Blackstone Code

0527 Bu Pen doesn’t believe in tears

After rearranging her clothes, Vera sat back in her seat, "I am a single mother. Maybe I will not get married again for the sake of my children, but I have the right to control my own body."

Normally it would be difficult for her to say this kind of thing, but now that the mood has reached a point, and Lynch's statement is so important and critical, she feels that she should also be more "generous".

We were all adults, and Lynch quickly understood what she meant. They might become occasional bed partners, but it would not affect both parties' lives.

This kind of little secret that only belongs between two people seems to be very able to bring the relationship between the two parties closer, and after breaking through that important relationship, some things become smoother.

"Sabin City is not a suitable place for development. You know, I have some financial accounts..." Lynch continued to enjoy his breakfast. The maid's bacon was fried well and he liked it very much.

Although frying bacon seems to be a cooking skill that everyone can do, there are not many people who can do it well.

If it is fried too long, the fat will be completely fried out of the fat cells by the high temperature, causing the bacon to become dry, burnt and hard. The taste will be much worse and less fragrant, making it unsuitable for breakfast.

If it is fried too tenderly, the unique aroma of bacon cannot be released, and the fat particles are too full, and the greasiness of the fat will affect the taste of the lean meat.

This thing must be fried just right, with a slight crispy spot on the surface, not all places, but only a few places, which can be rolled up easily, and where the fat is slightly transparent, which also means that the fat part is just right.

It is not greasy, maintains a soft and tender texture, and adds a small amount of burnt aroma. This is the most suitable bacon, but not everyone can do it. Heat and time are the key, and it is also the most unpleasant. That’s why there are so many auxiliary props in the kitchen, but there are still many people who can’t do it.

Seeing Lin Qi eating breakfast made Vera feel a little bit special. She didn't answer Lin Qi's words, but asked a question, "When will you leave here?"

"Here?" Lynch paused the knife and fork in his hand for a moment, "Sabine City?" This rhetorical question was affirmed by Vera. He thought for a while, "I will go to Bupen on the 28th. , but I will come back in early January, not necessarily here. If the governor wins re-election, I have to attend his celebration ceremony."

Lynch didn't have much time to do personal things during this period, and he didn't have much time until the middle of the year.

"What's wrong?", he asked, "Is there anything special?"

Vera nodded, "If you are not in a hurry to leave, I will make you a breakfast tomorrow morning."

Lin Qi was a little surprised, but he readily agreed, "Of course there is no problem. Even if there is something special, I will stay for this breakfast."

He was always so considerate. Vera stirred the milk and answered Lynch's previous question, "I know your accounts at Bupen. I heard you made money?"

Accountants also have their own news channels. The exchange of news in the industry is regarded by many accountants who have just entered the industry as some kind of proof that they have entered a certain level of circles. Therefore, opening and closing your mouth is just gossip and certain things. Big news that ordinary people don't know, to prove that you are no worse than others.

But what they don't know is that there are some silent accountants who are more capable than them.

Every day in the office, facing so many subordinates, there are always some words that can reach Vera's ears. For example, Lynch's several financial operations have become news in the industry for a while, so she knows , Lynch made money.

Lynch nodded noncommittally, "I have established several foundations. It's okay when there is no business. Once there is business, some things will become complicated, especially the funding issue."

Hearing this, Vera nodded. Although private equity funds are not allowed to disclose their accounts to the public, the tax bureau has the right to access the account books of these foundations to check whether they have evaded taxes or the like.

Of course, this kind of thing will not happen all day long. Without the collision and pressure of two major forces, the tax bureau will not have nothing to do all day long to stare at those private equity funds that explode at the first touch.

Who knows whether the shareholder inside is the president or the director of the tax bureau, so I won’t touch it if I can.

But if they don't touch or check, it doesn't mean they can't keep the accounts or make them randomly, and some of the information will be more sensitive. What's needed at this time is not professionals, but trustworthy people. Do.

Even if Lynch couldn't get into Vera's heart through that short intestine, he still had other ways.

Emotion, reason, desire, and fear are the four curses that life can never get rid of. This is what a master told him, and Lynch thinks it makes sense.

This is an upgraded version of wine, sex and wealth. It has fewer words but more truth.

He rolled the bacon, dipped the bacon in the sugar-coated egg yolk, put it in his mouth, chewed it, and said, "I don't believe in anyone except you, so if possible, I hope you can come to Bupen." Comprehensively preside over related financial work, and..."

He picked up the napkin at hand and wiped the oil stains on his lips. "I plan to put the headquarters in Bupain. It will be in Bupain for at least the next ten years."

Vera, who didn't pay much attention to politics, suddenly had an idea and blurted out, "Because of Mr. President?"

Lynch did not hide from her, sometimes showing his social circle and small circle is the best way to show his strength, "I have a good relationship with Mr. President, the next ten years will be my fastest growing ten years, I need you , Vera, think about it?”

Vera was still a little hesitant. After all, she was used to living here in Sabine City, so she was a little uncomfortable with leaving suddenly.

Bupain is actually not a livable city. The federal people know this very well. So many people live in Bupain not because it is suitable for living there, but because they are fighting there for their lives and future.

In Sabine City, when you walk along the roadside, you can see those leisurely and unhurried passers-by, who are walking slowly while chatting with irrelevant words.

There are also those people sunbathing on the roadside, which are most common in winter. When the weather is good, they will move a chair and find a place to gather together. There is a small stove in the crowd, and some low-quality coffee and coffee are placed next to the stove. Milk or whatever, and then they can enjoy most of the day.

But there is no such thing in Bupen. A few years ago, there was a best-selling book of the year called "Bupen Doesn't Believe in Tears". The author told everyone in the most direct way what a terrible city it was.

Failure, pain, illness, depression..., any negative emotions arise, or negative physical conditions break out, people will not stop and look at you just because you need help and care.

The protagonist is a young man who goes to Bupen with a dream to pay for his ideal. Step by step, he understands the coldness of that city, and eventually he dies on the street.

Due to a sudden illness, he collapsed in the middle of the busiest cross street in Bupen, but no one from the passing vehicles or pedestrians paid attention to him, no one called the police, and no one stopped to ask him if he needed help. Everyone is compressing time and exploiting themselves crazily so that they can live a slightly decent life.

If they can't even take care of themselves, how can they have time to take care of others?

Accompanied by a drop of tears, the protagonist's death resonated throughout the federation, especially among the job seekers struggling to survive in Bupen. For this reason, some people even held a massive march at the largest mall in downtown Bupen. They lay all over the cross streets to warn people of something.

However, most of the people who participated in this parade and behavior were not locals of Bupain. They were tourists or people who came from other places to join in the fun.

True Buppan people, what kind of activities could you possibly have time to waste a whole day on?

So every time people talk about Bupain, no one thinks it is a suitable place to live. The mayor of Bupain even protested against the author of the book, saying that he had vilified and distorted the image of Bupain. As for who is talking nonsense, everyone knows very well.

These troubles made Vera not sure whether to move there for a while. In fact, since she didn't object strongly at the first moment, Lynch knew that she could be persuaded.

"Bupaine has the most advanced technology, science, medical care in the Federation, everything you can think of, and everything you can't think of. As long as it exists, it will inevitably appear in Bupaine first."

"The same goes for education. Many education experts have settled in Bupain to serve the children there. Many characters who can only be seen on TV or book covers will enter people's lives and let your children accept it from an early age. A better education than anyone else.”

"Vera, the door to the future world will only be opened to people with high academic qualifications. People will more directly regard academic qualifications as a new class in the new society."

"What kind of academic qualifications you have determines what kind of things you can do, not whether you have the corresponding abilities."

“Whether it’s for your career, for your children, or for better living conditions, going to Bupen is a good choice.”

"And..." Lynch stood up slowly, and he stretched out his hand to Vera, "I need you too."

I don’t know what moved Vera. In the end, Vera only hesitated briefly before taking Lynch’s hand.

She didn't say she was willing or unwilling, but both of them knew that she agreed.

The new life seems to be somewhat exciting!

After deciding, Vera did not continue to feel melancholy. She asked, "What about the employees here? Should they stay here, or should they be brought over with them?"

"You can bring some that you think are good, that are compatible with you, and that are trustworthy. As for the rest, there will be a branch here..."

Business in Sabine City is far from over and will continue for a long time to come!

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