Black Technology Research and Development Center

Chapter 735: ‘I ’m not as tall as you think’

"The propaganda is not enough. I watched the game of ruins, which has a strong warning effect. It reminds me that the love of the environment is very deep. I believe that it will be the same after you watch it."

Tao Hongguo showed a touch of emotion on his face. He rarely visited the Internet. He looked at the hot discussions on the Internet and felt emotionally. In the face of this meeting, he looked at the other members and said.

"Is it such a bad thing to promote a game with such a force?"

One of the parliamentarians asked in a way that he didn't quite understand.

"No, I can see Wang Hao's intention now. He is borrowing from the ruin game to make a big fuss."

Ye Lao said with a deep meaning, for Wang Hao's attention, no one had paid much more attention than he did, and he saw some ways.

"Lao Ye, can you finish it all at once? If you say half of this, let me think about it. I feel like I have no IQ."

The MP who spoke before listened to Ye Lao's words, the pass of selling, and there was a sense of helplessness on his face. He felt that he had missed something. He heard something in Ye Lao's words, but he couldn't understand it.

"Ha ha." Ye Lao ha ha smiled, looked at Tao Hongguo and asked the other party to explain.

"The copy supported by Comrade You Wang Hao can greatly enhance the sense of belonging between the nation and the country. It also emphasizes solidarity and cooperation, as well as the belief in the protection of the nation. This may be Wang Hao ’s fundamental purpose. Wang Hao I have been struggling for the advancement of this nation and the country. This is a real person who contributes to the country without seeking help. Wang Hao is a true national justice. "

Tao Hongguo was very serious and admired. He thought of Wang Hao's age and many.

Thinking of things that he and his leaders have always wanted to do but failed to accomplish, he let Wang Hao solve it with a game. In the face of a nationally righteous person like Wang Hao, he was also in awe.

"It seems so. I figured it out." The surnamed You, a pat on the thigh, didn't think much about it before, but when he woke up, he instantly realized.

The role of that copy is not the same as the Supreme Leader said, this is a copy that really enhances the sense of national belonging

He has read the hot discussion on the Internet, and now the ethos of Hua Guo has changed unconsciously.

In the past, there were many national pessimists on the Internet, but now, this pessimist has completely disappeared and replaced it. It is an exciting person or thing, all using their own actions to promote The mental outlook of Hua Guo, construction and development.

It is no longer a slogan to fight for the digging up of China, but it has really implemented the lessons from all walks of life, even from college to primary school.

Because the citizens saw a very clear signal, the rapid development of China now is just like the period of liberation at that time.

Nowadays, the improvement of national self-confidence and the promotion of national martial arts have brought the self-confidence of the country and the nation to one, and it makes people seem to see the goals of life, just as the darkness sees the dawn, making people's fighting spirit unprecedentedly powerful.

"Wang Hao is far-sighted and is already cultivating a sense of belonging and guardianship of the nation. Wang Hao is just like a great man of ancient times. He is a true and eternal figure. He combines Wang Hao's experience with the help of the country and the nation. It is the merits of Wang Hao to compile and formulate policies for publicity. We do n’t want to be greedy, but let officials take a look at it.

Tao Hongguo's emotional opening allowed other members of the meeting to share their feelings and unanimously pass on the remarks. Now in Hua Guo, such a situation of unanimous ambition is completely at the hands of Wang Hao.

However, Wang Hao ’s complete greed-free performance convinced the seniors deeply that Wang Hao ’s spirit, the unconditional dedication of the national art to the country, and also gave a lot of technical assistance, even if the spaceship said to send .

When Hua Guo was sincerely committed, Wang Hao looked farther, and now he has begun to cultivate a sense of belonging and guardianship of the nation-state.

And Wang Hao has already begun to implement, this way of doing things without illustrations, so that they have a shame on the face, a little bit more determined.

Perhaps it is precisely the need for more officials like Wang Hao who are as simple as possible and do not seek to benefit from the name, in order to make China develop better. Wang Hao's behavior this time gave them deep reflection.

To be honest, the vast majority of them cannot achieve Wang Hao to such an extent that they only pay for nothing.

If Wang Hao knew his behavior of looking for a coolie and was interpreted so high by the country, he would blush in the presence, sorry

I'm just looking for some coolies, some warriors, and don't think of me as tall as I think I am so great.

If Wang Hao knows that he must have mmp in his heart, this behavior of looking for a coolie can also be interpreted as being so tall that there is absolutely no way to adapt.

Although this copy is indeed the cooperation of the team, and there are some ideas, but Wang Hao's most basic purpose is to find a warrior fighting a fierce beast

Wang Hao looked at the time and fought close to eleven o'clock. Finally he fought the fierce beast for the first time, and slowly retreated.

This made Wang Hao really feel bad.

"Let's rest, get a good night's sleep."

Wang Hao's face showed a trace of exhaustion. If it was purely a player's words, it probably only played for more than ten hours, but he was different. He had been preparing for a long time in the early days.

At that time, Dragon Brain controlled 50,000 mechas and fought against endless beasts. The energy spent in this can be imagined. At this time, I can finally relax.

But Wang Hao was able to sleep peacefully. Wu You, as the strongest defender in this field, he watched the two sides fight back, but his face showed a shocking color. This battle, for them, is really It's too deep.

They are facing large or small source areas all over the world, but they have never planned to attack the source area because they all know that the source area has very terrifying power. After seeing this time, I even know that there are nearly a hundred high-level source beasts in this source. He is fortunate that he has not counterattacked the source, otherwise, there will be death.

To put it bluntly ~ ~ They are very difficult to defend, let alone attack, but now there is a torrent of human steel, and there is a real battle against this one source. .

In his mind, this seems to be completely absent.

"Let's go first."

After Wu You glanced at it, the battlefield was cleaned by the two parties in a tacit understanding, lowering his head for a moment, and raising his head to speak.

He knew that he couldn't stay like this anymore. Yuan Beast obviously suffered a big loss in front of this steel torrent. He was afraid that these Yuan Beasts would be angry with them. Instead of watching the excitement, they would kill the cat with curiosity.

Wu Wu's words were immediately recognized by others, and he did not hesitate to keep up with Wu You's footsteps.

It's just that when everyone left, they took a deep look at the battlefield where the two sides were fighting. A large piece of **** ground, the red blood slowly gathered, a large piece of forest was broken, the ground source of animal blood slowly formed a confluence, toward Going down to the lower terrain, the real blood flowed into a river.

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