Blackstone Code

1795 chance encounter

Chapter 1794 Chance Encounter

Public opinion support is a very influential indicator in the federation.

In fact, it’s not just politicians who have public support, capitalists have it, celebrities have it, and public figures have it too!

Just like Lynch, he also has a group of die-hard supporters.

It's just that the public support of capitalists or others is difficult to monetize support as quickly and at a high rate as politicians can.

Public opinion allows politicians to participate in various elections, win successfully, and get the power they want.

In fact, capitalists and the like can also do similar things, such as calling on everyone to buy their new products.

It’s just that the weighting and multiplier brought by the realization of public opinion support into political power are much higher than the realization ability of other characters.

When a person's level of popular support goes beyond the people's insistence on political stance, it means that this figure may become an important part of the history of the Federation.

If Mr. Trueman's approval rating can exceed 90 percent, he will be the first president in federal history to have an approval rating of more than 19 percent.

Including the first and second presidents of the Federation during the founding period, their approval ratings were not only not that high, they were not even 60%.

There are very few traces of them in the history of the Federation. It may be that their massacre of indigenous people made the Federation reluctant to bring out the most barbaric and dark side of the Federation, so they simply ignored these people.

Mr. Trueman also knows the importance of approval ratings. Even if he leaves this position and has such a high approval rating, as long as he expresses his attitude, opinions, or says something in public.

No matter who is in office, he must carefully consider what he says, his stance, and respond to his choices.

This is important!

Mr. Trueman smiled widely. "I'm glad that people are willing to agree with what I do. I'm very happy."

After saying that, the two separated. Mr. Trueman was indeed in a very good mood, because the influence of high support rates would be very obvious.

For example, Congress will not reach out to block some of the bills he wants to promote, and cannot afford to block them.

This gave him more time and energy to pay attention to international affairs and war situations,

Instead of playing house with domestic politicians.

When he walked back to the office door, which was still some distance away, he saw someone waiting for him outside the door. He quickened his pace and walked over.

The people who came also greeted them, and the group quickly entered the president's office.

On the other side, Lynch was standing on the steps in front of the Presidential Palace, smoking a cigarette. The sunlight shining down on his body did not make him feel hot at all, but instead made him feel warm.

When he was thinking about something, he suddenly saw a person stopping next to him out of the corner of his eye and looking towards him.

Lynch politely took off the cigarette from his mouth and turned to look at the man.

In the Presidential Palace, no one knows the identity of an inconspicuous person passing by.

It may be a senior military general, a senior official of the Ministry of Defense, or an important official of an important federal department or agency.

There is a saying that goes, "No matter how great you are, in the Presidential Palace, you should put away your arrogance!"

In fact, this sentence evolved from the ancient proverb of Gefra, "The arrogant will die on the stairs leading to the throne."

After all, the Federation has no history, but if you want to give people the feeling that "landlords also have ancestors", they can only piece it together here and there.

The original meaning of that sentence is that if an arrogant person refuses to lower his head in the pursuit of power, he will be crushed by power.

Its core meaning is that people should respect power and those who hold power. It is in line with the temperament of the feudal dynasty. No matter what, it must involve imperial power and respect for the royal family.

Lin Qi carefully looked at the person in front of him, and soon found a name in his mind that matched his image. When he thought of this moment, he called out the person's name.

"Count Kazril, I didn't expect us to meet here!"

Count Kazril, a gringo who is very keen on women's professional sports, has now settled in the country.

Lynch heard from Ms. Tracy that Count Kazriel had become a well-known patron of women’s rights organizations and was also the federal ambassador for promoting women’s professional sports.

At the end of the day, this guy is rich and he likes it, and they give him some amenities and titles, and he reciprocates with tons of sponsorships.

Lynch was surprised to see Count Kazril here, and Count Kazril himself was also very surprised.

He glanced at the door of the Presidential Palace, then turned around, "Looking for a place to chat?"

Although it was an informal invitation, it looked important. Lynch glanced at his watch and agreed.

It was just after lunch time, and he had nothing to do in the afternoon, so he could delay for a while.

Some people who have never been to Bupen will think that there is not a strong commercial atmosphere around the Presidential Palace, including the entire Special Administrative Region.

In fact, it is not completely correct. It is only serious in a few places. There are many other places such as cafes and shopping malls.

People who come to Bupen for business always need a place to chat privately with friends or someone.

They can't stand on the street and say things that damage the image of the Federation!

So within a three-minute walk from the Presidential Palace, there is a coffee shop with a large entrance.

There are no private rooms in the coffee house, but with the use of partitions and melodious and soothing music, people's low-pitched conversations will not disturb others and will not be overheard.

The two chose a location closer to the corner, where the view was very good and no one could hide around them.

After their orders were served, Count Kazril started chatting with Lynch about sports.

People who haven't seen each other for a long time will have a strange feeling, whether they were good friends or ordinary friends.

"Mei Mengxing happily asked Ben Zhuo Hua Xie Ji 20 and was stunned. I'm sorry! Count Bokazril stirred the coffee in the cup. It was very fragrant and thick.

The color is slightly darker, and the oil of the coffee beans is completely roasted through longer roasting. After grinding and brewing, you can feel its obvious oily texture.

With a little evaporated milk and two sugar cubes, it is rich and mellow and a little sweet. This is one of the typical representatives of Federal coffee.

There is also a method of adding coffee to sweet milk. Of course, they also call that coffee.

Only then did Lynch think of the Sabine City Professional Club. It was not that he had not paid attention to it.

Twice a year, the club will send over the business situation, and then the arrangements for the players, as well as some of Kane's personal thoughts.

The club's current standard is in the upper reaches of the federation. There is hope for the men's rugby championship, but the hope is not very high. This is enough to satisfy the fans in Sabine City.

They have stars from their own youth training team, as well as stars from the Federal League, and they can play back and forth with top teams from time to time. Apart from not winning the championship, Kane has basically done his best!

It's not that Kane is unwilling to win the championship, but that the cost of winning the championship is too high!

First of all, more stars are needed, which will inevitably raise the team's salary standards by several levels. Secondly, public relations need to open up some joints, such as the Joint Games.

Whether a collision in rugby is unreasonable or not is entirely up to the referees. This may not seem to have much impact on the game, but in fact, as long as one or two hits at a critical moment, the situation of the game can be reversed!

It will definitely cost a lot to attract these referees who can judge the finals. A broker who specializes in winning the championship gave a quote ranging from 1.5 million to 2.5 million.

And there is no guarantee that they will definitely win the championship. They can only say that they will create a more relaxed and reasonable competitive environment for the team.

Lynch has no intention of winning the championship for the time being. It’s not that he doesn’t want to spend money or can’t afford it.

In fact, if they really win the championship, they will keep a few players with potential and package the others and sell them, which will not only make back the money but also make a lot of money.

It's just that he doesn't think it's necessary and now is not the time.

When the war broke out, the level of attention to sports dropped. It didn't make much sense to spend a lot of money on it at this time.

On the contrary, women in professional sports have received some awards. After all, Lynch is also considered a member of the "organizing committee".

If he doesn't fight for the big prize, others will give him the small prize if appropriate. This is the rule of the game.

Compared to Kazriel's frequent presence on the court, Lynch really doesn't care much.

He smiled and explained the past on the grounds that he was very busy at work.

As they chatted, Count Kazril began to bring the topic to the point.

"I went back to China some time ago, and the situation there was a bit worrying..."

Count Kazril comes from a small, neutral country, close to Theodoras, but still some distance away.

There are actually many such small principalities in the world. During the previous feudal society, the lord enfeoffment system was prevalent.

As dynasties changed, these nobles gradually became kings.

What they call a country may actually be just one province, three or five cities, or no more than ten cities at most.

For example, some small countries only have two cities and a lot of villages on their territory, uu read a book

With a combined population of less than 300,000, it can still be called a country.

The country that Earl Kazril came to was not particularly small, but it was not big either. It had a population of 1.3 million people, which was not as large as that of Bupen.

But around it, it can be considered a relatively strong country.

Now due to the war at both ends of the world, coupled with the invasion and annexation of Cydoras, the member countries of the World Development Council have begun to plan for outward expansion.

There's no reason why the Cedorans can do it, but they can't, right?

This time Count Kazril came to see Mr. Trueman to get support from the federation.

Although their country is small, it is rich. They are willing to spend money to buy military equipment and military aid, as long as the federal government nods and agrees!

This matter naturally fell on Count Kazril, who was well-known in the Federation, and this led to today's meeting.

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