Blackstone Code

Chapter 2891

A room full of civilization.

Everyone was dressed appropriately and behaved like textbook examples of civilized people, paying attention to the details of even their slightest movements.

Not being embarrassed in front of Lynch and Connor was the truest thought in their hearts at this moment.

After introductions by board members and company executives, presidents or board chairs of some subsidiaries had the opportunity to shake hands with Lynch and Connor.

This is an important opportunity, and the entire process takes less than a minute for them.

But as long as they can leave a deep impression on Lynch or Connor in less than a minute, then they will have a chance to take off.

As a member of the company's board of directors and the head of the secretariat, Anna was standing next to Lynch at this time.

His job is to collect business cards for Lynch.

There will definitely be a lot of business cards for so many people, and it is impossible for Lynch to put them all in his pocket. This requires someone to collect these business cards for him and put them into categories.

The atmosphere was so lively, even though some people knew they had no chance, they were still waiting. What if a miracle happened?

Silani and his wife, who had been waiting for a while, suddenly heard the company president's greeting, "We are next, you go with me, do you understand?"

The entire company knew that Slaney was Lynch's ex-girlfriend, so maybe that would help.

Considering the past friendship, as long as we can give them a little more business, it will be enough for them to achieve a huge improvement!

Silani was reluctant, but looking at her husband's pleading eyes, she finally agreed.

After all, he had just been promoted to middle management and was not yet stable and needed opportunities.

As the "introducer" winked at them, a group of five people walked up to Lynch and Connor.

In fact, when you are a big shot, everything you encounter may not always be happy, just like this moment.

It had been almost half an hour since Lynch arrived, and Lynch hadn't even had a sip of water. He was still shaking hands with these people, chatting for a few words, and then completely forgetting about them.

But this is the responsibility of a big shot. As a big shot, the responsibility is actually heavier.

"This is... the chairman of the board of directors of the company. I don't need to be more familiar with this, Mr. Lynch." The company's senior management briefly introduced.

A middle-aged and elderly man in his fifties who looked very tough and typical of the Federation took the initiative to bend his straight spine, stretched out his hands and took the right hand that Lynch handed over, "It is an honor to meet you, Mr. Lynch. !”

"This is their president."

"It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Lynch."

The chairman of the board of directors all uses honorifics. If the president doesn't use it, it will make people think that there seems to be some problem between them.

Of course Lynch deserves them.

"These two are..." The senior management did not know Silani and his husband. The chairman of the board of directors took the initiative to introduce him at this time, "This is Ms. Silani, and this is her husband..."

Silani walked up to Lynch bravely, stretched out her hand and shook his hand. Lynch kept smiling, "I didn't expect you to participate in such an event."

Silani curled her lips, "There are always things that cannot be avoided."

Lynch let go of her hand, looked at her husband, and extended her hand, "I have heard about you. From my wife's mouth, you are a very good person."

The man was a little flattered. He bent down in front of Lynch, who was one year younger than him, and held the hand stretched out by Lynch with both hands, as if he were on a pilgrimage, as pious and enthusiastic!

"This is the greatest achievement in my life, Mr. Lynch, thank you so much for meeting us!"

Silani, who was standing aside, looked at the different performances of the two men, and the smile on her face looked a little stiff.

Lynch shook his hands twice, "Global Communications Group is a young company, and we will continue to increase investment in many areas. In the next few years, before the company's expansion ends, it will be full of opportunities for each of you. Opportunities and possibilities!”

The people around him gradually moved closer and spontaneously became much quieter.

Lynch withdrew his hand, and Silani's husband stood behind the two company managers with a low eyebrow, which made Silani feel a little tight in her chest.

Connor looked at the people gathered around him and asked Lynch sideways, "Do you want to say something?"

Lynch did not refuse. This is why this kind of activity must have a structure. It is just a little early, which is okay.

"I know that many people in the outside world think that we are a monopoly. To a certain extent, what they say is not wrong."

"In the past, the largest federal monopoly was the federal government, which had a monopoly on everything that had anything to do with power."

“And it will drive challengers into the abyss in the form of ‘antitrust’!”

"But now, times have changed, and the core of power has shifted from the federal government to our companies, and Global Communications companies have the most advanced technology and the solid foundation in the world."

"We need every company and every employee to contribute as much as possible in their own positions."

"You are not contributing your strength to the company, the group, or even me. You are contributing your strength to your own future."

"We are not without challengers. Other consortiums and plutocrats are all obstacles to us achieving complete rule."

"Your job, and the purpose of your work, is to remove these obstacles so that we can achieve our true goals and grand plans!"

"I can promise all of you here that as long as you put in some effort, you will surely reap the rewards and have a bright future. This is my promise to you!"

Lynch took a glass of champagne from Anna, and Connor raised the glass in his hand, "For a bright future!"

People raised their glasses with enthusiasm, as if they were a brainwashing event organized by the leader of some fucking sect!

But from a certain perspective, capital itself is a kind of belief and a sect.

After drinking a glass of wine together, some people began to disperse, each looking for a chat partner or circle, while others who had not yet had time to be interviewed by Lynch were still waiting in line.

It wasn't until after eight o'clock that Lin Qi saw everyone, and his wrists were sore.

"too many people!"

Lynch rubbed his sore wrist and put the account on Connor's head, "I heard that you got something special recently?"

Connor suddenly became very alert, but soon fell into entanglement, and finally sighed helplessly, "Who did you listen to?"

Lynch held the wine with a smile on his lips, "You always tell people everywhere, it's hard for me not to know."

Connor got a very special antique, which is said to have a long history. The most important thing is that this antique was "picked up" by him.

In a second-hand market——

Connor also has his own hobbies. In addition to liking married women, he usually dresses up and goes to the second-hand markets to look for some interesting things.

It doesn’t have to be vintage, it’s mostly for the vibe and fun.

Coupled with the current economic downturn, many families are selling various goods to gain wealth, which has led to many strange and weird things appearing in second-hand markets everywhere.

He bought a small pyramid made of gold. It sounded very powerful. It was about the size of a child's fist and weighed about two ounces in total. It should not be pure gold or hollow.

With Connor's social connections, it was easy to find someone to identify the good things he bought for him.

Ninety-five percent of it was of little value, and 4% was barely worth the money Connor spent.

Only this small pyramid has great research value in the eyes of experts.

It does not have the characteristics of a known civilization. If the theological sect was still the master of eternal life, this thing might have been expropriated by them for various reasons.

Just like the golden scepter that Lynch got before, they thought that thing was related to divine authority and helpful in finding gods and gaining eternal life, so Lynch gave it to them.

Connor went around saying that he got a very special antique. This may be one of the few good results he has achieved in many years of treasure hunting.

But now, Lynch owns the thing.

"I'll bring it to you in a few days. You are really a damn capitalist, and you don't even let go of this little thing!" Although Connor was complaining, he was not angry at all.

This kind of relationship is more real and more normal.

As a friend, blindly giving or blindly asking will not make the friendship last long.

After the event, the two got into Lynch's car, and Lynch asked curiously, "Done?"

Connor nodded, "I don't think they can refuse." He replied with great momentum, which was actually the case.

The vehicle started moving slowly, and the two men went to do something men like to do, but at the same time, Slanni and her husband were also caught in a difficult choice.

"How can you agree to him?" Silani looked at her husband in disbelief, "Connor is an old man, everyone knows this!"

"He invited us to be his guests. What else could he have in mind besides these things?"

"Do you naively think that he really thinks you are excellent or wants to promote you to the head office?"

"When will you let go of these unrealistic fantasies? Even if you think this is an opportunity, it is not an opportunity for us!"

"Or, to you, I am not as important as your future?"

Silani's husband listened to her anger while driving. After she got better, he just turned to look at her. At the red light, "Do you think we have the right to refuse?"

Silani, who was still angry, suddenly fell silent.

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