Blackstone Code

0470 Cultural people, both refined and popular

At the same time, in a hotel less than a kilometer away from the boy, Lynch was entertaining the investment group.

The splendid decoration makes many guests who live here forget for a short while that this is the United Kingdom of Nagalil, a backward, poor and ignorant country located on the Eastern Ocean.

The clear crystal light refracts the bright light everywhere, and adds a touch of gorgeous color to the bright light.

A group of unknown local bands and singers are singing soothing songs in a low voice.

The singer is a Nagalilian, with a dark complexion and an unattractive appearance, but what is surprising is his voice, which exudes an intoxicating taste like a barrel of long-lasting and fragrant wine.

Some ladies stood around him, eyes slightly closed, listening to the voice that made the soul dance.

His singing is not loud, and it is difficult to hear it a little farther away, but in a little farther away, people gather in groups of threes and fours holding wine glasses and chatting.

Talking about what they saw and heard after coming to Nagalil, their discoveries, and everything here, it was interesting and cheerful.

The waiter wearing a vest and a bow tie walked quickly among the crowd. He brought glasses of fine wine and took away empty glasses. At this moment, everyone in the room seemed to be in the place they are most familiar with. environment, not in Nagalil!

This proves once again that the greatness of money, or wealth, is precisely because of abundant money, such magnificent buildings can be built in this backward, ignorant and poor land.

On the dance floor, Lynch is dancing with Penny. He is not actually the "master". Today's protagonist is Lime. He can be regarded as a kind of companion, so there is no need for him to appear now.

During this process, he could do some things of his own, for example, Penny invited him to dance together, and Lynch had no objection to this.

On the dance floor, the two danced a kind of dance similar to slow rocking with soothing music. This dance has no specific and fixed steps or forms. It is more like giving those men and women in love some opportunities to get close to each other and rub their ears together.

With every breath, Lynch could smell a fragrance, a fragrance from the opposite sex. One of his hands held the girl's hand, and the other hugged the girl's back.

Today Penny changed into a bright red long dress with a bare back. Among the elegance and luxury, the beautiful bright red brought a touch of girlish liveliness, which was amazing.

His hand just pressed on the girl's back.

Lynch paid more attention to his hands than he did to his face.

A man never impresses the world with his appearance, his hands are more important than his face.

For example, a pair of sharp hands can distinguish the authenticity of a document through the protrusions of the printed characters on the paper, and a pair of steady hands can allow him to handle some more delicate tasks, but these things, the face cannot do.

This also allowed him to feel the tenderness of the girl's skin at this moment, the kind of pure tenderness without applying any makeup and skin care products.

Strictly speaking, this kind of tenderness is not like the "freshly peeled boiled egg" that people often say. Although the coagulated egg white is also very tender when the boiled egg is just peeled, it is not slippery. Rather astringent.

The girl's skin was slippery, and when the pads of her fingers pressed against the smooth skin, she could hardly feel any friction, as if the mechanics had completely disappeared at this moment.

The touch of the fingertips made Lynch a little obsessed, not addicted to women, but addicted to the appreciation of artworks.

In fact, Lynch is also an elegant person. In his society, even if he pretends, he must pretend to be elegant and educated.

The culture here is not a culture of diploma knowledge, but another kind of elegant culture.

Once, before he went in, he was in the same car with several big shots, and everyone was chatting about investment. While chatting, they suddenly talked about the name of the only woman among them, a very cultured woman. name.

Among them, the person who can lead the negotiation said with a smile and read a poem, and then someone followed the second sentence, and the third sentence, people's eyes fell on Lynch.

Lynch read the following poem without hesitation. The two words in the last sentence of this poem happened to be the name of the female traveler.

The atmosphere in the car suddenly became more enthusiastic. This is a kind of cultural person's recognition of cultural people. The contract was signed after getting off the car.

After entering, Lynch also met a lot of cultural people, and one of them impressed him deeply. That guy spent five years in a game, which caused many people to lose their fortunes. The reason why he can make people trust him is The reason is that he has "culture".

Lynch is also a cultural person. He likes and appreciates everything. In fact, women are also a kind of "art".

His fingertips slid gently on the girl's skin, and Penny's face was soaked in red. She was not used to this atmosphere, but she couldn't avoid it.

The scandal with Lynch made her understand a truth. In the complex circle of the film industry or the entertainment industry, it is difficult to survive without a background, and she will face difficulties from others all the time.

Sloan is just one of them, and not quite a big guy.

Compared with the production company, this kind of movie star is just a small person. What if someone from the production company makes things difficult for her in the future?

These days, there are many gossips that so-and-so enters so-and-so's room at night. You can reject actors and directors, but how do you reject the producer?

As long as you are in this circle, there is no way to avoid these problems. Unless you have a background that everyone is in awe of, otherwise you can only go with the flow.

Penny wants to be a star and a big shot, that is her dream, ideal, and plan for her future life.

She entered this circle and worked hard for these things, not thinking about entering this circle and becoming a female cousin.

Since you have to choose, then choose a better one, which can be done once and for all.

She looked up at Lynch, and every time she took a breath, the breath from Lynch's mouth and nose spread along the gap between the two, but some of it would spit on her face, making her heart beat faster.

Lynch's hand also possessed a kind of magical power, which made her body slightly warm.

The two were very close, and every time they moved, their bodies would touch each other, which made the girl both excited and uneasy, as if she was afraid of something.

In a daze, the music stopped.

The band is not a record, and they will never know they are tired. The musicians of the band will be tired. Playing in this kind of occasion, there are many guests with high musical literacy. Once they make a mistake, their careers may be severely damaged. frustrated.

So their spirits are highly concentrated, this kind of playing state makes people tired easily, and the singer also needs to ensure that he can show his best voice to those intoxicated ladies and more guests, they all need to rest .

The people on the dance floor stopped, as did Lynch and the dazed girl. Lynch clapped his hands and clapped his fingers at the waiter.

A waiter came over quickly. Lynch took out his custom-made pen from his pocket, left a phone number on the paper cup holder of the waiter's tray, and then gave an order.

After the waiter left here, the girl who had gradually woken up looked at him shyly. Lynch knew what she meant, and explained casually, "This singer has a unique voice, and his smile is also unique. People will like him."

He added, "Federal."

Not long ago, someone in the federal society published an article called "We Are Reshaping Pride". Once this article came out, it caused huge repercussions and a sensation.

In Lynch's words, it is an inspirational article with obvious political overtones, advocating throughout the article that the Federation and the Federation people will return to glory, but it requires everyone's joint efforts.

It’s very mainstream, it’s the main theme, and people like it very much. Now the federal people are thinking about it and working hard. The capitalists should actually thank the financial crisis and the economic tsunami, because these problems make those workers who complain all day understand the work. Don’t go to the trade union all day to report that you are being exploited and oppressed again.

If some groups like this singer and his band are organized to sing and perform in the Federation at this time, it will further prove that the Federation is recovering rapidly and will be better than before.

Staggering this question, Lynch also asked a question, "Have you ever acted as a celebrity?"

Before the girl had time to react, Lynch braced her arms. On this occasion, many things seemed to be loose, but they had an unknown rigidity.

The girl naturally reached out to hold his arm, and led by Lynch, she walked towards a group of gentlemen who were chatting.

The arrival of Lynch caused the group of gentlemen to suspend their chat. Lime took the initiative to step aside. Lynch glanced at Penny, and the girl subconsciously let go of her hand. First, she greeted the gentlemen here, and then apologized. He left and walked to another circle where the ladies gathered together.

She was a bit confused, but she did a good job. Sometimes people always say that bringing a female partner is superfluous, because there is no place and status for women in real entertainment, but this kind of entertainment cannot do without the embellishment of women.

They don't admit that they are vases, but they are vases.

"Where did the chat go?" Lynch took the initiative to chat as soon as he came. The invisible aura on his body has given him this kind of power in front of these people. He is like a master.

Rhyme quickly replied, "We just talked about the chaotic traffic here..." After answering, he felt a burst of relief.

Everyone yearns to walk in here, greet everyone familiarly, and chat casually.

He who stood outside the glass window thought so with envious eyes before, but at this moment, he didn't think so.

This is not a kind of enjoyment, but a kind of torment.

People here don't use mean words to laugh at your mistakes, they just use their eyes to make you feel ashamed.

Makes you feel like, you don't belong here, it's a mistake that you're here!

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