Blackstone Code

Chapter 440 Congratulations

There are tens of billions of Galil, and there are not many banks or individuals in the world who can take out so much at once!

We must know that whether it is now or in the past, especially in the past, the legal tender issued by the United Kingdom of Nagalil is probably not very different from waste paper in the eyes of financial practitioners in most countries.

Those big banks, the National Bank, simply don't want to waste money to reserve some Galil as a standing foreign exchange.

It can't buy anything, and it can't do anything. Even the Preton Trading Company is unwilling to accept Galil, so how can it be possible for other people to accept this worthless currency?

It is precisely because people do not accept this worthless currency, let alone tens of billions of Galils, it is not an easy task to gather hundreds of millions of Galilees in a short period of time.

Lynch sat across the table and looked at Mr. Hebbs, who was thinking about whether it was in his interest to raise so much Galil for Lynch, and whether it could bring him some benefits.

"I don't quite understand why you want so much cash, you can't use them at all!" Hebers thought there might be some other problems, but he couldn't figure it out for a while.

Borrowing is not an exchange. In other words, Lynch will return the money to Herbers after borrowing it, with the interest they negotiated attached.

This kind of short-term to medium-term lending behavior actually occurs frequently in this field. There are always times when someone needs some money urgently, and the best way is to find a bank loan.

The currency Lynch requested was rather strange, and Herbers couldn't figure out what he wanted to do at all.

He didn't answer Herbers' question, just kept smiling and looked at each other.

The two looked at each other for a moment, and Herbers nodded noncommittally, "I'll ask for you, but the value of those bonds is debatable." He leaned back, "Gafla hasn't fully Let go of the redemption of this batch of bonds, only a limited redemption."

"Its value is not really reflected by its face value. I think its true value is only 60% or less."

After talking about a matter that he didn't quite understand, Mr. Hebers began to lower the price habitually.

Whether it is stone or gold, there are ways and means to lower the price. If there is room for fluctuation, talk about instability, if the price is stable, talk about long-term price changes, and if everything is very stable, talk about legality and international policies.

Even a piece of gold, these guys can get it cheaper than it really is, let alone war bonds, which are themselves controversial.

People who are engaged in finance all over the world know that Gefra's previous attitude of resignation, even if they lost to the Federation in the naval battle, their desire to exchange this part of the bond is not very strong.

The new announcement issued by the Royal Bank of Gafla is a "continuous" exchange. Under the condition that the economic development of Gefra will not be affected, they will exchange a batch of bonds every year until all the exchanges are completed.

This job may last for three to five years, but it may last longer. For example, if they think that their finances are not very good, they will reduce the amount of each exchange, and it may take more than ten years to complete the exchange.

Ten years ago, people could buy a whole chicken with one dollar, but today, ten years later, one dollar can only buy one chicken leg. Now, a bond worth 100 million federal soles may be worth only a dozen years later. It is equivalent to the current 20 to 30 million.

Therefore, its uncertainty and instability have become the best and most impeccable choice for price reduction.

Lynch looked at Herbers. He was very temperamental and tolerant. After all, he was the prince of a country, even if it was only a small country.

He didn't talk to Lynch about friendship, ethics, industry rules, and decisively lowering prices to fight for greater interests.

Naturally, Lynch would not discuss any friendship with him, he rolled his fingers, "We can sign a gambling agreement."

"What's the bet?" Herbers picked up the pipe again. He shouldn't have been smoking, but he couldn't help it.

When talking with Lynch, he was always unable to control his emotions and thoughts, and was led away by Lynch. He needed something to help him distract and stabilize himself.

It may sound ridiculous to rely on distraction to stabilize your mind, but it works.

"It's a bet on whether this batch of bonds will be honored."

Herbers took out a match, lit it and ignited the tobacco in the pipe. He shook the match and extinguished the flame on it, "How do you bet?"

He took a puff of the cigarette, and thick smoke spewed out from his mouth. After the smoke, Herbers lost a bit of gentleman's elegance, and became more frighteningly ferocious.

"I will borrow this part of the cash for three to four months. At the end of our agreement period, if Gefra makes further announcements about these bonds, such as fully liberalizing the conditions for conversion and allowing free conversion, And it will be converted in full in accordance with the conditions at the time of bond issuance."

Lynch reached out and collected the extra banknotes on the table, "Then when I complete this lending agreement, I won't give you any interest."

Tens of billions of Galil are loaned out for several months without interest?

This is absolutely impossible to accept, and the money does not belong to him alone, and he plans to borrow part of it from other places to give to Lynch.

Regardless of whether others stand with him, or they lend the money to Hebbs, and then Hebbs lends the money to Lynch, Hebbs must receive a certain degree of interest to account to others, but he did not Immediately interrupt Lynch's words, any gambling agreement has two sides.

That is, there is a possibility that is beneficial to Lynch, like what he just said, and there is another possibility that is beneficial to Herbers, such as what Lynch is about to say.

He raised his neck slightly, crossed his legs, and held the pipe in his hand, laying it flat on his lap.

Lynch smiled and continued, "If Gefla doesn't issue such a statement before our agreement is fulfilled, then the bond will be regarded as the interest I paid..."

He put the banknotes in his hand back on the table, and took out a fifty-cent Federal Sole coin from his pocket, suppressing the money.

"One hundred percent, or even more, Mr. Hebbs, what do you think?"

Mr. Herbers nodded without any hesitation and said, "It's fair, Mr. Lynch, huge risks and huge rewards are equal, and judging from the agreement you dictated, I have a better advantage." .”

He frowned as he said, but quickly stretched out, "But the content of this agreement is really a bit big, I need to discuss it with my team, and I'm not sure how much cash I can bring you in the end, I hope you Give me a few days."

Mr. Herbs didn't know that Lynch had arranged a big business for him here, so he didn't bring his own team. He just took this trip as a tour-in his opinion, Lynch The purpose of looking for him is probably to borrow some money. After all, the joint development company has spread too much at once, and not every shareholder can keep up with the speed of the company's development.

Those big consortiums are developing fast, while individual forces like Lynch or small forces are developing slowly. In an unbalanced and unequal situation, it is likely to cause mutual strife within the joint development company.

But as long as his financial resources can keep up with the development speed of the mainstream forces, even if it falls short, it's not a big problem.

As for the rest, Mr. Herbers brought his favorite shotgun. He heard that the natural ecology here is better maintained, and he may be able to hunt while escaping the summer heat.

But he didn't expect that as soon as they met, Lynch gave him a big temptation, at least worth tens of millions of federal sol bonds. If Lynch loses the bet, these will become his "trophies".

This is much bigger and more cost-effective than a few percent interest, and he is very tempted.

Even if he loses, the consequences he bears are not serious, it is nothing more than that the money does not generate interest, and there will be no more direct losses.

But he wasn't sure if there were other traps in it, for example, was it possible for Lynch to run away with this waste paper worth tens of billions, which was much faster than slowly developing and making money.

At the same time, he also needs time to raise this part of the funds. He needs to wait for those people to come by boat from other places. He has no way to make a decision now.

"Of course, this is a reasonable request, but Mr. Herbers, our time is limited." Lynch stood up and extended his hand, and the other party also said, "I can only give you five days, five days Then if you can't give me an answer, then I will seek other collaborators, such as local people, although I don't like them!"

The two shook hands, "I will do it as soon as possible!" Mr. Hebbs said, picked up the staff of civilization, turned and left, he is not willing to wait for a moment now, he will immediately notify his team to gather with his friends Here, discuss whether this deal can be done.

Lynch, who was standing on the second floor, watched Mr. Hebbs' car drive away. After a while, he looked back from a distance and refocused on Als, who was recruiting workers.

At this time, the recruitment standards have been announced, and many young and middle-aged people have begun to line up to accept the preliminary review.

Two local men in dirty gowns first inspect the applicants' mouths, looking at their teeth and oral cavity, just like cattle and horses.

Oral condition and teeth can also reflect a person's physical condition to some extent, and then they will examine the extremities, trunk, including the armpits.

After these people were inspected roughly like livestock, a form was issued.

Two days later, they can take this form to participate in a more careful physical examination, mainly to avoid the possibility that some of the workers may be suffering from contagious diseases. After passing this test, they can start working.

Seeing those workers scrambling to create value for Master Lin, Master Lin was very pleased.

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