Wang Hao was carefully looking at the feedback of some instructions, and was gradually understanding some of the situation of this transit base. He could not help but held his hands, touched his chin, and murmured while watching the situation in front of him

"Energy ... It seems that I am still working on a new energy harvesting device and turning it on all the energy absorption devices."

It must be said that after Wang Hao started the replication simulation, he mastered the interstellar lingua franca, so he quickly took advantage of the corrosiveness of the core database and took the whole as an opportunity to use the entire base alarm system, central control system, Weapon systems have been corroded.

After Wang Hao mastered the entire transit base, he was slightly relieved and was ready to turn to improve his energy.

Because when he wanted to come in before, the energy of the continuous attack has already been reduced to below 1%.

After understanding the energy absorption device, Wang Hao instantly updated his research direction of science and technology, thus adding a new technology research, that is, technology that absorbs free energy.

This energy absorption device is really too advanced and gave him a lot of inspiration, but he knows that he is too far away from this technology, and he certainly cannot achieve such a level as this base.

Can be considered to solve a big problem, so that he has a research direction, the energy supplement of transit manufacturing.

This transit base gave him a deeper understanding of Interstellar.

In the process of understanding, Wang Hao also realized something.

That is the cosmic-level energy block ... This energy block is hierarchical, and the method of making it is extremely complicated, requiring multiple energy compressions. During the production process, if you are a little careless, it may not be made. It is just as simple as an energy block, but an energy storm. The more advanced the energy block, the finer it is to make, because the power of the explosion is really not small.

However, the formation of each energy block means a huge amount of energy. These energies can be used for exploration in the universe. After all, if you want to get energy supply in the big universe, you can only rely on slow Absorption, only by the speed of absorption, can only be satisfied with normal operation.

Can not support fighting an interstellar war, then the role of the energy block is highlighted.

"Fang Bing, let's go back ... let's go."

Wang Hao glanced at the base. After he mastered the operation of the base's protective cover, he arranged the signal to be docked with the external dragon brain. For the base, it can be said that it is completely in hand.

It may be a long time since he came out, and he wanted to go back to see Su Yu. Another reason is that he wanted to try to make a new energy absorption device, and put the content he parsed out into reality.

In fact, Wang Hao is just mastering a principle. There is not much technological content here, let him learn directly, because he is more certain that this is a transit base for escape. If you think about it, it is unlikely to appear. Special technical information.

Is he able to analyze the energy absorption device, or is it because he took it apart and carefully looked at it step by step to analyze the principle, but the protective cover is different, the protective cover is completely a part of the central control system, and once he removes the protection The formation of the hood, it may face the invasion of seawater.

He would n’t do such a stupid thing. He thought about it seriously. There were four things that made him have research value. One is weapons. Weapon in Wang Hao ’s heart, the status is the most important. He used some time. , He directly carried out some analysis.

Weapons are the least of the four kinds of research. After all, he sees that this weapon seems to be placed temporarily, and it is regarded as a low-level weapon of the Norskii. The difficulty of research is not in Wang Hao. Under any burden, the electromagnetic field is directly used for analysis, and some materials cannot be analyzed, so it is violently disassembled. Look at the structure inside and disassemble these weapons. He has no burden at all.

The second-to-last is the energy absorption device, which is actually the protective cover.

As for the last one, of course, the interstellar transmission technology, Wang Hao has no idea to directly disassemble it, because this interstellar transmission door, in case it was broken by him ... I will study it myself, I do n’t know if it will take decades , Even for hundreds of years.

Although Wang Hao has the idea of ​​research, he still has the basic judgment, because he still wants to see if this interstellar portal, when the energy reaches 80%, try to see if it can be opened.

"Good ..."

After hearing Wang Hao's words, Fang Bing was delighted. He stayed here for more than a month, and had already been a little annoyed. He was not like Wang Hao, who studied every day.

He has no research ability, and it is completely boring to watch Wang Hao study here, but he still can't bear it.

Therefore, when Wang Hao proposed to go back, he was very happy on his face.

"Then let's go ..."

Wang Hao took a deep look at the transit base. The name of this base has not been modified. He has always followed the name taken by the Norski race.

He looked at the base, and he could already judge in his heart. What can be cracked by him at present is the energy absorption device.

Protective cover, he can only study step by step, analyze the principle, and the same is true for the last interstellar portal.

After looking at it, Wang Hao walked out of the protective cover without looking back, and flew up towards the sea. After reaching the sea, he confirmed the direction and flew back toward the island without hesitation.


"This is actually an advanced energy block ... This shows that this earth star has been visited by advanced civilizations. However, in terms of the development of earth stars, it seems that it has not been affected by higher civilizations ..."

Goth took an energy block with a streamer on his face, and a look of surprise appeared on his face. Although the strength of the third-hand tribe is not weak, their country can only be regarded as a primary cosmic civilization, because the three-finger tribe is fine. Manufacturing capacity.

There are some races who like to use machinery, and they like to cooperate with the third-hand tribe, because the parts made by the third-hand tribe can pass the running-in period at a nearly non-donated price, which cannot be accomplished by mechanical manufacturing.

Is a special talent of the third-hand tribe. It has an extraordinary understanding of manufacturing acumen. In many civilizations with strong scientific and technological strength, they like workers like the three-finger tribe.

Because the workers of the third-hand tribe ~ ~ means that they can make a space warship or a space weapon. It can make the things made by the three-finger tribe have a longer life and use more. Smooth.

The third-hand clan can become a cosmic force, even the lowest-level cosmic force, precisely because of the manufacturing capacity of the three-finger clan, to work for some civilizations, in exchange for a lot of inferior cosmic technology, so that the third-hand clan , Aspiring people, found an unmanned planet, carried out development, and formed a primary cosmic civilization belonging to the third-hand tribe.

"Goth, what does this mean?"

Brother on the face showed a doubt, the three-finger clan's mental activity is relatively weak, and it is like other three-finger clan, unwilling to use their brains.

"This shows that ... there is still an unmanned remnant of higher civilization in the earth star, because the energy block cannot appear in the earth star out of thin air. If we explore this and give it to the upper level of the clan, Let them find some medium civilizations to replace some technology, what may be exchanged is the promotion of our civilization. "

Gote's face showed a hint of excitement. After thinking about a problem, he became more and more burning ... a flash of anticipation. Although they became a cosmic fugitive, they still had a lot of loyalty to the Three Fingers.

After all, in the universe, you can only protect yourself by your own race or friends of life and death.

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