Blackstone Code

0551 A thin line separates

Helen, who came back from the interview, stood outside her home and waited for a while. After the people from the second-hand recycling company left, she sighed and asked her father, "What did we lose this time?"

The old man standing on the withered yellow lawn was her father. The withered yellow lawn they stepped on had not been changed for more than half a year.

Originally, the community had specifically talked to them. If they could not afford the money to replace the lawns that had turned yellow, the community company could lend them part of the money first.

In the Federation, except for those low-end and unpopular communities, mid- to high-end communities have very strict requirements for residents. It does not mean that if you buy a house in a mid-to-high-end community, you are really a member of this community. You must You are the one who abides by the rules of the community, or everyone will gang up on you and kick you out.

The appearance of the house, the vegetation in the yard and the lawn are the most basic requirements for residents. You don’t have to buy a house here, but you must abide by the rules here.

Some of the contents are written in the house purchase contract, and some are re-signed when moving in. In short, people must abide by it.

But soon the community company stopped mentioning this matter because they found that more residents did not have the funds to replace their lawns. If the community service company advanced the money for a certain household, others may also ask the community company to advance the money. They are going bankrupt themselves, how can they have so much money to take care of everyone?

Now, on the main road entering the community from the main road, there are yellow and withered lawns on both sides of the road. The image of the entire community has plummeted. Coupled with some "For Sale" signs on the lawn, this community that used to be a mid-range community looks particularly special. The desolation.

The old man standing on the withered lawn smiled, "We just lost our washing machine and lawn mower..." He looked apologetic, "Sorry, the new bill will arrive soon, and I have to pay those bills. , and we can’t use those things very much now.”

"I noticed that the community service company has a laundry room and coin-operated washing machine. It's very close to here. It won't be too much trouble for us to wash clothes. As for the lawn..." The old man lowered his head and kicked the lawn on the ground. Some pieces of dirt flew away, and there was no green thing to be found here at all.

This was originally a relatively wealthy family, but the sudden economic recession directly brought down the family. When they could barely pay Helen's college tuition, the outbreak of the economic recession directly caused them to lose their ability to fight against family risks.

Due to successive unemployment and the fact that their youngest daughter needs medical treatment, they have replaced the weekly physical therapy performed by a specialized doctor in the hospital with Helen doing it at home, but their lives have not improved in any way.

Continuously selling off property has almost become the only way for similar families to survive now. TV always says that the economy has improved and factories have started operating, but some people always seem to be missed by these good news.

When they can't find anything else to sell, they sell their homes cheaply, perhaps for less than a third of what they paid for them.

Then they will move to a not-so-good neighborhood, or simply move to the downtown area, find some connections to rent a soup kitchen, and the family will huddle in a small room and wait for the end of the economic winter.

This sad, sad, and helpless situation has happened to countless people.

The old man was silent for a few seconds. He felt guilty and said, "I'm sorry!"

"It's not your fault." Helen walked over and hugged the old man, "Tell me something to be happy about. Do you know Mr. Billionaire?"

The two of them talked and walked towards the room. As they walked, the old man said, "Of course, Mr. Lynch, the youngest billionaire. TV has been reporting on him during this time. What happened to him?"

"I'm going for an interview!" Helen decided to tell her about it. She had only told her family that she was going to attend an interview, but she didn't say where she was going to attend the interview. She felt that the chance was not high and she didn't want her family to Be happy for a while and be disappointed for a while.

But at this moment, she realized that she needed some good news to cheer up everyone in her family, so she chose to speak out. Nothing could inspire her family more than participating in an interview with Mr. Billionaire, even if it failed. What a bad thing.

At least she went to participate, which is an experience in itself and can make her resume look better.

The old man suddenly became interested, "So what's the result? Did you get the job?"

Helen shook her head, "I don't know, but Mr. Lynch said that my interview left a deep impression on him, and he will consider me when he makes a choice!"

"This is really good news. I have to tell your mother to give us some delicious food tonight!" The old man seemed very excited. His guilt for this family did not continue to affect him. Maybe this incident would not happen. There is no further news, but at least the family will have a brief moment of relaxation and joy in this silent and depressed life.

During dinner, some beef appeared on the table. Helen's mother introduced it a little, "We bought these together, and I grabbed the best piece!".

The Helens are not alone in the community, Bupain has been hit harder than anywhere else in this financial disaster!

You know, in other places the main economic pillars are industry and a small amount of agriculture and animal husbandry, but in the city of Bupen, the industries in which people are most engaged are the financial industry and the service industry, so the financial disaster has a great impact on people like Bupen. The impact of human beings is also greater and more direct.

Therefore, a phenomenon similar to "group buying" has begun to appear. Ladies in the community will pool their money to buy large packages of ingredients. Such large packages of ingredients that have not been simply processed are cheaper and have more weight.

One person can't afford it, but several people can afford it. Of course, dividing the ingredients in the end requires a certain amount of physical strength and vision. Helen's mother was particularly satisfied with her results today. She grabbed the fattest piece of meat.

This made Helen's father feel even more guilty. He could only smile and rubbed his hands restlessly under the dining table. He was laughing, but it made him more uncomfortable than crying.

Everything seemed to be going well on the table, just like a few years ago. Helen's parents were not unemployed. They had enough income to support Helen in college and enough money to treat their little daughter's illness. They never Don't bother with these things.

Just wait until next month and everything will work out.

Towards the end of dinner, Helen's sister asked the question, "Are you going to get the job?"

Everyone's eyes were focused on Helen's body almost at the same time, and in an instant, a weight she had never felt weighed on her shoulders.

She looked at her father, the old man's eyes were filled with an indescribable color, despair, hope, and some contradictory things mixed together.

Helen nodded subconsciously, then nodded again forcefully, promising with words that she didn't even believe, "I will, I will!"

The brief and suffocating calm at the dinner table was instantly broken by the little girl's laughter. She may not have known how difficult this was. She just naively thought that everything would be fine, just like TV. As mentioned above①.

After dinner, Helen's mother was clearing the table. Her father called her over and wanted to say something, but in the end he just smiled and said, "Don't push yourself too hard. We can hold on until we get better!"

That night, Helen felt a heaviness, responsibility, and a sense of suffocation that she had never felt before.

They have nothing left to sell, maybe next time, they will sell this house.

Early the next morning, Helen went to Lynch's residence, which was a house on the hillside near the inner bay of Bupain, which was also the best location in Bupain.

There is a bustling metropolis on one side, and the ocean in the distance on the other. There is no better location than this, and of course its price is also desperate.

Many locals pass by here occasionally or even often, but they are not qualified to enter in their lifetime, even as guests, they do not have such qualifications.

Money draws a line in the world, inside the line is heaven, and outside the line is hell.

Helen asked the doorman for help, hoping to see Mr. Lynch, but unfortunately, Mr. Lynch didn't seem to want to see her, which made her feel desperate.

What would she do if she didn't get the job, what would her family do, what would her sister do, and herself, what would she do?

Very confused, sometimes people are like this, before a critical point in time, may not have this feeling.

But after this critical time point, the whole world suddenly becomes strange, and everything makes people feel overwhelmed and unable to face it.

She didn't want to go home because she would have to face the disappointment of her family after she went back. She continued to look for opportunities outside, but unfortunately, in the current environment, most companies had no plans to recruit new employees. Cutting a part is already worthy of recognition.

In this way, Helen, who had wasted a whole day, finally had to bite the bullet and return home to tell her family the depressing news. She didn't even know how she got home!

After a long period of mental preparation, she opened the door. The aroma from the restaurant made her even more anxious. This was originally prepared to celebrate her finding a good job, but she brought back bad news.

She walked to the living room with heavy steps, ready to tell everyone that she had disappointed them, but what she didn't expect was that she actually saw Lynch here.

Lynch was eating the beef ribs that her mother was good at cooking. He sat at the edge of the table in an imageless manner, grabbing the bones with his hands and chewing hard, leaving a mouth full of grease.

As if he saw the girl, Lynch put down his bones and greeted the girl with a smile on his face, "Hi!"

There was some crystal clear water in the girl's eyes, and she was stunned for a second, "Hi..."

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