do you think that your current strength can easily overwhelm me?"

"If you refuse, I will take my leave." Caesar gave Aglaron one last look: "If you are interested in that kind of energy, you are welcome to visit the Northland at any time. I know more than you think, and I will return this sentence." you."

"I hope everything you said is true, don't send it away." "Aglaron opened the portal to the ground, and after the black dragon's huge body disappeared completely, he fell into a state of deep thought.

Caesar appeared in the humid air of the rotting swamp, stared at the magical creation in his hand, and grinned. Curiosity can kill a cat, but it can also make a lich jump up and down.

. m.

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