Blackstone Code

Chapter 433 Reserve Energy

"There will be a wave of gains in Galil later... Hiss..." Lynch waved his hand and rolled down the window, and the smoke he exhaled dispersed.

He didn't care about the outside world, and focused on sorting out his thoughts, and at the same time, he wanted Rhyme to do a good job in the next stage of work.

It's not that Lynch trusts Lyme so much, but that he believes in human nature.

Human nature will never change much. Anyone living in this world, or any creature as long as he/she/it is alive, will definitely have needs.

To live is a need in itself, in addition to the need for satiety, the need for physical growth, the need for spiritual aspects..., many.

Humans are one of the creatures with the most complex emotions, and they also have the most desires. No one can say that they can see through a person 100%. What people say is that they have discovered the deepest desire in someone's heart.

For a person like Lime who was suddenly promoted from the bottom, it was difficult for him to want to work alone without Lynch in a short period of time. He would even regard this idea as a terrible betrayal at this time.

In addition, if he wants to get more income, he must help Lynch take care of his financial accounts, otherwise he can only go back to the bottom of the society to sell small yellow sheets and live by deceiving customers.

He has seen the scenery on the high mountain, so why would he want to go back to the sewer?

So Lynch trusted him for a short time, not in him, but in Lyme's humanity and desire that Lynch could see through at a glance.

Rhyme took out a notebook and pen, and carefully recorded it. Every "prophecy" of Lynch was prepared as if he could see the future with his own eyes, which made people fascinated and also a little afraid.

The best way to face fear is not to conquer it, but to remain in awe of it.

His attitude is the awe of Lynch's mysterious "prophecy". In order to avoid the illusion of confusion created by memory, he specially prepared a notebook and pen.

"With a large number of orders falling, Galil will definitely rise, and I have a fairly sure inference that this wave of increases is actually a speculative behavior."

He was smoking a cigarette, his thoughts became more and more calm, his senses became more and more acute, his eyes shone with unbearable wisdom, "The main strength of large financial institutions is to resume production and rebuild, only those International hot money wandering around like wild dogs will look for opportunities everywhere.”

It can be said that there is no big problem with Lynch's judgment. Like him, like the consortium behind Mr. Wardrick, like the consortium behind Mr. Patu, these consortiums are not focusing on finance at all. Instead, they made a fortune while the world was suffering from dire financial disaster.

They tried their best to buy land everywhere, merge factories and enterprises everywhere, and buy laboratories everywhere without affecting the operation of the group.

No one will throw a lot of money in the financial market for long-term holding. For ordinary people all over the world, this is indeed a disaster, but for these people, this is a grand banquet.

Only in a stable period, when they can't expand so unscrupulously and wildly, will they focus on the operation of capital, but definitely not now.

In addition, Galil's performance in the foreign exchange market has never been good, and there will be no earth-shaking changes just because he has established diplomatic relations with the Federation and has a big contract.

Only after the construction of Nagalil has completed the first phase, and can maintain a high degree of enthusiasm and cohesion to continue towards the second phase, will Galil have a real increase.

"This wave of rising prices will soon end, and when those international hot money finds that there is no one to pay for their fanaticism, the price of Galil will gradually return to normal levels."

Lime carefully took notes, "Mr. Lynch, shall we enter the market?" His thought was that since Lynch knew that this wave of gains would end soon, perhaps it would be best to wait and see with a short position .

After all, as long as you invest in it, there will be risks, and it is a huge risk, but he obviously ignored Lynch's courage.

Lynch nodded slightly, "Of course, this time we won't be able to get from big institutions, but we can get from these international hot money. They are very greedy. This is their weakness and our opportunity."

When the Federation's economy developed rapidly in the past few years, international hot money regarded it as a hotbed for incubating wealth.

But once the war is over, when the benefits of post-war reconstruction and reformulation of the market rules of various countries are greater than the profits that the Federation can provide them, they immediately run away.

The federal financial tsunami and economic crisis have a direct relationship with these people.

Now, the reconstruction contracts of various countries have basically been negotiated. They have had enough to eat and drink, and they have started to poke their heads out to look for opportunities in the international arena. They have become accustomed to this kind of international hot money that eats bad money without responsibility, and never consider morality and ethics. Yes, all they care about is money.

Then create an opportunity to see the money and swallow them.

"After I go to Nagalil tomorrow, I will talk to some of their provincial governors, including the central government of the United Kingdom. At that time, there may be some good news. In...", Lynch glanced at his watch. There is a calendar, "Before September 6th, quietly enter the market, all positions are bullish..."

Rhyme froze for a moment, "All of them, Mr. Lynch?"

He asked repeatedly, hoping to get Lynch's further affirmation, because this "all" is really a little too much.

Capital leverage is always a magical existence, he can make you ten times and a hundred times more money.

Originally, you could only earn one yuan, but you can easily earn one hundred or two hundred yuan through capital allocation leverage, and people only need to bear "insignificant" risks in terms of banks.

The last time Lynch sniped Frau and made copper ore, Lynch earned three million. In addition to the trading seats he held in his hand, some capable people have entrusted various relationships and entrusted their financial accounts to Lynch established the "Blackstone Fund" to operate.

These entrusted accounts and Lynch will sign an agreement, where possible, he will try to ensure that these people make money, but if they lose money, the Foundation will notify these entrusters when they touch the warning line, and give A formal "financial risk notification".

Then give them the choice, whether to stop the loss before the stop loss line, or continue to entrust the foundation to operate before the second stop loss line.

Generally speaking, if there is a loss, the people in these accounts will not lose too much. Even if the foundation cannot contact them when the loss occurs, the foundation will directly liquidate the position when the stop loss regulation is hit. leave.

This is also the reason why people dare to entrust their accounts to be operated by others. They will not lose all at once, at most they will only lose a little, but if the foundation cannot guarantee a profit all the time, the loss will not be as simple as a little money.

The funds in these accounts, and the funds in Lynch's account, more than 10 million funds have entered the market, which is definitely a big deal.

But then again, the mobilization of tens of millions of funds can definitely cause a bloody storm within the Federation, but it seems that it is not enough to see it internationally, so it needs to use other forces.

"All, I have a good relationship with Jinhui Bank, maybe they are willing to provide us with a higher leverage ratio..." Lynch frowned, "I will tell you the result before I leave tomorrow morning."

He also ordered some details, and soon the car stopped outside a resplendent gate. After waiting for the car to stop, the welcome guest who was standing on the side of the road took the initiative to open the door, bent over and stretched out his hand to get Lynch out of the car. Helped out, and called "Mr. Lynch".

This is Jinhui Bank. The purpose of Lynch’s coming here is to discuss the issue of capital allocation with the director of Jinhui’s financial business department. He only got ten times the chance of capital allocation in the last operation, otherwise he would not just earn money. It was as little as two million.

Although banks can make no loss in this kind of fund allocation process, they will also assess the risks, and it is impossible for any financial activity to be 100% risk-free.

Once there is a problem with the capital allocation with large leverage, the bank may lose all its money. Don't look at those managers who shout every day that they can allocate funds to people with a leverage of 100 times, but in fact this is often just a gimmick.

Most of the time, the leverage index is between two and fifty times, not to mention that the financial situation is very bad now, and banks are very conservative in their financial work.

If Lynch wanted more leverage ratios, he had to negotiate in person.

He had already greeted Joe Griman, and the other party also contacted him about some of his relationships in the Bu Paine head office. The other party also felt that it was amazing that Joe Griman could have friendship with a cutting-edge figure like Lynch.

In addition, Lynch's reputation in this circle is still very good, which led to the negotiation between Lynch and the bank.

And here is the head office of Jinhui Bank in Bupain. Everything looks very vulgar, with gold everywhere, but it is this vulgarity that makes people deeply addicted. Maybe there have never been any elegant people in this world.

When he walked into the hall, Lynch noticed the transparent floor tiles under his feet. Under the transparent floor tiles was actually a clock movement!

Yes, a golden mechanical movement is under the floor. The floor should not be glass, maybe it is some other material. It is very clear and well maintained without any scratches.

The golden gear the size of the entire hall is slowly turning, and every slight advance of the hour hand seems to convey a very special power to people.

"The movement under your feet is pure gold, time is money, and it embodies this perfectly!" A very well-dressed gentleman with the air of a successful person greeted him with a smile on his face, "Nice to meet you To you, Mr. Lynch, I'm the director of the financial department, Carl."

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