Blackstone Code

Chapter 422 Can't be such a coincidence?

"Hello, sir, this is my business card, maybe I can spare you a few minutes..."

Holding a wine glass, Lime found the first target, a middle-aged man with a young girl beside him.

In the past, he used to be very contemptuous of these young girls snuggling up to older men, thinking that it was a kind of depravity, but now, he doesn't think so, everyone has the right to pursue their own happiness.

And he likes this combination, which means that men are more aggressive about money issues in order to reflect their value in the relationship-young girls are not always looking for an older man because of him Good health can only be done for money.

Then showing the attitude of "I'm a fucking rich man you can't live without, female cousin" all the time will help to strengthen this relationship between the sexes.

This is why people can always hear that a certain old rich man spends a lot of money on his young wife, but rarely hears that the old rich man buys expensive things for his original wife, because in the latter relationship, maintaining them The relationship is not about money, but about feelings, and there is another way of expression.

In other words, even if this man is not interested in his own thoughts, he will listen carefully. This seems complicated, but it is actually very simple.

The man took Lime's business card. He raised his head slightly, his eyes rolled down, and looked at the business card with a slightly arrogant attitude. It was an instinct, "Lime?!"

He read out the name on it, and then turned his attention to Rhyme himself. He looked at Rhyme's attire, and then raised his wrist to glance at his watch, "You have sixty seconds, starting now!"

Rhyme was just stunned for a moment, he had actually seen some more difficult clients, it's just that the gentlemen he had seen during this period of time were all like gentlemen, and if someone who was rude suddenly appeared, it would be very special.

Even if those gentlemen are not interested in what he said, they will listen to him patiently, and then refuse him politely. There are very few gentlemen like the gentleman in front of him, who rudely only gave him sixty dollars. seconds of time.

"Remove those unnecessary repetitions, sir, are you interested in investing in building a railway?" Time was running out, and Rhyme asked the core question directly.

The gentleman standing opposite him frowned slightly, "Go on, you still have fifty seconds."

Although he has a disgusting attitude, he still can't influence Lime, which is exactly the purpose of Lynch's first glance at him.

Like the bottom of the financial circle, the stockbrokers who rely on fraud to make a living have encountered more situations than ordinary people can imagine. Some are rude, and some are even humiliating.

For example, a stockbroker once kissed a female client's ass in order to get a female client to buy a small pornographic order in his hand...

He has gone through hell, and now he is standing in heaven. The worst person here is more amiable than the gentlest person in hell!

"The company I work for has already undertaken a large project. We will build at least three railways with a length of more than 1,000 kilometers in Nagalil, covering the entire region..."

The gentleman standing across from Lyme interrupted him when he heard this, "Do you have any money for the three railways of 1,000 kilometers? Do you know how much it costs to build these railways?"

Lime was still neither happy nor angry, but kept his expression and smile as persuasive as possible, "So this is why we are standing here to discuss, if you are interested, we can come to the side to talk, whether it is shares or bonds , I believe there will be a rich return!"

He glanced at the young girl next to the man, and quickly returned his gaze to the man. This small movement was caught by the gentleman opposite him, which was actually a very special hint.

What I want to show roughly is "whether you want to invest or not, you can come and talk, so that you can also show your wealth, which will be more attractive to young girls", which is probably what it means.

It seems that there is not much meaning in doing so, but those who really know how to sell well know that the most difficult thing in the sales process is not "how to persuade the other party", but "to make the other party listen to themselves".

Lime chose a very good breakthrough point. As long as he and this gentleman get together, even if it's just a pretend chat, he can express some of his thoughts and some words, even if the other party still refuses.

But surprisingly, the gentleman rejected him, "I'm not interested in your proposal, and with this money, I might as well invest in my own railway..." He raised his wrist, glanced at his watch, Still slightly raising his chin, he looked down at him, "Sixty seconds are up, unfortunately, you didn't convince me, then..."

Rhyme let it go again with a regretful expression. He watched the gentleman and his female companion leave, shook his head, and then picked himself up and walked to the next person.

"Hello, sir, this is my business card, maybe I can spare you a few minutes..."


"I really shouldn't let an ordinary person undertake such an event, look, they put everyone in it!", the gentleman who just gave Lime a chance of 60 seconds complained a little dissatisfied.

But this is just a complaint, because he knows very well that this level of activity is like a pilgrimage for many speculators!

They tried their best to get in. The fund recruiter just now was one of them. If he had the ability and qualifications for three 1,000-kilometer railways, he would not rely on sales to deceive people here. .

It is only necessary to promote the listing of this company, and the shareholders will be willing to invest all their remaining assets.

The girl next to him comforted him, "Don't be angry, father, there is nothing to be angry about, in fact, from another perspective, they are very pitiful, aren't they?"

The man looked at him, "I hate the way he looks at you, he thought you were mine...", he closed his mouth in time, which is why he was angry.

That damned young man thought his daughter was his mistress was simply abhorrent, horrible, and disgusting.

The girl smiled and said a few more words of comfort, but her mood quickly sank down.

Her father noticed the change in her mood immediately, "Did that bastard just make you sad?"

The girl blinked and looked up at her father, "Sad?"

"No, that's not the case, I encountered something today..."

A smile appeared on the man's face, "I don't know if you would like to chat with me, an old bone. You know, people can encounter many interesting things after living for a long time. Maybe I can help you."

The girl hesitated to speak, but under her father's repeated questioning, she sighed and said, "You don't know, this year there are a lot of recommended students in the school, one out of every ten people, I am very impressed with the school. Very dissatisfied with the practice, talked to them, but..."

"But didn't they agree to your reasonable request?" The man stopped, "Maybe I should find time to talk to them."

The girl sighed again, "It's not like that, it's because of an irresistible force, you don't know, I just told them about these things, and then..."

Just when the girl was about to confide in her unhappiness this morning, someone interrupted the chat between their father and daughter.

"I didn't bother you, did I?" There was a familiar voice. When the girl turned around, she saw Mr. Truman. He finished chatting with other people, and happened to see their father and daughter, and walked over.

Anna's father, who thought he was called "Patu Akiner", actually has some very special background. According to their own family members, their ancestors were once exiled to this continent by the Madero Empire. nobleman.

Well, although they were exiled, they were at least nobles, and in the former Madero Empire, there was indeed an earl named "Akiner" who was exiled.

These people claim to be the descendants of nobles, which sounds a bit funny. At first, no one thought so, but hundreds of years have passed, and each generation of their successors has claimed that they have noble blood, which has gradually been recognized by people. up.

"The shining gold star in the capitalist family", this is what they call themselves. As the head of this generation, Patu is also a third-level member of the Holy Peace Society.

This also reflects the strength of the Holy Harmony Society. Even if you are an aristocrat, if you want to flourish in this continent, you must follow the rules of the Holy Harmony Society.

It was Mr. Truman who interrupted the chat between the father and daughter. Patu, as the head of the largest consortium in the east, "Star Dream Butterfly", was enough to be recognized by both his personal identity and the background of the consortium behind him. At the dinner party to divide up the interests of Nagalil, he occupied a stable position.

They will also be more important in the next few jobs, so Mr. Truman greeted them as soon as he finished his conversation. This is the purpose of this buffet meeting.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Truman!" Patu finally stopped raising his jaw. Everyone knows the importance of Mr. Truman.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Truman..." Anna followed suit.

Mr. Truman nodded. He was actually a little uncomfortable with their slightly curled tongue when they said good afternoon. It is said that only orthodox nobles would pronounce it this way.

"I wanted to come here just now, but some things haven't been resolved. Now I'm free, just in time. I'll introduce you to a very interesting young friend, and you will definitely like him.", Mr. Truman facing back to They, Lynch who was chatting with someone, shouted.

Lynch glanced back at him, then politely and apologetically ended his chat with a businessman in front of him, and walked over.

"Let me introduce you, this is Mr. Patu, Patu Akiner, this is his daughter, Miss Anna..."

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