Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 88 Negotiation

Xihe Technology's special press conference has finally come to an end.

After Zhang Zhai exited, Hua Menglian came on stage and organized guests and media to exit.

There was no place for the media reporters to arrange dinner and rest, so the media could only leave on their own.

As for the media reporters, they didn't have any intentions and continued to stay here.

One is more anxious than the other in my heart, and I run faster than the other, after all, news waits for no one.

Most of these media reporters came here through the company's helicopter, so they came from some very powerful media.

For example, CCTV and the like, some gossip entertainment media and small self-media are stuck by this rigid condition, so they can only watch the live broadcast of other media like ordinary viewers.

"buzz buzz"

The sound of the helicopter propeller turning broke the silence of this desert.

One after another, the helicopters took off from the flat ground next to the venue, then rushed to the night sky and disappeared under the night sky.

After Zhang Zhai stepped down from the rostrum, he left the venue and returned to the resting place in the camp.

However, within a few steps, he was stopped by someone.

It is completely wrong to say that it was intercepted, but...

Today, the three members of the Spike Team, Lizard, Chameleon, and Tengu, who were personally protecting him, confronted a dozen people who stood in his way.

"Who is it!" Tengu raised his gun, aimed at the figure in front of him, and shouted loudly.

Both the lizard and the chameleon closed their distance and approached Zhang Zhai, cautiously guarding against possible dangers.

Under the moonlight, the two teams were ten meters apart, and they could only vaguely see the figure of the person, but they couldn't see the person coming.

Zhang Zhai frowned. Looking at the figures of more than ten people in front of him, he felt a little familiar.

He took a closer look, relying on the faint moonlight and the brain power brought by his powerful observation ability.

Then, he couldn't help but smile, it turned out to be them.

"Who! Answer immediately! Otherwise, we will shoot at our own risk!" Tiangou roared sharply. It was his task to protect Zhang Zhai. If these people approached again, he would shoot immediately without hesitation.

The dozen or so figures that were approaching on the opposite side immediately stopped in place.

Zhang Zhai had already seen who was coming, and said to the three people who were waiting in a relaxed tone: "There is no danger, don't be nervous, this is an acquaintance, put down the gun."



When the three of them heard Zhang Zhai's order, they immediately put down their guns and took them back.

However, he still stared at the group of figures with sharp eyes.

Zhang Zhai believed that as long as the opponent made any abnormal movements, Tiangou and the others would be able to shoot the opponent.

Zhang Zhai turned his head, looked at the dozen or so figures opposite, and shouted, "Mr. Lei, Mr. Ren, and Mr. Li, are you guys?"

"Hey! Zhang is always us!" The answering voice was a bit old but majestic.

If you hear me right, it should be Ren Zhengfei who is answering.

Seeing Zhang Zhai's side and confirming their identities, they approached this side again.

As they approached slowly, Zhang Zhai gradually saw the dozen or so people clearly.

Sure enough, it was Lei Jun, Ren Zhengfei, Li Yanhong, Cao Shan, the boss of BYD, and some bodyguards around them.

Zhang Zhai looked at several people, and these people had different expressions on their faces, some were smiling, some were silent, or their steps were relaxed.

And Ren Zhengfei and others, when they walked in, also began to look at Zhang Zhai.

Zhang Zhai's face was a little green, although he was handsome, he still looked like a student.

This made Ren Zhengfei and others have an idea in their hearts: It is true that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and one generation is stronger than the other.

Afterwards, Ren Zhengfei turned his attention to the three people around Zhang Zhai, and saw that he was actually holding a gun in his hand. The black muzzle of the gun made them shrink their eyes immediately, feeling the threat, and they were inevitably terrified. He glanced at it, and the meaning was self-evident: the higher-ups really take him seriously enough, and the bodyguards are all equipped with guns.

Obviously they misunderstood the identities of Tengu and others.

Others may not be able to see the changes in the expressions on the faces of Ren Zhengfei and others, but Zhang Zhai can see them clearly.

He just ignored what happened just now, he smiled, deliberately pretended to be stupid, and said in confusion: "Mr. Run here and wait for me?"

Ren Zhengfei smiled, and continued Zhang Zhai's words calmly: "Mr. Zhang is really smart. The few of us really made a special trip to come in front of you to block you."

You're so smart, Zhang Di smiled secretly, even a fool can see that you have something on your mind.

Zhang Zhai showed a more puzzled expression on his face, "Is there anything you need to ask me? They are all my seniors. If you have anything to say, why don't you just say it?"

Ren Zhengfei smiled, not as serious as usual, but like a good old man, and didn't directly confront him.

Seeing this, Lei Jun stood up and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhang must know our purpose in his heart. Look, can we talk in detail in another place?"

Hearing the words, Zhang Zhai looked at the crowd and pondered for a moment.

"Okay, then everyone, come with me." Zhang Zhai didn't make any detours, and led everyone to the camp.

Walking to the gate of the camp, Ren Zhengfei and others fell behind Zhang Zhai and started communicating in low voices.

"Hehe, it seems that the higher authorities don't attach great importance to this young man."

"A genius needs to be treated like a genius. If he is willing to come to Xiaomi, I am willing to give up the position of president to him."

"Indeed, talents are rare, and geniuses are even more rare..."

Even though the communication of the few people behind was very quiet, Zhang Zhai could still hear it clearly.

However, he remained calm, as if he didn't hear it.

How can I say this kind of compliment from a boss? It's cool, but... and then, it doesn't make much sense.

Finally, a group of five people walked into the temporary meeting room where Zhang Zhai and Hua Menglian usually discuss matters.

"The environment is a bit rough, I hope senior bosses don't mind." Zhang Zhai said politely.

"Hehe, Mr. Zhang, you also know that the environment is simple. This place is much better than the previous press conference." Ren Zhengfei made a small joke.

Zhang Zhai responded with a smile: "This is not the start of a new company, the conditions are indeed a bit difficult, if there is any negligence, I hope Haihan."

"You can't say that, this is a humble room, but my Dexin, although the environment is a bit simple, but with Mr. Zhang, a genius like you, you can shine everywhere." This is what Li Yanhong said.

"Where is it?" Zhang Zhai said with a polite smile on his face.

"At the venue just now, I couldn't see clearly from a distance, but now that I got closer, I realized that Mr. Zhang is really a young talent." Cao Shan sincerely praised.

"It's true that blue comes from blue and is better than blue. When I was Mr. Zhang's age, I was still doing nothing all day long." Lei Jun also boasted.

"Where, where..."

Zhang Di felt that his face was going to freeze from laughing,

"You are all my seniors. I'm just a late learner. I still want you seniors to learn more and learn a lot."

"Hey... Excessive modesty is pride. Mr. Zhang, you can pass by being so modest..."

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Zhai felt his face hurt from laughing, and he cursed inwardly: Everyone is an old fox, after talking about it for a long time, they couldn't get to the point.

He felt that if this went on like this, half an hour later, they would still be chatting.

These old foxes are really calm in order to fight for the initiative in the negotiation.

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