Blackstone Code

Chapter 429

The goddess of the Holy Secheka Academy, the future empress of business, and other labels full of praise have long been hung all over Anna's body.

Like Severella, at that time Severilla's situation was more special, and people were more crazy, because she was Mr. Warderick's only child, and she was bound to inherit a huge business empire.

In comparison, Anna's name seems a little... less stable.

But no matter how unstable it is, it is not something that other people in this school can easily match.

She stood here, and the girls surrounding Lynch disappeared. They didn't want to offend her, not only because of her family background, but also because of her being the president of the student union.

It is a position with a lot of power, and the school leaders have to give in at some point, let alone ordinary students.

At the school gate, the two stood facing each other, Anna was still feeling a little hot from the special words she said just now.

"Flattered (didn't expect to have such a beautiful lady waiting for me here, it's an honor)!"

Naturally, the two turned around and walked towards the campus almost at the same time, and some boys and girls who were paying attention to the situation here were somewhat sad.

Although people are afraid of Anna's power in school, but want to get close to her, the girls are purely to improve their communication skills. If they can develop into close friends with Anna, they can get some better opportunities in the future.

Opportunities for career advancement, and the chance to foresee men of higher status.

As for those big boys, they thought the same as those boys when Severilla was in school. If they make her belly big, they will naturally become the son-in-law of the Akiner family...

Now it seems that the situation is a little delicate.

Anna, who was standing next to Lynch and slightly behind him, stroked her slightly hot cheeks, "You are going to speak at ten past nine, are you ready?"

She decided to start the situation from the most usual place. If Lynch replied that he had prepared a speech, then she could justifiably use the position of "student council president" as a request, and find a quiet corner with Lynch to help him review the speech. Check out his speech.

In a relatively closed environment, young and restless hearts will only get closer and closer.

If he replied that he was not prepared, then it happened that Anna, as the "President of the Student Council", had rich experience in organizing and participating in various conferences, so she could easily write a suitable speech.

The two of them will definitely sit together again, arguing about certain words and sentences, and maybe there will be physical touch when they are not careful.

What a perfect plan, Anna couldn't help applauding her clever little head!

However, Lynch's answer made her a little overwhelmed.

"Do you need to prepare?" Lynch turned his head to look at the girl. "I'm not used to those rigid speeches. People's thoughts are different every second."

"Every second that passes, we have a second more life experience than the last second. The accumulation of emotions will change our thinking."

"Using the thoughts of a few hours ago, even a dozen hours, or a few days ago to summarize my thoughts at this time, I think it is a blasphemy to the word thought."

Anna was a little uncertain and didn't quite understand, she asked cautiously, "You haven't prepared a manuscript?"

Looks like the plan is still working, they still have half an hour.

Lynch always maintained that heart-warming smile, he shook his head, "I like to play freely, and you can also understand that I like to leave the script."


Not only blocked Anna's two plans, but also made the chat almost dead. Fortunately, the girl has rich experience. As the school's student council president, she has very rich experience in dealing with various emergencies.

She calmed down quickly, "Where do you plan to talk about it?"

"What else can young people pursue?" He bared his teeth, his snow-white teeth and that smile made people dazzled, "Of course it's an ideal!"


If someone else talked about this word, she would snort and kill the other person with a look of "you are also worthy of talking about ideals".

But when Lynch said this word, she lost her mind for a short while.

Maybe not many people know about it. In just one year, Lynch has gone from being a useless person in Sabine City who was raised by his girlfriend to the point where he is today, and he dare not write novels like this? !

But this is still a real person, maybe this is the reason why he can succeed?

Because ideal?

The girl decided not to say any more, she would have opportunities to meet Lynch in the future, and she also believed that he would be able to hold back a beautiful girl who pursued him!

The girl replied seriously, "I am looking forward to your speech..."

At nine o'clock the auditorium at Santa Secheka was full.

In fact, there are not many new students in this school every year. Part of the reason is the high tuition fees, and the other part of the reason is that the admission standards of the colleges of the Holy Union Union are very high.

They only need to recruit high school students who have already begun to make their mark in the corresponding field, as well as the descendants of members of the Holy Harmony Society. Besides, they will not recruit too many ordinary students.

This has also led to the annual number of students being maintained at about a thousand, sometimes less than a thousand.

An auditorium is enough to accommodate all these people, and there is a dark space under the stage, besides the students, there are also many teachers.

Many teachers here are converted from students. They may have just applied for some research projects in the student union at first, and then got the resources allocated. Unknowingly, a few years have passed, and they found that they have become professors. .

But after staying in this closed environment for a long time, many young teachers have not realized that they have completely separated from their school days, and they still regard themselves as students. Therefore, when welcoming new students every year, these teachers will gather in Here, sitting with the students.

On the stage were the school management and the leadership of the student union. Besides, there were several people who were going to speak, and Lynch was one of them.

He spoke on behalf of the freshmen, so some people would speak on behalf of the old students, and some would speak on behalf of the teachers. They also invited a member of Congress to speak.

So there is a reason why everyone wants to squeeze in here, but it is a pity that many people can only wait outside the wall in this life, looking forward forever.

The principal of the school is giving a speech, followed by speeches by teachers, old students, freshmen, and finally members of Congress.

The previous speech was quite satisfactory. The general meaning is that the school is a place for the pursuit of truth. Everyone who can enter this school should be in awe of knowledge and treat each subject with a rigorous and scientific attitude. swim in the ocean.

The general content of the speech of the representative of the old students is how happy learning is. Learning makes each of us a "rich person". Learning satisfies our own understanding of the world, promotes the development of science, and promotes the development of society. Progress, advise freshmen not to waste time on pleasure, do something meaningful.

In fact, in Lynch's opinion, these people have said so many words, which are far less concise than the words "study hard and make progress every day" hanging behind their backs.

Fortunately, his enthusiastic applause did not reveal the fact that he was distracted while others were speaking. The affirmative and slightly excited eyes made the speaking representatives sitting next to him smile proudly.

"The freshman representative is invited, Lynch..."

When the host looked back at Lynch, he was suddenly taken aback.

Whether it is the teacher representative or the old student representative, they all hold a manuscript in their hands.

Even in the hands of members of Congress who are resting in the lounge, there will be a brief speech, but Lynch, who has already stood up, has nothing in his hands!

The host looked at the principal, who was also at a loss. He looked at Anna calmly, hoping to get some information.

For example, the entire process of the Orientation Meeting of Santa Secheka will be recorded on video, and the videos of the Orientation Meeting of several Union Colleges will be passed on to each other in private.

Although they didn't have a competition in this regard to judge whose orientation is better, the students will have their own opinions on who is better than whom.

The principal didn't want what happened here today to be a joke. Fortunately, Anna knew some truths and gave him a reassuring look. The principal was relieved. When he passed the information to the host, Lynch had already stood beside him.

"It seems that our lovely hostess still has something to say..." Lynch made a joke, and some laughter suddenly resounded in the auditorium.

In fact, this can also be regarded as an accident of the conference. The host and the heads of relevant departments of the student union are responsible for this accident. The speaker has already stepped onto the stage, but the host has not left the stage. This is too obvious.

But a little joke by Lynch broke the situation that might be stalemate.

While expressing his true emotions with grateful eyes, the host bowed and stepped back, giving Lynch the podium.

Even if Lynch helped her, wrong would still be wrong, and wrong wouldn't become right just because of who did what.

Standing on the edge of the podium, Lynch showed his hands, as if raising his hands in surrender, and then adjusted the microphone slightly, "I need to explain, the lovely lady host just wanted to remind me not to forget my Speech."

"This is obviously a small misunderstanding, because I don't have a speech, and this is the core of my speech here today!" He looked at the young faces in the auditorium, "Flying youth, no Need to be imprisoned!"

An insignificant sentence was inserted into the topic of the speech, and the students' union and school management were all distracted for a moment.

He turned too fast, and the speed of cutting in was also very fast, and he also quoted the small mistakes that occurred during the conference, but it didn't seem obtrusive, and this was still unscripted...

So scary!

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