Chapter 97—Director of the Forest Farm

Mrs. Mariah returned to the kingdom, and Claude's life should be restored to the same as before, going to school and going home to stay in the small attic. But when Mrs. Maria was leaving, she entrusted the forest farm to Claude, and even the Liner Siori had to wait for Claude's instructions. After thinking about it, Claude decided to go home and tell his parents, lest they worry.

There are two horses in the stable, one is an old horse, and the character is docile. The name is Tony. The other is the big black horse, which is the black horse that was shocked on the mountain road and pulled the carriage almost to the foot of the mountain. The name is Black Jamie. It was abandoned by Lu Dean butler in the forest farm because of the shocking horse accident that did not find the reason.

There are two carriages on the outside of the stables. One is a plate model and there is no cover on it. This old carriage is usually seen by the Liner Siori couple who used the old Matoni to go to the town to buy and sell.

The other is a small double carriage. Although there is a carriage, this carriage is getting on and off. It is the carriage that Claude took when she first saw Mrs. Maria, the Ludean butler went to the old pub in the town. The car that buys food. Mrs. Maria sometimes went to the town to use this carriage and kept a low profile. Now the carriage is used by Claude.

Claude wanted to ride Black Majme back home, but thought about the need to bring some clothes and equipment from home, so I put the little horse-drawn carriage on the black Majmi, and said to the forester Siori. I drove home in a carriage.

At home, my mother and my younger brother, Blowk, and the little snow dog, I haven't seen Claude for more than half a month. The little fat Coke is broken. I am clinging to Claude and let him play with him for a morning until after lunch. I had to go to nap before I put Claude. Speaking briefly with the mother about life in the forest during this time, Claude returned to her little attic and began to sort out the things to bring with him.

Claude In addition to a few pieces of clothing and some living utensils such as towel cups, there are not many things to take away. Of course, about the diary of the Rands Master, the notebook and the stone fine scorpion and the bag of Sullivan gold coins he must take away. These things were originally hidden under the bed, but they were worried that they would not live in the small attic in the future. If the mother came up with a whim, she found that the stone scorpion and the bag of gold coins were bad, and they had to stir their brains. Excuses to perfuse, it is better to take away better.

By the way, there are three magic items from the shop in Wakri that are also taken away. Claude grinned, and she regretted it. She knew that she would take these three things to the forest farm to let Mrs. Maria look at what kind of magic item it was. It is a pity that Mrs. Maria is gone now, and these three things can only be left behind and they are slowly pondering.

Claude quickly took a big bag and collected the things he had to take away. He took it downstairs and put it in the restaurant. He decided to go back to the forest farm after eating at night. He went to the school directly from the forest farm tomorrow. After school, I will go back to the forest farm directly. After all, Mrs. Maria May entrusted him to guard the forest farm, so it is his duty to go to the forest to go to school every day.

Then Claude drove out of the carriage and went to the open-air feed store to buy some oatmeal and black beans to feed the black Majmi, and chatted with the owner of the feed shop and saved a few eggs to fight in black beans. Mix and feed the horse. After Black Jami had enough to eat and drink, Claude took it to the well and washed it before driving home in the carriage.

In the evening, Mr. Morssen returned to his home on time and saw Claude in the restaurant. He did not say anything. Just as Claude was ready to tell him about his future stay in the forest, Mr. Morssen waved his hand and called Claude in front of him.

"I know your business."Mr. Morssen said.

Claude's fog, I haven't said anything yet, you know? what do you know? Fortunately, Mr. Morssen's next question is a good answer to his question.

"Mrs. Marya wrote a letter to me this morning. She told me that she would go back to the king. However, your caretaker work is very satisfying to her. In view of the fact that the Linerian Siori couple is old and weak, she decided to continue to hire you as a guard of the forest farm. The monthly salary is three silver thale. ”

Mr. Morssen paused and smiled and shook his head: "I was promoted to the position of executive in the past to reach the salary of the three silver thale every month. You have even had such a high-paying job even if you have not graduated from the country. People are more popular than people…"

Pointing at the big bag on the ground, Mr. Morssen asked: "Is this something you want to bring to the forest farm?"

Claude nodded. "Yes, there are some of my clothes inside. The weather is getting cold, so I am a little bit more. The forest farm is a bit cold in the morning. There are also my books and exercise books, and I am going to go back to school tomorrow. "

Mr. Morssen took out his beloved black mulberry ivory mouth from his pocket and said, "You are also a monthly salaryman, and Mrs. Maria Baron attached a letter to me." Zhang ten’s golden ticket, let me give you a salary on the 15th of every month. You also have money now. If you have time to buy a wicker suitcase and put your luggage, it is more convenient to look at the big bag than you do. ”

Claude wanted to give herself a slap, and if it wasn't for his father's reminder, he really didn't expect to buy the wicker box for travel. I knew that I would buy one when I went to the open-air market in the town to feed Black Majmi. This box made of slender wicker and woven with sheepskin wraps and linings has always been known for its light and durable clothes. It is a must-have item for travellers. I heard that it is not enough to be used as a life-saving box. Not expensive, it is about one or two silver thale.

But now, even if it is a refugee-like big bag, when he goes back, he throws it in the carriage, and no one can see it. The wicker box waits for the father to pay for himself on the fifteenth day and then buy it later, saving him from finding himself. There is still a lot of money around.

"Mr. Maria Baron looks very important to you, and I don't know which one of you is being seen by her."Mr. Morssen continued with a little embarrassment: "Mr. Maria Baron said in the letter that you can continue to school until graduation, and everything in the forest farm is up to you. She is entrusting the forest farm to you for management. Don't let down her trust, understand? ”

Claude nodded and said that he was clear. However, the mother who served the dishes on the table was reluctant to leave Claude to live in the forest farm. After a while, it was nothing more than to dress warmly. Claude found that the eyes of Albert, who had been sitting there silently, revealed a hateful look that seemed to be dissatisfied with Claude's favor of Mrs. Maria.

"In the past few days, I was studying pharmacy with Mrs. Maria in the forest. She said that I am very talented to be a pharmacist."Claude felt that he should find an excuse for Mrs. Maria's favor and save some dark people from chewing on the back.

So it isMr. Morssen suddenly realized: "Now I have some regrets that you are ready to send you to join the army after graduation. If you can get Mrs. Maria Baron, you may not need to be a soldier. It will be a good choice to become a pharmacist. It's a pity that you are too late to study. The annual pharmacist exam is in November, and it is too late for you to register one month earlier. ”

The pharmacist's qualification exam is only once a year, and the three southwestern counties are no exception. It is said that every exam is very strict. In addition to the written knowledge of a large amount of medicinal materials and pathological research, applicants need to pass three levels. These three levels are to distinguish between medicinal materials and medicinal materials, to refine and synthesize five primary remedies on the spot, and finally to diagnose patients and record their treatment plans.

There are a lot of people who apply for each exam, but there are very few people who have successfully promoted to a junior pharmacist. Being a pharmacist in Kingdom can get a lot of benefits, such as not needing to enter the military, even if the army wants to recruit pharmacists to treat the wounded. At the same time, to ensure the safety of the pharmacist, it is not allowed to send it to the front line and so on.

But for Claude, it was really too late. Everyone knows that becoming a pharmacist not only requires a lot of time to memorize those medicines and pathology, but also requires practical ability. Treating herbs and refining synthetics is not that simple, and it takes a long period of training and practice to do so. Claude is just beginning to learn pharmacy, so Mr. Morssen is also very sorry.

After dinner, Claude took the big bag and got on the carriage to get back to the forest. It was very simple to say goodbye to his parents. As for Albert, the goods entered his own room early, and he did not care about Claude. And sister Anna and her younger brother Blowk were reluctant to leave Claude, even the little snow dog biting Claude's trousers and not letting him go. Claude had to make a few wishes and promised to come back to see them before they got out of the car. The carriage left.

Back to the forest farm is almost eight o'clock in the evening, watching the Lin people Siori couple still waiting for Claude's return on the lawn in front of the villa. This was the morning before Claude made an appointment with them. Now the forest farm is dominated by Claude, and the Sisters can only wait.

Claude stopped the carriage and Siori quickly pulled forward to pull the black Majme and prepare to remove it from the carriage.

"Wait a minute, Uncle Siori, I will go to the room and put things in the carriage. You will pull the carriage to the back yard."Claude jumped from the carriage and said.

"Do you want to clean up the room? You are not living? ”Siori is a bit puzzled.

"Well, I don't live in the room, I am going to close the main house, and I will live in the back yard."

The manor house in Normanley Forest is said to have been designed by a famous architect of Wangdu. The main house is white and divided into two floors. There are two master bedrooms, six rooms, three maids, one hall and one hall. Large kitchen with a large dining room and two utility rooms.

Now that Mrs. Maria and the butler Lu Dean have left, Claude, who lives alone in such a big house, feels uncomfortable and decided to move and close the main house. Anyway, it was done before. .

Behind the main house is a large yard. On the left is a row of two-storey building. This is the warehouse and the servant room. The coachman, who was brought by Mrs. Maria, originally lived here, and there is a forester, Siori. The couple, now the coachman Wien also went back to the king, and there are two people from the Siori couple.

Claude certainly wouldn't live with the Siori couple. He chose the opposite of the building, separated by a two-story cabin about 20 meters away. Mrs. Maria said that the log cabin was the earliest building in the forest. Later, when the main house was built, it was rebuilt to re-establish a memorial, and Claude was taken in to let Claude perform the magic hand to clean the cabin.

At that time, Claude liked the cabin, because the small roof of the cabin was suitable for him to practice meditation in the moonlight. Originally, he wanted to move in the past few days. Later, Mrs. Maria said that she would wait for her to leave Claude and move again. Because the main house was too big and Claude moved away, it would be even more deserted…

"You want to live here, Master Claude?"Siori looked at the cabin and asked.

"Well," Claude nodded. "Uncle Siori, I will call my name in the future. I am not a young master. Also, I have to go to school tomorrow, and I will come back after school in the afternoon. Everything in the forest farm is still the same, and your husband and wife are responsible. If there are things you can't solve, find me again, ok? ”

"Okay, Claude supervisor."Siori said.

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