Blackstone Code

Chapter 2612

Many stock investors have spent their entire lives in the stock market and finally came up with one sentence:

Capital game, who is making money?

This is indeed a problem, just like the truth. Many people stand in front of the door of truth and can't find a way to enter. They will find it difficult to enter the door of truth.

But for those who have entered the door of truth, or even those who have entered repeatedly, this is not actually a problem.

While most stocks around the world are plummeting, there are still some stocks that are not only extraordinarily strong, but are also skyrocketing!

The stock market value of all listed companies in the Blackstone Group is skyrocketing, and the same is true for other stocks related to the Doomsday Shelter Plan. There is almost no end to the crazy skyrocketing.

Lynch stood in front of the camera, confident and calm, "The society of the Federation will not be chaotic, the order of the Federation will not collapse, and the people of the Federation will not suffer disaster!"

"We and the federal government have been cooperating in all areas on the issue of the arrival of the 'Ice Age' to ensure that we can still live well on this planet and in this universe during the 'Ice Age'."

"The end of the world will come, but the end of mankind will not. I always believe that God's purpose in creating mankind was not to destroy it again."

"Human beings are the most brilliant treasure in the development and evolution of the universe. Not only can we survive in bad weather, but we can also live well!"

"This requires us to unite, it requires all human beings to unite. This is the first small difficulty we face in the universe, and we are confident that we can overcome it!"

"Blackstone Group will continue to serve you, whether in the past, present, or future..."

The Blackstone Group's corporate logo is constantly rotating behind Lynch, and whenever it faces the sun, it will shed thousands of golden lights!

"You look like a saint!" Connor turned off the TV a little jealously. This was the third day after Congress announced that the end of the world was coming, and there was no terrible turmoil in the entire society.

There were indeed illegal acts of beating, smashing, looting and burning in some areas, but these problems were quickly solved under the strong suppression of the FBI.

Congress urgently passed the proposal of the "Doomsday First Security Act". The core content of the bill is to allow the FBI and police departments to have the right to kill criminals without trial when facing violent crimes.

Of course, there are many "limitations" surrounding this bill, such as how to determine whether a crime is a violent crime, how to determine whether a crime is difficult to terminate without intervention, and so on.

It seems that this bill is very complete because there are many regulations, but at this time, these regulations are actually equivalent to none.

The business of the military-industrial complex has become particularly good, and the federal government allows and recommends that every family stock a certain amount of self-defense weapons and ammunition.

However, it must comply with the provisions of the latest Fourth Amendment to Federal Weapons Standards. For example, automatic weapons in any sense are not allowed to be sold to the public, and the magazine of a self-defense weapon is not allowed to exceed the reserve capacity of five rounds of ammunition.

There are even very strict regulations on caliber, shooting intervals, etc.

The strong intervention of the government's violence department and the provision of more self-defense weapons have allowed the social order to be maintained very well, at least among the best among many international countries.

In addition to Connor, there were some other politicians, some experts and scholars, and some capitalists in the room.

Lynch held the wine glass and smiled, "Some people have to give the people some confidence!"

Everyone has a smile on their face. If anyone is still confused at the top, then take a look at these gentlemen here and you will understand who is making money and who is making whose money!

Connor is very satisfied with some of the changes now. There has been no violent turmoil in society, and this is all because of Lynch and the people in front of him.

An expert also began to praise Lynch, "The plan proposed by Mr. Lynch has accomplished our intended goals very well. I have to say, Mr. Lynch, your keen observation and response to some problems have contributed to We offer a very special perspective.”

Previously, Connor and others were worried that the entire social order would collapse once the truth was announced, but Lynch proposed three "guarantees" that could keep society within an acceptable range despite turmoil.

First, ensure the continuity of the wealth value that people previously obtained through production.

Second, ensure the possibility of people surviving in a future doomsday environment.

Third, ensure that people have a unified goal in the general direction of the continuation of human civilization.

As long as these three points are achieved, society will not be in chaos, and this is indeed the case.

The core of the first guarantee is reflected in the current business of issuing credit cards by the seven major federal banks. It seems that this business is so stupid that it replaces the visible banknotes with a meaningless number on a small book.

But this is also an important method to stabilize the monetary system, and it can also be said to be the core content of the first guarantee.

Social unrest often occurs when the monetary system collapses. For example, when Nagali was most turbulent, it was when the Galil system collapsed completely.

People's hard work for decades or even generations suddenly turned into waste paper, and they couldn't help but be angry!

In a state of anger, laws, rules, and order are no longer enough to make them retreat.

If the monetary system can be stabilized, even if the wealth in people's hands may depreciate, people will think twice about what they want to do because they still have wealth.

Money is very powerful. It can not only maintain order, but also restrain itself.

The second guarantee is to give people hope, hope to live.

Although the world is coming to an end, it is not an apocalypse because we can still live on this planet!

In the past two days, scientists have intensively begun to popularize the reasons for the end of the world and what will happen.

Tickets for the Federal Geological Museum have been sold like crazy, and the geological museums in almost all cities with geological museums are crowded with tourists.

They are eager to understand some of the characteristics of the Ice Age and the environmental conditions that have been discovered, and scientists also tell people that people living near the North Pole are actually living in an Ice Age environment.

There are still people who can live there, although the number is small, but this does not mean that humans cannot live in such an extreme environment.

Federal refuges will provide a more comfortable and warmer living environment. Scientists have solved part of the soilless cultivation technology, and the planting and breeding industries will enter industrial development in the future.

People can see those large-scale and shocking production scenes in the planting workshop or breeding workshop.

With a living environment and food that can provide sustainable development, people's fears have actually been reduced a lot. In addition, the wealth they have acquired has not shrunk, so they will not cause chaos.

The third guarantee adds a sense of mission to them.

The sense of mission is actually... very nonsense, but this kind of nonsense is very valuable to the people at the bottom of society, and it is also highly deceptive.

In fact, it is not quite right to say that it is bewitching. After all, it is a positive thing and cannot be said to be bewitching, but the power it shows is indeed so.

Give people some directions that seem ridiculous in the eyes of the upper class, especially the ruling class, and people will be full of energy. Even if they feel wronged, they will not look back and move forward.

Why does the federal government always tell people things like the "Federal Dream" and "ownership"? In fact, this is a "sense of mission."

"You are the leader of this society, the founder of history, the decider of the future, and the master of this world..."

Yes, the protagonist earns a salary of more than five hundred yuan a month in a hot and dehydrating workshop, working hard all day long, and facing all kinds of exploitation, oppression, and bills. In the end, a month Less than a hundred dollars saved.

And those servants of the people wear clothes that cost tens of thousands, and accessories that cost tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, live in expensive villas, and enjoy the best of everything in the world!

But people are very fond of this. After all, "we are the masters" and must have a "ownership spirit". We determine the development and direction of society...

They will use these methods to spur themselves and move themselves.

Lynch's three guarantees are actually not unusual at all. They just further specify the existing operating rules of society so that people can accept them more easily.

Everything that has been paid is still of high value, and what is about to be paid will also determine the future of human civilization. What qualifications do I have to not work hard to move forward?

Coupled with some punishment regulations, society has begun to enter a new "shock" stage, just like a huge sieve on a soybean farm, which reclassifies people into new levels and throws garbage into the bottom layer...

Humans are social animals that live in groups. As long as the overall social order is not chaotic and small-scale riots can be suppressed in a timely manner, the entire society will not be chaotic.

"The next step is some international issues. In the past few days, my phone calls have been hot from morning to night, and many countries that do not have diplomatic relations with us have also sent requests for cooperation."

“We may be very busy for some time to come!”

"But this is a good thing. At least it allows our people to see us doing things instead of drinking coffee..."

Lynch has been in a lot of limelight these days, but no one cares about it. After all, for these gentlemen here, many of them will become the "kings" of an independent kingdom in the near future. , or he may be a dictatorial "emperor".

In each relatively closed world, they are the masters, not others.

Now everyone is gathered here to discuss how to solve all the problems in the next ten years to make the arrival and development of the shelter era easier...

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