"The emotions here are much more intense than over there!"

On a military bus, several generals from the Western Military Region walked out of the security zone on purpose. They saw the demonstrators blocking the gate of the security zone.

They held up placards reading "No military government" and kept shouting at the military district.

Moreover, they also read the newspapers of the past two days. The contradictions and oppositions in public opinion are obvious, and the people's dissatisfaction with the military has reached its peak.

In fact, many people still believe that this is a phenomenon manifested after stupid people at the bottom are taken advantage of under the guidance of public opinion.

They listened to the words of the bad capitalists and began to stand in a confrontational position, not to mention opposite, with the federal army.

But the real situation is not just like this.

Why is it that as soon as public opinion spreads, a large "anti-federal army" trend appears in society? Is it really because the people have no brains?

Not necessarily!

In fact, the current confrontation is more of a qualitative change caused by the accumulation of too much dissatisfaction in the past!

The high taxes during the war made people breathless, and then a total of more than one million soldiers were killed, giving the whole society another heavy blow!

At least one million families have directly lost their children or husbands, and radiating outward, there may be seven to eight million families, and nearly three-quarters of the federal people have lost their relatives!

It may be a nephew, a nephew, a cousin, etc. This kind of dissatisfaction will accumulate together!

People don't say it, and they may not even be aware of their dissatisfaction with the military.

But when something appears that can be used as a fuse to ignite people's emotions, this is what happens now.

People are not really stupid, nor are they so gullible, they just use this method to vent all their dissatisfaction during the war!

Of course they are not smart enough.

Most or even the vast majority of people are not aware of this. In the ruling class of federal society, they do not think that the people will have such sentiments.

But this emotion does exist and is constantly being detonated.

The general who said this on the bus was a little gloating because Lynch had warned them in advance, so their crisis public relations was very good.

The military's internal self-examination also identified some problems. After promptly making amends to the victims, the victims were not unable to accept the results.

At least compared to Bu Pen, whose media is particularly developed, people in the western region still want to live a peaceful life. Of course, this may be related to the fact that the officers in the Western Military Region do not have enough fun.

The situation in the Northern Military District is not good, but not too bad. In short, there is trouble, but not big.

The officers in the car were all in a relaxed mood. They came this time to discuss more cooperation with Lynch.

They are very interested in the new concept of missile force, and even the only lieutenant general in the Western Military Region has come.

Currently, the Federation only has one general, in the South-Central Military District.

The lieutenant general's focus was not on the news. He looked at the bustling city with a deep yearning.

The west side is too backward and too poor.

Except for the military area, it is a wilderness. Even the few commendable large cities in the west are as backward as rural areas in front of the ultra-modern city of Bupen.

The high-rise buildings and those being built everywhere all indicate the wealth and value here!

Although the army cannot enter the city for no reason, they are still ordinary citizens even if they take off their clothes!

Everyone hopes to be stationed in a prosperous area, and the Lieutenant General in the car is no exception.

The temptation of the missile force was great, and Lynch's idea of ​​a new military district in Nagalil completely impressed them.

After everyone chatted for a while and made some jokes related to the Central and Southern Military Region, a major general asked, "Is the cooperation we are talking about with Lynch this time basic, or is it all?"

Before they came, they didn't know exactly how far they wanted to talk. Only the lieutenant general knew.

The lieutenant general's gaze also shifted from the city outside to the officers in the bus. "We must first take a look at the missiles they are talking about, and then consider how to discuss it and how deep it should be."

Even now, after they have obtained some information about missiles from inside, it is hard to believe that there are artillery shells in this world that can find their own targets!

Does this mean there will be no need for outstanding gunners in the future?

Because the cannonballs have eyes, it doesn't make much sense to have an excellent gunner.

They have not directly cooperated with the Flight Research Institute, so they are still a little skeptical about the magic of missiles that Lynch said.

If they can come to an agreement this time, they will have great cooperation, which is beyond the imagination of many people.

If Lynch can't come up with something that satisfies them, then it's just a regular collaboration.

The car quickly drove towards the wilderness. The "Military Restricted Area" on the roadside sign and the badge of Blackstone Capital told them that they were entering the territory of the Flight Research Institute.

"Look, plane!"

Suddenly someone pointed to the sky in the distance and shouted, everyone looked over there, and soon someone raised doubts——

“Why don’t these planes have propellers?”

Someone who knew something briefly explained, "I heard that this is the latest fighter jet of Blackstone Aviation. It uses a jet engine, no propellers, and it is very fast."

Jet fighters have not been fully commissioned. Firstly, this is because the war is over. The last generation of propeller fighters currently used by the Federal Air Force still maintains its leading position in the world in terms of performance.

Moreover, the current inventory of federal old-fashioned aircraft is about 8,000, and it cost nearly 10 billion to purchase these many aircraft.

If we want to completely change the equipment, this will be another tens of billions of military orders.

This is not a time of war. Everything must be compromised for the military plan, and the military budget must be approved by Congress.

Congress would not approve such a large amount of money in peacetime to replace the world's leading fighter jets, unless they are not very smart.

Therefore, after the development of jet fighters, except for a small amount of equipment in the Army Air Force and the Federal Army, there was no large-scale arms sales.

What they saw were the latest research results.

The appearance design has undergone some changes compared to the first-generation jet fighter, and the performance has also been increased.

The Western Military District has the Army Department, the Navy Department, and of course the Air Force Department, but they do not field jet fighters.

The main reason is that the Ministry of National Defense does not think it is necessary. The military tasks undertaken by the Western Military Region are not heavy. Since Gaevra no longer poses a threat, the Western Military Region has actually not had an easy life.

The Western Military Region is closer to Gaevra. In the past strategic thinking, in the event of a war between the Federation and Gaevra, the Western Military Region would be the front line facing the Gefra Armada.

They built a large number of shore batteries, bunkers and some defenses along the western coast, but it turned out that the money was wasted.

Especially since they were not taken seriously now, they didn't even get information about the jets.

"It looks like it's flying very fast, how about we take a few of them back?" someone suggested.

The lieutenant general was obviously very moved. He was not a fool. He could see that this new type of aircraft would have more advantages in entanglement combat.

He didn't know how much such an aircraft would cost. After the war, the military budget of the Western Military District plummeted, so he could do his best not to spend money arbitrarily.

The car quickly arrived outside the Flight Research Institute. It went through several rigorous inspections along the way, and even had military dogs to cooperate. It looked more like a military district than a military district!

After getting off the car, Lynch received them.

"Is the journey going well?" He shook hands with the lieutenant general.

The lieutenant general is very kind and not at all arrogant like the senior officers in some movies and TV shows.

Of course, it might also be because he couldn't be arrogant in front of Lynch.

"The journey went smoothly. In fact, this was my first time flying, but I have to say, it felt very good!"

They came directly by plane. They had taken a boat before, but never a plane.

At first, the lieutenant general was a little worried, afraid that the plane would fall.

But after I actually started flying, I no longer worried.

Because there is no point in worrying.

The journey was surprisingly smooth, there were not even many bumps, and we landed at the airport in Bupain.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Lynch took them to visit the research laboratory where missiles are developed, and also showed them the current research results.

Since the institute fired several researchers, the restless atmosphere has suddenly disappeared.

Lynch told everyone with facts that here, in the face of huge wealth and capital, no one is indispensable!

It took less than a week to recruit the right people for the vacated positions, and even better people than those who had left before.

In the past, the Flight Research Institute did not have a great reputation, and its appeal to top scientists was very low.

However, with the advent of many military technologies at the Flight Research Institute, it became the most high-profile war weapons research institute during the war.

This external recruitment of researchers immediately attracted many top scientists in the industry to join us. After these people joined, the research atmosphere became more harmonious.

Lynch has also considered bringing in more scientists, but now is not the right time.

The new top scientists immediately brought about many changes after joining, such as the update of missile fuel, new basic guidance theories and so on.

One of the new scientists specializes in electronics. He proposed an intelligent capture system to free fighter pilots from the cumbersome process of actively searching for and locking targets. This also inspired other projects.

If nothing unexpected happens, more patents will be issued by the Flight Research Institute in two to three years.

While talking, the group came to a place dedicated to demonstrations. This time their target was no longer a dead object, but a real target drone!

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