Black Dragon Code

Chapter 479 Garen, Prince of Poisonous Fire

The land outside Karetan has been plowed, and the burnt crops are used as fertilizer. The female slaves are in charge of cutting the weeds. A team of bulls is plowing the field by the woods, and more than 30 people are guarding the side with axes.

When Garen's troops came to the tribe, all the people and animals fled back to the tribe, the gate of the tribe was closed tightly, and the shooting port of the sentry tower was filled with arrows.

"Are you sure this is one of us? Is that how they welcome me?" Garen asked in the distance, turning his head.

"They didn't see you, Your Highness," said Ser Kairos, who was leading the way, and he called forward, "Blow the horn."

So the troops blew the trumpet of Calietan.

"This is the only castle in the entire East of Veloster." Kailos said: "During the wars in the past few years, Calietan has changed hands many times. The natives looted it twice, and we burned it once. Those stupid people The natives also seem to know the importance of this place, and the competition for this castle is particularly fierce. The soldiers stationed here are the most vigilant, and they will not open the city gate easily without hearing the horn."

Garen looked at the jet-black flame-stained black-winged flag flying at the top of the city, and the city gate slowly opened. The gate was newly cast, and the freshly felled oak boards were reinforced with rivets. After repairing, although the dark stone is silently telling the fire of the past, time and rain will always wash away the traces.

"This place can't accommodate my troops." Garen took a few glances, and ordered his followers: "Set up camp under the city wall, dig trenches, place pickets, and build a fire barrier for the armored troops. Do it right away."

"Unless inspired by the gods, I don't believe those native pigs would dare to mess with us." Blackia said indifferently, "We are invincible."

"Because of this, they are more likely to take risks." Before clarifying the strength and scope of activities of the surrounding indigenous tribes, Garen did not intend to take the slightest risk.

"Dig trenches and build isolation zones." He emphasized again.

In fact, the army is not as invincible as Blackia said. As the attack deepened, the indigenous resistance not only failed, but became stronger and stronger. Even the iron-like armored troops suffered from ambushes Hit hard.

Garen found that in this world, there was no difference between him and Blackia and the beast except for intelligence. The dragon language magic and innate ability that he was once proud of were completely useless, and even flying was as difficult as reaching the sky. During the battle, he felt deeply powerless, and in the end, he had to cover the retreat of the armored troops at the cost of the troglodytes.

After that, Garen understood that the war on this continent was completely different from that of Elradia, and the individual combat power of the empire was completely suppressed.

On the contrary, in the recent wars, there was information about the use of extraordinary abilities by the natives, so Garen became more and more careful, cautious, and cautious at every step.

After checking the troops, Garen stepped into the city gate with his flying dragon entourage.

"It's like a toy town," Blackia said.

"You can't measure it by the standard of the empire. For our family, other castles in the world are small." Gallon explained to her, sighing: "Now that you think about it, Al Torrenzo is really powerful. "

"That guy is a monster, from another world." Blacksia glanced at him: "He's about to turn into a plutonium dragon now. I didn't dare to look at him last time I saw him. Do you compare with him?"

"No comparison." Garen chuckled twice: "His ambition is greater than all the chromatic dragons. In my case, I just need to follow you."

"Back then, if I had listened to you and hadn't followed Caesar in a shameless manner." Blackia sighed: "At that time I thought you were stupid, but in fact I was stupid. Who would have thought that he could go so far, Look at his current enemies, they are the Unfallen Empire, the gods, and the Mother of Dragons! Sometimes when I think about it, I tremble with fear, once he fails, none of us will end well."

"It's okay, didn't you say that he is going to become a plutonium dragon soon, he is not afraid of gods." Garen said comfortingly.

Inside the city walls, crossbowmen patrolled the battlements, all wearing horned helmets and black and gray costumes of the empire. After the two giant dragons entered the castle, the commander stationed in Calentanburg quickly came to greet them.

"His Royal Highness, please forgive us for not being well prepared. To be honest, after the last time we encountered an indigenous siege, our intelligence line with the rear has been cut off, and we have not received any news of your impending arrival." The commander is very thin, The black robe was wrapped around his bony thighs, and he saluted Gallon.

"I won't stay for long." Garen said, "What's your name? Commander."

"Otomo, at your service, Your Highness."

"The rear area has been cleaned up. We have built seven large strongholds along the way. Your communication can now be restored." Gallon said, "I need the information on the front that you have inquired about. I will sort it out later and hand it over to my servants. How many indigenous tribes are there?"

"A lot."

The commander said: "But these tribes are not of one mind. Even though they knew of our existence, they were still engaged in cruel tribal wars among themselves. Some time ago, the scouts reported that they found a neighboring tribe. My adjutant and I immediately took three hundred People went to clear it up, but when we arrived, we found that except for the fence, the entire tribe no longer existed, and there were bones and ashes everywhere. Someone else was one step ahead of us, killing everyone, and women...Your Highness, you can’t I believed that what those natives would do to women made me want to vomit at the time, these bastards really shouldn't live in this world."

"No, we need these natives. Commander Otomo, you have to understand that the power of the other side of the empire alone cannot maintain the rule of Veloster for a long time."

Garen shook his head calmly: "I'm very satisfied with the status quo of these tribes. We can just take this opportunity to reformulate the rules and use the aborigines to rule the aborigines. That's what my elder brother did when he occupied the northern kingdoms. The privileges of the Northlanders who pledged their allegiance to themselves expanded the territory of the Blackwing lords, re-established the rules to make the people cheer, and finally people fell to the Blackwings without any second thoughts. To this day, humans still regard the Black Dragon Emperor as a foreign race , but he is content with his rule, devoted all his heart and soul to his allegiance, and tried his best to maintain the operation of the Black Wing rules.”

The commander's face was flushed, because his father did exactly that. He mustered up his courage and argued: "That's because His Majesty the Emperor is just and great. His Majesty saved the former miserable life of the people in the Northland. The rules he made are consistent with The law is not empty talk, it is infinitely better than the original lords who only knew how to exploit and enslave the people, and the people of the Northland naturally support him."

"You seem to understand?"

Garen glanced at the small human in front of him and smiled: "If these aborigines can't support us like the people in the North support my brother, the empire's rule will not be peaceful after all, unless all the aborigines are killed. And what I have to do now , is to help Al Torrenzo spread the brilliance of the black wings to every corner of Veloster."

When everyone retreated and only Garen himself was left, he scratched his head: "But I really don't know how to do it. After all, the indigenous tribes here are different from those in the northern countries back then. I have to write to ask Al Torrenzo."

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