Blackstone Code

0530 turns into a spring breeze

"I said...what are you going to do?" Mr. Jonathan shook his body uneasily, so that the loose parts of the chair under his butt made a squeaking sound when they rubbed.

The young man smiled at him, "Don't be nervous, Mr. Jonathan, this is just a routine process. You know, just like when you want to do something, someone will always ask you why you want to do it. It doesn't mean What, it’s just a process, but a necessary process.”

As he spoke, the young man had already opened the document bag and taken out the documents. While checking the documents, he continued to ask questions such as, "Mr. Jonathan, are you sure you are conscious now?" Can you simply calculate...the results of these numbers?", "Do you know your rights and interests?" and so on.

After finally answering a series of questions, the young man took out his business card and handed it to Mr. Jonathan, "Mr. Jonathan, this is my business card. I am communicating with you today on behalf of the Sabine City Branch of Jinhui Bank." question……"

Mr. Jonathan picked up the business card and read it. He vaguely felt that something bad had happened, and he nodded.

"Mr. Jonathan..."

Over the next period of time, Mr. Jonathan began to experience palpitation, tinnitus, dizziness and other symptoms. He felt that his head was getting bigger and bigger, and the whole world could not accommodate his head. As the young bank correspondent continued to speak, his head became bigger and bigger. Your head can explode at any time!

During this extremely painful process, he had understood what the young man meant. Because he had violated the loan contract with Jinhui Bank, the bank decided to terminate their lending relationship and recover all loans and loans. Interest accrued during the borrowing process.

To put it simply, the bank found that Mr. Jonathan’s name no longer had enough money to pay the debt he owed the bank, so now federal law gives the bank the power to auction off the property in Mr. Jonathan’s name.

Now the special commissioner was just ordered to tell Mr. Jonathan that except for this apartment, he has nothing left, including his factory, his products, and his dreams, which will all be turned into auction items to repay the bank loan and be legally auctioned.

Many people may not know what it feels like to have elevated blood pressure, and Mr. Jonathan didn’t know it before either.

However, at this moment, he understood.

It was like there was an extra high-pressure water pump in his body, constantly pumping blood to the top of his head. The blood hit him wave after wave. He could feel that the blood vessels in his head would explode at any time.

More serious auditory hallucinations appeared in his ears. He faintly heard his wife, who was almost thirty years younger than him, making up nonsense to discredit his ability in front of the media.

He heard his late father calling him not far away, asking him what he still missed and why he didn't leave together.

His vision also began to blur, and his blood pressure increased, causing his eyes to bulge and blur.

At this moment, the last thought in his mind was that he was finished.

Decades of life, a lifetime of dreams, and persistence until now are complete!

Looking at the bank correspondent who was beginning to distort and deform in front of him, an impulse of destruction and self-destruction was brewing in Mr. Jonathan's heart, which made his expression become terrifying and ferocious. He wanted to kill this young man who ruined his beautiful morning. People, then jump off the building and end this messy life!

Just as he tightened his grip on the pen on the table and was about to do something he never thought he would do, he suddenly froze.

The tinnitus and auditory hallucinations had completely disappeared, and his blood pressure was rapidly decreasing. He rubbed his eyes, then slapped his cheeks, looking at the bank correspondent a little fiercely, "What the hell did you just say?"

The bank commissioner took a step back calmly, "I just said that if we auction your property through formal judicial procedures, the proceeds from the auction may not be able to make up for the money you owe the bank, and the bank may force you to be dispatched. Go work in some enterprises to repay this part of the debt."

Mr. Jonathan shook his head, "No, it's not these, I seem to have heard you say other things..."

The special correspondent immediately showed a look of understanding and said, "Our conversation is over. Can I turn off the recorder?" He nodded to Mr. Jonathan, showed a kind smile, and also did something in his ear. A listening posture.

Mr. Jonathan responded immediately, "I think so, our conversation is over."

After the young commissioner turned off the recorder, he said to him, "I just said that Mr. Lynch is very concerned about the local companies that are about to be liquidated. I heard that he is planning to acquire some companies to help the business owners settle their accounts with the banks." Between loans, maybe this is your chance.”

He looked at Mr. Jonathan pointedly. At this time, Mr. Jonathan had completely ignored the meaning of the commissioner's words. He hurriedly asked, "Is it the Mr. Lynch that everyone knows?"

The young bank correspondent nodded in agreement as he packed up his things, "That's the one you mentioned, young leader, Mr. Lynch."

"Listen, I'm a bank employee, but I don't wish misfortune on anyone. That doesn't do me any good."

"I've looked at your properties. They might be worth a little money when the market is good, but now, they don't even have half of the money you owe the bank. Even if you sell these things, you still owe the bank a lot of money." money."

"You have no factory, no hope, and the future is gloomy..." The bank commissioner looked at Mr. Jonathan and stopped what he was doing. "You can't resist the bank. I know their methods very well. Rather than being beaten by this, A huge debt is arranged for a lifetime, why not try your luck with Mr. Lynch."

Putting yourself in the victim's shoes and thinking about the victim, this method can easily be recognized by the victim, at least Mr. Jonathan is like this, and he feels that the young commissioner seems less annoying.

But he was also a little confused at this time, "But look, I am like this now, will Mr. Lynch meet me?"

The special correspondent looked him up and down, and nodded with some approval, "It's really not that good..." He said and took out two ten-dollar bills from his pocket, "I'll lend it to you, you You can thank me, and I accept your thanks.”

"Life is hard enough, I just don't want any more tragedies to happen!"

At this moment, Mr. Jonathan felt that the world was full of truth, kindness, beauty and love!

A little later, Mr. Jonathan took a shower and rented a set of clothes from the street. In areas where poor people live, some people specialize in this kind of business. They put some clothes that are not actually too high-end into high-end clothes. Rented to some poor people on a daily basis.

People always have good luck, or encounter something related to good luck. For example, they receive an interview notice from a large company or university, but they lack a set of clothes that cannot be said to be decent, but can only be said to be passable.

Then at this time, they can rent a set of clothes from these people that definitely don't fit, but at least seem to pass.

This was the most embarrassing time in Mr. Jonathan's history. He appeared outside the luxurious villa wearing clothes that had been worn by countless people and had some greasy collars.

He had never felt that he was so out of tune with such a life. The cold wind blowing from the lake not far away made him gradually come out of some unrealistic fantasy.

What he is thinking about now is what the special commissioner told him: sell the factory to Mr. Lynch, get rid of the bank debt as much as possible, and then find a job, or start a new business, start a new life, and say goodbye to the past. .

In the morning, he thought Mr. Anderson was stupid, but now, he thought Mr. Anderson was smart. At least he had started a new life, while he was still struggling.

After waiting for about five minutes, a servant appeared in front of him wearing clothes that made him feel ashamed. "Mr. Lynch is waiting for you in the side hall. Please come with me..."

With his head lowered, he followed the servant through those luxurious rooms. The slap between reality and ideal made him a little numb.

Finally, he met Mr. Lynch.

Lynch was on the phone. When he saw Mr. Jonathan, he pointed to the door behind him and looked at him.

With just one eye contact, Mr. Jonathan understood that Mr. Lynch asked him to avoid it a little. He politely suppressed the helplessness in his heart with a very understanding and flattering smile, and bowed down and exited the room.

He never realized that he did that, he thought he would never bend over in his life.

I don't know how long it took, maybe three to five minutes or a little longer, the door opened, and when he turned his head, he saw Lynch, who was as young and energetic as on TV.

"Mr. Jonathan, I'm very sorry. I had an important phone call just now. I have to ask you to leave rudely. I hope you can forgive my rudeness."

Lynch's words, demeanor, and smile at this time, as well as what he said, made people feel like they were bathing in the warmth of spring on a wild hillside with flowers blooming, and slowly running down the hillside. The gap meant that running did not require too much physical effort, and the breeze blew On the face, it blows away the icy coldness of winter, blows into people's hearts, and blows away the gloomy haze...

In an instant, a smile appeared on Mr. Jonathan's face. He bowed slightly in humility, stretched out his hands and held Lynch's hand tightly. It was so important for a big man like Mr. Lynch to apologize to him for his behavior. It’s self-cultivation!

"It's a great honor to be received by you, Mr. Lynch!" he said, with some gratitude that retained his self-esteem, and a trace of indescribable sigh.

On the contrary, Lynch was tall and tall, with a straight spine like a pillar standing upright from the sky. He had an appropriate, polite smile on his face, slightly lowered eyelids, looking down at the man in front of him who was old enough to be his father. , said in a very ordinary tone, "You are too polite, Mr. Jonathan!"

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