Blackstone Code

0615 One dollar purchase and sale

There is a rule in the federal government that in order to avoid fraud by federal government staff, all things that need to be auctioned will be handed over to third-party organizations for auction, such as banks.

At the same time, the judicial authorities have the power to supervise the entire auction process to ensure that no other fraud will occur.

In fact, not only the judicial department can entrust banks to auction some things, but also individuals.

It was impossible for Lynch to do these things by himself. He did not have experts in this field or a company that was professional enough. In other words, he could not accurately calculate the specific details of any of the mortgages taken out by Mr. Herbs. value, so he entrusted this work to the banking department.

There is no need for the bank to auction these things, just let them value them and keep the relevant documents and things in the bank's vault.

Ordinary people will certainly not be able to get banks to do this. Institutions like banks, which seem to serve ordinary people, are actually the most dismissive of ordinary people.

While they bow to the wealthy capitalists, they are arrogant to ordinary people. Even things like "time" are clearly marked by the bank - VIP reception area.

The poor may need to spend a whole day waiting for the people in front to complete their business before it is their turn, but for the rich, they can receive the most complete services provided by the bank anytime and anywhere. Lynch belongs to this level VIP.

Mr. Herbers' people will take his properties that can be appraised to the bank for commissioned appraisal. After the specific appraisal is completed, Lynch will sign a mortgage loan contract with him, and then The federal government would lend him the money.

Is this a trap?

It is no exaggeration to say that, even if Mr. Herbers knew that this was a pit, he had to jump down.

If he jumps down, there may be a way to survive. He is betting that his methods are better than Lynch's conspiracy. As long as he clears out all the 10 billion Galil now, he can get at least about 10 to 20 million federal claims. you.

This value was calculated based on his selling at a lower price. In fact, the current exchange rate between the Galil and the Federal Sol has not reached two hundred to one, and the possibility of cashing out by selling the spot at the market price is almost zero.

With the situation in Nagaril unclear and panic selling already occurring, even if some people want to "buy the bottom", they will choose to wait. After the market activity is completely destroyed, the entire foreign exchange market will When Galil died, he was fished out from the bottom of the water along with the sand.

Now, they will just sit back and watch Galil completely collapse.

If you want these people to take over, you must be willing to go out of your way, and this is precisely why Mr. Herbers couldn't refuse when Lynch called out "10 billion."

According to the current international exchange rate, this is roughly equivalent to 60 million federal soles. He broke his own legs and sold them for 20 million... or else 15 million. At least he could get it back. One to twenty million federal soles.

This amount of money is enough to fill most of his holes, and there is even a slight surplus.

Even if the total income from selling is actually less than this amount, he can barely cover the losses of investors. He may suffer some losses, but the investors' money will not change much.

As long as investors do not have real huge losses, they will even have a "little loss" feeling. When faced with such a situation, Mr. Herbers is able to turn the tide (change the outcome through sophisticated and skillful means to reverse the decline) and reduce the loss to At the very least, I have to say that Mr. Herbers’ abilities and qualities are amazing, and it’s suitable for us to continue working together.”

Then people will trust him more than before and invest their money in him. As long as they have the money, there is still hope to make money back.

So he had to bite the bullet, even if he knew it might be a trap, he still had to jump in with his eyes closed!

The bank appraiser will push the price to the limit and squeeze out the last bit of value from him.

After walking out of the hotel, Mr. Herbers' demeanor quickly changed. Instead of the weakness he had when he met Lynch before, he became surprisingly strong.

Standing in front of the car, he glanced back at the hotel behind him, his gaze as if he could penetrate the glass reflecting the bright sunshine and stare at Lynch's face.

After a while, he got into the car and left quickly.

After he returned to where he lived, he contacted asset management companies in various places and asked them to sort out the asset certificates as soon as possible. At the same time, he asked the housekeeper to prepare a generous gift for him, a real generous gift, and he wanted to visit. Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Now, in addition to the 10 billion in Lynch's hands, he actually has another way to survive, and that is the gambling agreement between him and Lynch.

As long as the Gefra people can refuse to cash out his bonds to Lynch, then these bonds will become his property, and all losses can be made up from this batch of bonds, with a slight surplus.

Not long after, he appeared outside the Chancellor's house. After a short wait, he was led into the house by the Chancellor's butler.

A very large house. These noble houses have a history of at least three to five hundred years, which is longer than the founding of the Federation. When they were built, this place was not prosperous enough, so they tried their best to do as much as they could. Land occupied.

So much so that within a few kilometers to the left of the entire Imperial Palace, there were all houses like this covering an extremely large area.

After waiting for about twenty minutes, Mr. Herbers saw the Chancellor in the study.

"I'm sorry, I just had an important phone call...", the Chancellor explained why he did not ask Mr. Herbers to come over immediately.

When he said the words of apology, there was no sincerity in his tone, as if he just found a reason at random, and there was even a trace of arrogance.

The Gaevra people have always been like this. When they face other races, their arrogance will be revealed bit by bit.

"It doesn't matter, your things are much more important than mine." Mr. Herbers had a flattering smile on his face, and then put a box he carried with him on the table, "I heard that you like to collect some Weird things, I just happen to have a very special little thing here..."

As Mr. Herbers opened the box in front of him, a colorful patch of light began to be reflected, and the Chancellor's originally calm face became a little more moved.

Seeing the expression of the Chancellor of Finance, Mr. Herbers breathed a sigh of relief even though his heart was bleeding.

"Crown of the Clan!", the finance minister couldn't help but sigh. Just as he was about to reach out and touch the things in the box, he seemed to have thought of something. He opened the drawer and put on a thin layer of gloves, and then picked it up. the contents of the box.

It was a crown, with the main part of the crown outlined in gold, and then inlaid with a total of ninety-nine gems, some of which were no longer available.

Regardless of its material value, it is also extremely valuable in terms of art, history and culture.

In addition, there are many legends related to it, such as curses or blessings. In addition, it rarely appears in front of people, which also gives it a mysterious color.

In fact, purely in terms of price, its last public transaction price was not expensive, more than one million fulas. But the problem is that no one knows who owns it, and even if they know, they may not sell it.

"So beautiful!", the finance minister kept praising. For a person like him, money might make him slightly interested, but it would be difficult to impress him.

Only these strange things could move him. He looked over them back and forth without Mr. Herbers interrupting him. After more than ten minutes, he reluctantly put the crown back into the box.

"This thing is real. Where did you get it?" The Chancellor's attention began to shift from the crown to Mr. Herbers. He said half-jokingly, "You will have to pay the appraisal fee later." Give it to me, you must know that I will never appraise anything for others casually, you have to pay a high price."

This seemingly joking statement was actually a test. He knew in his heart that the purpose of Mr. Herbers bringing this thing here could not be for him to "appraise" it, but he asked for it and took the initiative with Mr. Herbers. Giving it to him would have a completely different impact on what happens next.

He asked for it, which meant that he owed Mr. Herbers a big favor. He might not be able to repay it in full once or twice, and he also lost the initiative.

But when Mr. Herbers offers it to him, the initiative will change, and he can even "pick and choose."

He smiled and looked at Mr. Herbers, who did not dare to make excuses at this time. A smile suddenly filled his face, "It's good if it is real, but I can't afford your appraisal fee, so why not... "

"Why don't I just give it to you? If I put it in my hand, I would just lock it in the safe. But by giving it to you, you can let more people see it. This is also its honor!"

The Chancellor of Finance had a lively expression and smiled brightly, "This is not appropriate..."

"It fits, it fits very well!" Mr. Herbers closed the box and pushed it over actively.

The Chancellor of Finance looked at the box and nodded slightly, "It's not a good idea to give it away. If it spreads, it will make people think it's a behind-the-scenes deal. Let's do this. You set a price and I'll buy it..."

No matter how dissatisfied Mr. Hebbs was, he could only continue to maintain his smile at this time, "Then just give me a dollar!"

After paying a coin, the Minister of Finance put away the things properly, and then asked slowly, "I feel a little sorry that you made a trip just for this matter..."

He looked at Mr. Herbers, who smiled and said his purpose, "Actually, I have one more thing to ask you..."

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