Black Dragon Code

Chapter 475 West City

Caesar followed, and immediately smelled the pungent smell of garlic and pepper, and the intoxicating smell of sweet and greasy perfume. He followed the pointing of the little guy and looked in. Cotton and linen jackets stand on both sides, and the slaves inside carry heavy brocades and high-grade wool in dozens of colors for people to choose from.

The black dragon glanced at the flag emblem hanging on one side, and found that he actually had an impression of this caravan—Bukridge in the North, one of the few teams that had already started crossing the border when the situation in Veloster was not yet stable. The caravan of maritime trade, the wealth obtained through the two-border trade, this caravan began to form its own armed force and continued to expand its scale.

According to official records, Buckridge owns more than 20 frigates of the previous generation that were eliminated by the empire, as well as a large number of privateers, and is in a semi-monopoly state in the private cross-sea trade industry. Be obedient, and the various fees (protection fees) paid are also enough, so the Black Wing Empire did not start to clean up these guys, and allowed them to grow wildly on the Veloster battlefield while maintaining supervision.

When accompanying Luna on a trip, Caesar kept his normal dragon-man form and squeezed forward with the little guy. Between the stretching stalls in Buckridge, a young merchant was selling jewelry made by Veloster Gold. Including rings, brooches, bracelets, and various uncut medals, among other exotic materials.

Beside the young merchant was tied a native of Veloster, silent and hairless, sweat soaked through his fur clothing, grinning and glaring at everyone who approached, and next to him, a buyer was talking to Booker. Rich cloth merchants argue over the price of some exotic dye.

"I like playing on this street the most." Luna pulled Caesar forward and said to him, "There are people everywhere, shouting and laughing. In fact, I often don't buy anything...well, Except for the occasional sausage, honey stick, or roast, nuts or something... let me see what's new here."

"Jewelry made by Veloster Gold."

They walked a little further, and heard the jeweler shout in fluent common tongue: "I have the gold ornaments used by the chiefs of the Rislin, Picardo, and Ferre tribes, as well as necklaces, armbands, rings, and headbands. It's all there. Come and see, it's guaranteed to be different from Elradia's gold."

The jewelry merchant was small in stature, slender and friendly, with dark brown hair combed in a northern style, perfume in the curls, and a fashionable Black Claw emblem pinned to his chest. When Caesar and Luna stopped by him In front of him, the businessman bowed deeply: "Noble dragon man and young noble lady, what do you need?"

"You said Velostekin is different from our gold, is that true? Why?" Luna asked curiously.

"of course it's true."

The merchant smiled: "Velostkin is better than ours,

Heavier and more lustrous, it looks a bit like platinum but is actually more transparent than platinum. It is said that in Veloster, the gold was as soft as a flowing liquid, and it slowly became hard during the caravan's return journey. After arriving in the Northland, we in Buckridge invited the best craftsmen to make the gold ornaments that appear today. Of course, I'm not saying that other craftsmen can't do it, but this material is indeed quite rare in Elradia, you can take a look. "

Only then did Luna shift her gaze to those gold ornaments. These gold ornaments were indeed different. They were different from the Eladia jewelry she had seen before. Under the sun, they were white and transparent, almost crystal, and only the center part was golden and shiny. .

Luna held up a simple polished pendant, and secretly said to the black dragon: "Caesar, look at this, it's very similar to your eyes."

This pendant is oval in shape, with an almond-shaped center, and strands of gold threads diffuse around like mist, like ink colors that smudge in water.

Caesar looked at it and couldn't help but smile: "How do you sell this pendant?"

"Six hundred gold."

"So expensive?" Luna was taken aback. Although she was in the royal court, she still had a certain concept of money, so she looked it over carefully after listening.

"I'm not going to lie to you, this pendant is not made by us, it is in the hands of Veloster natives, and the master who later identified it said that its material is the best in this batch, and the core inside is completely formed naturally. , complete and beautiful, if you want to buy something like this besides it, it will be hard to find if you have money." The businessman pointed to the golden benevolence that was the size of corn and explained.

"Caesar, can I buy it?" Luna asked in a low voice, "I want to leave it to Odin."

Just as Caesar was about to agree, he thought about it, and then suddenly asked, "Can I use the Black Wing Coupon to buy it?"

The young businessman was taken aback. The Black Wing Coupons issued by the Imperial Bank were quite popular in the Empire and even in the entire north. Their Buckridge Trading Company also helped people exchange Black Wing Coupons. There were quite a few people who exchanged Black Wing Coupons for gold coins. However, it is still relatively rare to directly use black wing coupons for shopping and consumption, and maybe even the kings of the Northern Empire can do this.

After thinking for a while, the businessman still smiled and agreed.

After buying the pendant and handing it to Luna, Caesar did not leave immediately. The innate intuition of dragons drove him to linger. The black dragon sniffed and walked past those exquisite gold ornaments. The afternoon sun shone In the floating dust, he looked gentle and lazy. He left the display area of ​​the finished gold jewelry, and the light yellow gold stone cast a translucent round shadow.

"Sir, in order to meet the needs of personal preferences, we have reserved a lot of unpolished materials for selection. Are you interested in these?" The young businessman followed him.

Caesar shook his head and continued to analyze. While scanning his eyes, he found something that attracted him in an inconspicuous corner.

He pointed to a jade-like, irregular black stone and said, "That thing looks good, can you show me it?"

"This?" The young businessman brought the black stone with a smile: "Don't look at this thing that I threw in the corner, but it is very attractive. Before you, many powerful customers asked to see this thing. It was decided that it was expensive, but in the end, no one bought it.”

"Why?" Caesar asked.

"This is something brought back directly from Veloster. The guests value it because it is light in weight and hard in texture. But it will be broken if it bears too much force, and it cannot be melted, so it cannot be shaped. .” The businessman said: “After you understand it, you will find that this thing is of no practical use at all.”

"Can't be cast or shaped? Are you sure?"

"I'm the one who set up a stall. I can't be sure. This is the official statement of the Imperial Research Institute. Many magicians' guilds have also studied it. In the end, everyone's statement is basically the same." The merchant handed over the black stone with both hands: "This piece Just treat it as a gift from me, if you are interested, you can take it back and have a look."

"Do you have many of these things?" Caesar looked at it and asked.

"That's not true. This is something from the native tribe of Veloster. Most of it was taken away by the empire at the beginning. Now that the research institute has proved that it is really useless, the control has been relaxed a lot. Let us Buckridge There is a chance to get some."

"Yeah." Caesar nodded, and led Luna away from Xicheng District. After all, the businessman knew very little, so he had to ask the goblins in the research institute about the specific situation later.

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