Black Dragon Code

Chapter 512 Heart of the Ocean (3)

The unprecedented scale of the pirate group was defeated in one fell swoop.

The Black Wing Empire is not without information on the skull flags from the south. Black Bena, Fury, and Bad Woman are all pirate throne ships that people in the south and even the middle of the country are familiar with. It can be said that he is famous, even if he is in the Northland, he knows very well who his opponent is just now.

In the past, anyone who could defeat or even repel a pirate king would be a big event worthy of his bragging, but it is different now, he is now the commander-in-chief of the Navy Department of the Black Wing Empire, and he was ordered by the Black Emperor Ordered to conquer Veloster, holding the most powerful naval fleet in the world today, Klondor's vision has long been no longer limited to trivial matters with pirates, but focused on national-level competition .

The kingdom of the deep sea has arrived.

In fact, they have long been lurking underwater and waiting quietly. Perhaps in their view, pirates are just irrelevant cannon fodder, or perhaps these alien races like to watch humans kill each other. In short, they have never assisted pirates in launching attacks on the Northern Fleet , until the entire army of the pirate group was wiped out and only the wreckage remained, the Sea Clan finally took action.

"Captain, something is attacking the bottom of our ship."

No need to report, Klondor himself felt it. There was a ding ding dong dong sound from the bottom of the stable Imperial Grip main ship, like the muffled sound of metal colliding with each other underwater.

"There is no breath of life detected around the fleet." The technician operating the magic guidance system reported.

"Swordfish school." Kelendo pondered. Before the Northern Fleet sailed, Caesar gave them a copy of the Abyssal State information from Corky, which marked some common sea species.

The underwater long-range attack made Krendo immediately think of the spearfish. It is the archer of the deep sea country. It can spray bone spurs about one meter in length from its head. According to the records, it can easily penetrate the tiger shark. The body is amazingly powerful.

"Prepare to launch 'jellyfish'." Kelendo ordered.

"Jellyfish" is the name given by the Black Emperor. It is a new type of weapon manufactured by the Northern Empire in order to gain supremacy at sea. It is made of an enchanted copper shell and iron frame. The first generation is about ten meters in size and looks like a floating jellyfish. There is a ballast water tank inside so that it can carry people to work underwater. Through the horizontal and vertical propeller movement, several high-explosive bombs can be mounted as weapons.

"The personnel on each ship are in place, the inspection work has been completed, the jellyfish are in good condition, there is no life reaction around the fleet, and the seawater is stable. The jellyfish can be released. Repeat, the jellyfish can be released." The technician's quiet voice.

"I'm Klondor.

"Clondo started the communication with the fleet: "I ordered all the ships to open the magic barrier and drop jellyfish. "

On the magnificent sea, the array of northern fleets opened their magic barriers for the first time, and dark light curtains were released from the magic power cores of the ships, and finally connected together.

At the same time, after using the magic barrier to block the spearfish's bone spur attack, the diving chambers at the bottom of each ship opened, as if the jellyfish loaded with heavy loads instantly fell into the black deep sea, and white bubbles could be seen gushing out from the sides of the ship , which is the air released after the sealed compartment where the jellyfish was originally located was opened.

"What are they doing?"

In the distance, Xier Kanas, who was staying on the head of the giant sea monster Prodolk, narrowed his eyes, "Swordfish's attack should not be able to penetrate the armor of those ships, why release the magic barrier."

The legendary eyesight allowed her to see the bubbles rising up on both sides of the ship. After thinking about it, Hill Kanas lightly poked a finger on Prodolke's head, communicating with the fish school with her mind : "I suspect that humans have launched some kind of unknown attack, and the swordfish school retreats temporarily, allowing the armored whales to lean up and take a look."


"The depth is 35 meters, the situation is stable, and the jellyfish a-13 is working normally." Mino glanced at the display panel and reported to the courier he was docking with.

"Got it, please continue to dive."


He looked up through the observation window on the top, and he could only see the dark bottom of the frigate "Shuo Feng", surrounded by blue-black sea water, the last light was concentrated on the flashing lights of the deep diving cabin, the faint light seemed to come from an hourglass Projected down from the center, the "jellyfish" sank like an hourglass, and finally even the glimmer of light disappeared completely. At the moment when it sank into the darkness, Mino couldn't help shivering.

"It doesn't feel good." He muttered to himself.

As one of the first batch of deep divers, Mino has manipulated the jellyfish a-13 for many trial dives, and none of them failed. However, the feeling brought by the real sinking into the deep sea in an unknown area is not the same as It's completely different when trying to dive. When the surroundings were completely plunged into darkness, he could no longer see anything, and everything in the world was leaving him, only the icy sea water and the strange fish surrounding him ready to devour him were left. It's torture, it's suffocating.

If it is discovered by the sea tribe, can the jellyfish block the attack of those sea tribe? Mino thought, can't stop it? He suddenly became a little scared, and even had a mentality of planning to run away.

At this moment, Mino finally understood what the Black Emperor said to the Red Lotus goblin—"This deep submersible is far from enough, we need faster, bigger and bigger ones that can compete with Titan-class warships, or even unmanned ships." The meaning of "a deep submersible that is comparable to the Juggernaut-class warships that have appeared", presumably only in such a deep submersible can one be fearless against monsters in the deep sea, right?

But, what does such a deep submersible look like?

Mino couldn't imagine it.

Amidst the sound of mechanical operation and whistling air, and in his wild thoughts, the time passed bit by bit, and the depth of the jellyfish had reached hundreds of meters. At this time, the indicator light of the workbench suddenly flickered.

"A-13 has detected a school of fish with strong energy reaction. It is huge in size. It is initially judged to be a sea family. The number is unknown. Now report the location..." Mino immediately connected to the communication office and said in a hurry. In the cold and dead deep sea, an accident occurred. Instead, it became a surprise.

"Received. Please take concealment measures, continue to observe, and wait for other jellyfish to be in place."

Before the order was issued, Mino had already activated the cloaking device, the jellyfish a-13 was completely muted, and at the same time the cloaking runes on the surface took effect and merged with the sea water.

"They are cruising in an orderly manner, and seem to be looking for something." Mino reported.

"We're searching for 'jellyfish'." The voice of Captain Klendo came directly into the submersible. "It was my mistake. There was a mistake in a certain point, which made the other party realize that we had dropped something."

Almost at the moment when Krendo's voice fell, Mino saw that one of the dense signal lights on the control console of A-13 went out. It was the emergency communication light between the jellyfish, and someone disconnected it.

Was it discovered? Mino thought.

Soon, a new order came from the communication office: "Please note that jellyfish have been discovered, and a large number of sea people are approaching your area, immediately go up, the fleet will drop depth charges in five minutes to clean the water, repeat, all The jellyfish immediately floated up and left..."

The order was interrupted by a piercing siren, and the superimposed holographic projection screens appeared around Mino, densely packed red dots were approaching the jellyfish a-13, and the plane section showed that just on the same horizontal plane, There are three red dots that are moving towards this position.

"Damn it." Mino punched the console, modified the settings, and floated up at full speed.

Although the jellyfish is the first generation product of the Black Wing Empire, it does not mean that it is a crude, rough and inferior product. On the contrary, even from the perspective of Caesar ahead of the times, the "jellyfish" that combines industrial technology and magic alchemy is also A fairly complete underwater weapon, as long as the driver operates it properly, a few armored whales can pose little threat.

For example, now, Mino dropped a high-explosive bomb, which slowly floated towards the surrounding armored whale, and detonated it in its lower jaw. Vague, utterly dead.

According to estimates, jellyfish a-13 will arrive at the protection range of the frigate "Shuofeng" in four minutes and return safely.

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