Blackstone Code

Chapter 2904

In a lot of news, people always find something very special——

Those big shots with a glamorous appearance always expose some of their weird or even perverted hobbies accidentally!

Then people will have a question, why can a pervert become a top figure in this world?

Is this a problem of society, a problem of the people, or a problem of themselves?

Most of the time, the results of similar discussions tell people that there is always a small group of bad guys who disguise themselves well enough that people can't tell them apart and hide in the crowd.

Then they deceived the public's favor and trust, and finally relied on the power given to them by the people to stand on the ruling class and achieve class crossing.

Of course, the people who empower these people are still at the bottom, and they will not use their less developed brains to think about why they, as the holders of power, always hang out at the bottom.

Those who originally had no rights, but were only empowered by people, can they occupy high positions?

They never think about it, it's like... they never think that they always lack the right vision when it comes to picking rulers.

In fact, the people got the sequence wrong. Many times it is not a bastard who is a villain in his own right who hides himself and then accidentally exposes himself when he is in a higher level of society.

It's that after these people rose to a higher social class, they turned bad.

It's not that they are inherently bad, but that power and status have changed their habits.

Just like Connor.

There was nothing left for him to take seriously. During his eight years as federal president, he had laid a very solid foundation for himself and his family.

Power, wealth, he has everything that most people in the world never have but always long for!

If he works hard and is a serious person, he will not become any better than he is now.

On the contrary, even if he does not work hard and is not serious about being a straightforward, honest and humble person... stripping away all the positive words from him, only derogatory words remain.

His life won't get any worse.

When people breathe air, they not only have to face the complex natural environment and complex society, but also face their own complex desires.

Just like those gamblers, they may just start with poker games where there is no money, and then because the winning and losing without gains and losses make them numb, they decide to have a little "luck", and then it increases little by little, and finally becomes a Betting on dogs.

Standing at the top of society, there are actually not many things that can make people happy.

Only wanton desire remains!

Two young girls, both looking less than twenty years old, were squatting in front of Lynch wearing clean nurse uniforms.

Lynch is a person who is very dedicated to completing his work plan. He is not a person who likes to be lazy.

Diligence and hard work may not be the way for poor people to become rich, but it is still a virtue.

Two nurses took turns hesitantly helping Lynch complete the collection task. He sat there with a copy of the "Daily Herald" in his hand. Today's front page headline was that there was some problem in a small shelter.

The shelter operator's lack of preparation resulted in food shortages in the shelter. It would be an absolute nightmare to have no food in this environment.

Now many shelter residents are asking to leave, but the shelter operators do not allow them to do so and have come up with relevant contracts. If they insist on leaving, they must pay liquidated damages.

This is the first conflict in federal history involving a private shelter and its residents, and it may provide an important solution to similar incidents in the future.

The Federation is actually very conservative on judicial issues. If a case occurs that has never happened before and there is no relevant legal support, then the judge in charge of the trial will have to bear a special responsibility.

When a similar case occurs in the future, the presiding judge will impose a sentence according to the trial standards when the first case occurred.

This incident happened last night. Lynch had already listened to the briefing, and the impromptu emergency meeting held in the afternoon was related to this incident.

His eyelashes suddenly trembled when he saw the highlight, and two nurses quickly used special utensils to help Lynch collect some genetic genes.

They cleaned up Lynch, wiped him down, bowed and left.

Ms. Tracy, who was standing outside the door, came in.

In fact, she took a peek just now and felt a little hot in her heart.

People change, some people change from good to bad, and some people change from bad to good.

If the managers of this small shelter are typical examples of people who have changed from good people to bad people, then Ms. Tracy is a... not so typical example of people who have changed from bad to good.

"You didn't keep them here?" Ms. Tracy asked casually as she sat next to Lynch.

They were in a private hospital, and after Ms. Tracey expressed her idea and received Lynch's approval, the hospital was very willing to accept the job.

At the same time, they also proposed that Lynch could contribute a share of her genes, which could help more women who want to become single mothers to fulfill their dreams.

Helping others is something Lynch has always done.

Lynch put down the newspaper in his hand, "I am already middle-aged, and my physical strength does not allow me to do what I want to do anytime, anywhere."

In fact, he was lying, he was just not familiar with the two girls, and at the same time, he also wanted to avoid Ms. Tracey suddenly joining in halfway.

What if she really takes off her clothes and comes in? Should she do it or not?

Don’t do it?

Then this will definitely severely hurt Ms. Tracy's self-esteem and face. After all, she has already taken off her clothes and made a great statement and determination. If she doesn't do it at this time, it will only cause the friendship to break down.

Although Lynch didn't pay attention to the cost of the breakdown of friendship at all, there was such an inexplicable thing that made him somewhat unhappy.

Ms. Tracy has helped Lynch a lot and has been using her influence to help her since he left Sabine City.

Later, she also helped Catherine. Although her brain was not very good for a while, she is now better.

So he couldn't face Tracy like that at that time.


It's better not to think about it, it's like a nightmare.

Even if she was twenty years younger, Lin Qi could endure it, but now he really couldn't.

Ms. Tracey did not express her position on Lynch's statement. She glanced at the news in the newspaper, and then her expression became serious, "I heard that the trouble was serious?"

Lynch nodded, "It is said that there has been a bloody conflict and the management's capital chain has been broken."

As the only bank in the world, Lynch cannot hide anything related to money.

For various reasons, shelters that were originally intended to be "sold" are now basically being lived in for free.

Hundreds of millions, billions, billions were invested in the early stage, and there was no clue of recouping the cost. They were about to enter the shelter, and they were stabbed by Lynch and the federal government.

The manager's already fragile capital flow was cut off in an instant.

If you don’t have money, who the hell will deliver the goods to you?

The train didn't even consider stopping when it passed the platform of their shelter.

Being a little poorer, a little dirtier, or a little colder or hotter, etc. can be tolerated, but hunger can't be tolerated.

Because the longer I endure it, the hungrier I get.

Conflict broke out.

"How are your financial reserves over there?" Lynch asked casually.

Ms. Tracy lit a cigarette and said, "The funds are sufficient. If it is really not enough, I will ask you for a loan."

Lynch did not express his position, nor did he need to express his position. Money had no practical meaning to him and to Wealth Bank, and even the meaning of numbers was about to disappear.

"It is unlikely that something similar will happen over there. Our system is the most reliable in the world, and our security personnel are the most professional in the world."

"They just didn't connect to the Global Communications system and let our people in, so this happened."

While they were chatting about these topics, the doctor came in and said, "Ms. Vice President, Mr. Lynch, those things have been stocked."

"Mr. Lynch's genetics were very stable and active, but we had another problem."

He said and looked at Ms. Tracy, "The carrier we obtained has lost its vitality. This may be related to your physical condition."

"And we didn't think we could get healthy carriers, so we had two options."

"First, we apply to the higher-level research department to clone a new body for you. That body will be very healthy. We can directly implant the genetic gene into her body and let her complete the entire process from fertilization to childbirth. And in the process, she doesn’t develop a personality.”

"To put it simply, it is equivalent to splitting a new you from your body, and then having a child that absolutely belongs to you. This plan is now supported by many people. The only disadvantage may be that it takes a long time, about five years. years."

There has been a breakthrough in cloning technology, but this breakthrough does not mean using a hair to create a self of the same size as yourself in a few days.

The process of a person's natural growth, which takes twenty years, has been shortened to five years. With some preliminary preparations, it is actually shortened five times. This is already a breakthrough.

Ms. Tracey did not express her position, "What about the second option?"

The doctor pushed up his glasses and said, "We can get a carrier body from the bodies of the women in your family who are relatively close by blood, and then use it..."

Ms. Tracy stopped him immediately, "I choose the first option. If it is the second option, it is not my child at all..."

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