"We will be together forever!", the art teacher hugged Fern, she wanted to give Fern some strength.

She and Fern had been together for several years, and during that time they had talked about getting married.

If nothing else happens, they will get married by the end of this year.

On the one hand, such a day was chosen because the aftermath of the war would be completely subsided, and secondly, Slem's career would be able to get on the right track.

There was a peaceful world, a decent job, and Fern was in his twenties and almost thirty, so it was indeed time for him to start a family.

For people with some traditional habits, Noel is not married, and Fern should not get married so early.

But in fact, although Noel is not married, he has two lovers.

As for getting married, it is not an easy thing for him because of his thick file!

On the contrary, Fern and the art teacher had a good relationship, and everyone felt that they would make it to the end.

Fern was a little dazed, but soon came to his senses. He leaned forward and responded to the hug with a hug.

Respond to language with words.

"Yes, we will be together forever."

Within ten seconds, the two separated. The art teacher looked at Fern and smiled from the bottom of his heart.

Because she thought she had influenced Fern.

There is no doubt that Fern is a very difficult problem person, and his file is thicker than Noel's, because he likes to toss those people, toss them to pieces, and then throws a piece here and a piece there.

Whenever the investigators find one of the body fragments, a thick archive bag will be formed around it.

The sum of many file bags must be much more than Noel's.

The art teacher knew very well that if Fern didn't change, he would only die.

The federal government and society have never forgiven such brutal murderers. One hundred percent of his life will be taken away by a bullet.

The art teacher wanted to save him, and she felt that she had succeeded. This may be the greatness of love!

"Do you have anything else to ask?" Fern reminded her.

The art teacher nodded and looked at the notebook in her hand, "Let me think about it... that's right!"

"How are the financial transactions between you and Lynch conducted?"

"I know Lynch gave you a lot of money, but we have never been able to find out how the money was given to you."

Fern raised his eyebrows, "Are you interested in these?"

The art teacher nodded. The "fund chain" between Lynch and the Brothers Grimm was also a very important link in the evidence chain.

If we can find a large amount of financial transactions between Lynch and the Brothers Grimm, it can prove from the side that there is an inevitable interest relationship behind these financial transactions!

Federalists pay attention to the legality of the judicial process, the rationality of motives, and the causal relationship in the chain of evidence.

But on the one hand, Lynch's own Blackstone Bank can do too many things, and secondly, his methods are always very secretive.

The investigation team has been investigating for a long time but cannot find the transfer of interests between Lynch and the Green Brothers. Maybe Fern knows about it.

Fern really knows!

"Mr. Lynch has many companies overseas, one of which is called Dongyang Marine Fish Assets Trading Company."

"If you look at some of our legitimate orders, we've been importing a lot of fish from this company for a while."

"All the money was shipped in the belly of the fish..."

Capital flow is a very complicated and sensitive issue, and the amount of capital required in the middle stage of Green Brothers' development continues to increase.

Whether it's crime or smuggling, it requires a lot of money to rely on.

If the money jumped directly from the bank account to the Green Brothers' account, the stub retained by the bank could get Lynch into a whirlpool of trouble.

And giving money directly... This is obviously not very smart. Large cash withdrawals will also attract the attention of security agencies such as the Financial Supervisory Commission and the Security Council.

Directly transfer money from overseas into the Grimm Brothers' domestic account?

It doesn't matter if it's less, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, three to five hundred thousand, it's all fine.

But once too much money is given, it will trigger bank supervision and even attract the attention of security agencies.

So what's the best way?

Convert money from overseas banks into cash and then smuggle it back into the Commonwealth through some legal or illegal means.

No one can trace this money back to the original family, and the Grimm Brothers' criminal business requires not bank transfers, but cash.

The main trading style of criminal groups at this stage is cash transactions. They do not trust and are somewhat afraid of bank transfers unless the money is laundered.

So cash is most suitable.

Lynch's overseas fish company will sell the fish to the Green Brothers. After the Green Brothers take the cash in the belly of the fish, they will wholesale the fish to some fish and meat products companies in the federal government.

This forms a complete logical closed loop.

Moreover, from the source, transportation, customs, and people receiving the goods, these important and potentially risky links are all handled by Lynch people, so it can ensure 100% safety.

A large amount of cash got into the hands of the Brothers Grimm through smuggling. No one knew where their money came from. It seemed like it appeared overnight.

"Each smuggling operation involves at least more than one million in cash, and sometimes even 10 million."

Fern shrugged, "You may think that ten million is a lot, but in fact, when the other party is together, ten million..."

He held a cigarette in his mouth and gestured to the coffee table with both hands, "...Actually, there are only so many, a container of fish can fit in."

The art teacher suddenly realized that the criminal group with Lynch as the core may still be operating today, but they have become more vigilant and have more advanced methods.

She pursed her lips, feeling excited and a little scared that she was about to expose a criminal empire.

"Are you also smuggling cash overseas?" She felt that since it could come from the outside, there would definitely be people who could go from the inside to the outside.

Fern nodded and admitted, "Some blood money is not easy to launder, especially when we enter Bupen. You know, we are killing people every day."

"This money is stained with blood and cannot be washed clean."

"Underground banks charge 60%, but there is no guarantee that the money can be laundered. Even if it goes through Mr. Lynch's bank, it will be difficult to launder the money, and there is a huge risk of involving the bank."

"So all this money was sent out to the federation in the name of building materials, packed with cement and so on. You know we are building construction all over the world, and there are people everywhere who need these things."

"When the money goes abroad, in some small countries, as long as you are willing to pay a five percent tax, they don't care where the money comes from."

"As long as it enters the bank, it is safe. Then we transfer the money back from overseas reasonably and legally by fabricating some false orders and false trades."

The source and purpose of the money are safe and can be traced.

If the purpose of the money is unsafe and used for crime, then the origin of the money cannot be traced.

At this time, a very precise machine appeared in the art teacher's mind, like the inside of a clock.

Her concept of precision instruments still remains in the complex watchmaking process. Countless parts make up this precision instrument. Every movement of it is the result of the joint efforts of countless small parts!

Just like Lynch's criminal syndicate, sophisticated, efficient, and safe!

While lamenting such a terrifying criminal group, the art teacher was also very excited because she was going to fully expose this criminal group hiding in the darkness!

She will change a lot of things!

Finally, she looked at Fern and asked softly, "If you are required to appear in court, will you appear in court?"

Fern shook his head, "No."

The art teacher moved towards him and reached out to hold his hand. "I feel scared just hearing this. Vern, if you can testify in court, I can ask the judge or even the president to grant you a pardon." !”

"Completely innocent, you will be completely separated from these terrible things, and you will no longer be entangled with them!"

"At that time, you will be truly free!"

The art teacher hoped to further influence Fern and allow him to appear in court, but it seemed that he was unwilling to do so.

Fern shook his head and asked, "Mr. Lynch's relationship with the last three presidents has been very good, and I heard that he and the next president are the ones..."

He tilted his head and thought for a moment, then smiled, "Yes, Connor."

"If I really need it, I'll get it."

The art teacher suddenly didn't know what to say. She needed to ask the president or the justice for a pardon.

And Lynch could directly ask the president to sign the pardon, and she suddenly felt like she was a little stupid.

But the position and justice she insists on in her heart prevent her from compromising so simply, "I mean we will do that from a righteous standpoint!"

Fern looked at her as if she didn't understand, and then after a while, he asked, "Is there anything else you want to know?"

The art teacher shook his head, "These are enough for the moment, enough for us to investigate for a long time and add the details."

Fern seemed a little distracted and a little sad. The art teacher thought that he was sad because he betrayed Lynch, so he moved towards him again, trying to give him some comfort.

But the next second, a big hand grabbed her neck and pushed her down on the sofa.

Fern's eyes were a little red. He had really invested a lot in this relationship, but at this moment, he needed to end it with his own hands.

He looked at the panicked look in the art teacher's eyes and looked directly at her, as if he wanted to engrave her last vivid appearance in his heart forever!

She began to struggle, and her face became red and even purple due to lack of oxygen.

She wanted to say something, but there was only a weak sound when she opened her mouth. Fern's other big hand completely covered her face, pressing down hard...

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