Blackstone Code

Chapter 0452 I am a reasonable person

In this city, there are no noisy electrical appliances, no roar of factory production around, no tire noise and engine sound of countless cars passing back and forth on the road, everything is so quiet.

It was precisely this silence that made the gunshots even louder, and there was an echo from a distance.

The Nagalilians who were smashing and prying outside the container seemed to be pressed the pause button for a moment, and some people who were still watching the excitement shrank their heads and ran to a further place to watch.

Lynch put his pistol into the holster on the sergeant's side, and gave a simple command, "Control these people..."

The sergeant made a gesture, and several soldiers ran from the truck and approached the rioters.

Being pointed at by a dozen guns, even if these Nagalilians have not received any education, they know very well what will happen to the bullet that is smaller than the little finger, and they can't even escape. Dare to escape, just stand there stupidly.

The chief of the police station twitched his mouth. He lowered his head and stood humblely behind Lynch, wanting to explain.

He wanted to explain before, but was interrupted by Lynch's movements, "Mr. Lynch..."

Lynch ignored him, and raised his hand, but the police chief hurriedly moved away, thinking that Lynch was going to beat him.

Even at the moment when Lynch raised his hand, he still had a kind of anticipation, hoping that Lynch would really slap him in the face!

It's not that he has any special hobbies, it's purely because if Lynch really slaps him, all the mistakes he made in this incident will be wiped away by this slap.

After all, Lynch has already "disciplined" him, he doesn't need to take any responsibility anymore, the rest is the responsibility of others!

Retreating, bowing his head, and dodging are just subconscious behaviors. Of course, it has something to do with his hesitation. In front of his subordinates, he was slapped by a foreigner. Even if this foreigner is powerful, people will not To say that foreigners are rampant is to say that he, the chief of the police station, has no bones.

This world is so cruel, lenient on the outside and strict on the inside will always be the double standard that people are best at.

But unfortunately, Lynch didn't intend to slap him. He just raised his hand, then took out a cigarette from his pocket, put it in his mouth, and lit it.

Just such an action once again made it impossible for the chief of the police station to continue speaking. Not only was it impossible to continue speaking, but it was also very difficult to start again.

He stood beside him in embarrassment, neither to leave nor to stay.

The people beside the container were all under control, and the sergeant also opened the container. Nell, who was covered in blood, came out of the container, and the police chief at the side knew that things were in trouble.

He didn't know that Nell was Lynch's father, and if he knew, it wouldn't have happened.

Nell is not a very flamboyant person who likes to show off his identity. He has fairly normal values. He doesn't look like a grumpy gentleman who deliberately lives in the house in order to let people know who his son is. Several statues were erected at the gate of the town.

There is him in the statue, and there is his great son. In order to let people know who he is, he asked the stonemason to engrave the name "Dulin" on the base of the statue of the young man, and engraved the name "Du Lin" on the base of his own statue. The words "This is Doolin's father" were written on it.

This old man is really a man with a strange personality but very interesting. Nell is not. He is just a sullen flirt after becoming rich. There are still some ordinary people who are not used to the current life. When he landed, he publicized everywhere that Lynch was his son, and he only regarded himself as an ordinary person.

At this time, he walked out of the container holding his head, looked around, and walked to Lynch with a smile, looking a little embarrassed, or guilty, "Sorry, I messed up."

Lynch reminded him that he didn't realize that things were actually more serious than he thought, and that these people's reactions were so violent.

It's not surprising, Nell is still too kind, he may not know why this happened until now.

Lynch could see through that, in fact, these girls, and the brothers she called around them, were all for the identity of a certain man in the camp.

It may be a bit vague to say so, let’s put it in a simpler way, Lynch was lucky enough to go to Paradise Town once, it was a place where a certain god looked down tomorrow, in tropical areas, people’s enthusiasm is like the weather, it’s so hot Almost out of breath.

As long as you reveal your identity as a foreigner in Paradise Town, there will be all kinds of girls that people can't get up to in their own country immediately, and they will make you feel comfortable and really regard it as a paradise.

But it’s not. It may be a paradise for foreigners. No matter men or women, as long as they are single, there are endless encounters every day, which makes people linger and forget to return.

But for the locals in Paradise, it's hell.

They, especially them, humble purpose of pleasing every foreigner is to hope that in the best stage of their life, they can look down at them alone, and buy them an extra copy when they leave Paradise Town It's just an air ticket.

They wanted to leave, just like the disturbed girl in Lynch's eyes, and like the young people around her, they also wanted to leave.

But they couldn't leave, not because the government of Nagalil didn't allow them to leave, but because they couldn't afford even a one-way boat ticket to leave Nagalil.

For some thoughtful young people, this is hell, although for foreigners who come here, it is heaven.

These young Nagalilians cannot find a suitable, long-term job, and the monopoly of all resources and commodities prevents them from having any chance to develop themselves.

Without formal education, without the ability to change themselves, and society does not give them opportunities, they will eventually be like people everywhere on the street, watching the years slip away little by little, wasted, depressed, and turned into dead wood.

Men want to plant something to prevent themselves and their families from starving to death, and women may need to work as prostitutes to supplement their household income. The payment from the other party is probably not money, but some daily necessities, some food, and possible diseases.

In a lifeless society, people can only decay in despair, hoping to have a good birth when reincarnated.

Until a group of foreigners shows up, this is their chance, as long as they can catch one of them, they can leave.

As long as you leave here, more people can leave!

If someone asks them what is hope, they may not know the word, but like now they know, hope is those more and more foreigners!

These people are actually very pitiful. Lynch can understand and understand them, so he wants to laugh now.

"Do you need to call a doctor?" Lynch asked.

Nell nodded at first, but then shook his head. In fact, the wound on his head was no longer bleeding, and calling a doctor at this time would make those under him laugh at him.

He is not a graduate from a prestigious university. He is a worker behind a desk in the office as soon as he works. Injuries are commonplace for workers in this period.

"I need a cigarette more than a doctor."

Lynch lit a cigarette for him, and slowly exhaled, "Who caused the trouble?"

Nell beckoned to the timid young man. The sudden conflict frightened the inexperienced young man.

When the young man didn't come, Nell asked him, "What are you going to do?"

Lynch laughed, "Help him make a family here!"

Nell looked at him blankly, "But he's married, with a wife and children."

Lynch sneered, "But he can't control himself...!"

Young man... He said he was a young man. In fact, this young man was a few years older than Lynch, but he had a very immature feeling.

As soon as he approached Lynch, Lynch slapped his neck, grabbed his collar, walked to a place close to the container, and kicked him hard on the crook of the leg.

The young man lost his balance and knelt down on the ground with a plop. His face immediately turned red, but soon turned pale again.

Many local people around were watching. Because of the gunfire, people from farther places came to watch. Most of the Nagalilians who are not working have time to watch these interesting things.

If there are not so many people, it is actually very simple to solve this matter, but with so many people watching, it becomes very difficult to solve this matter.

If you have done it a little bit and are not so "exquisite", it will be another troublesome thing when the Youth Party makes a fuss.

Lynch came to Nagalil to make money, not to solve these trivial matters. Anyone and anything must make way for him to make money. He may stay for a while without affecting his money, but Also just for a moment.

Looking around, he waved to the frightened and trembling girl. The girl hesitated for a long time, then bit the bullet and walked to a place still some distance away from Lynch and stopped.

She didn't dare to look at Lynch, but stared down at the young man.

"I've heard about the cause, the process, and the result I've seen..." Lynch's voice spread far away. Many people who often hold lectures have learned how to make their voices Spread farther afield, it is a pronunciation skill.

There was only wind in the entire camp and the surrounding area, and countless pairs of eyes looked at him, "I am a fair person, a reasonable person, and I never stand on anyone's side."

"I will now give this girl and this boy a choice, a fair choice."

Lynch looked down at the young man, "No matter how this relationship happened between you, it's not so easy for you to end it now."

"Leave an arm, or an egg, to redeem your sins." Lynch took off the cigarette butt and flicked it in the distance, "Or you choose to marry this girl..."

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