Blackstone Code

0620 It’s so fast

He had already heard the phone ringing and was thinking, but he just didn't want to get up and answer the phone because he was bored.

Ever since he became the Governor of the Province of Amelia, His Excellency the Governor's mental state has become worse day by day.

It was okay at first. The resistance was sporadic. People were unwilling to exchange currency, tearing up Gevra's textbooks, and burning Gevra's flag. The behavior was bad, but it didn't cause any headache.

The way to deal with these people is also very simple. Catch them and whip them in public. After whipping them, they will be honest.

But then the situation quickly deteriorated. Even if he promoted the local implementation of the joint sitting system of "one person commits a crime, the whole family will be punished", he was unable to restrain the behavior of those resistance organizations.

A large number of innocent people were executed for joint responsibility, which in turn inspired a greater sense of resistance. So far, the situation is so corrupt that there are not many ways to solve this problem.

There are enemies inside the city, and there are enemies outside the city. There may be members of anti-Japanese armed organizations almost everywhere.

No matter it's an old man, a woman, or a child!

He had seen a boy who was only twelve or thirteen years old and his whole family hanged in the square. This was his personal order, just because the boy of twelve or thirteen years old threw a bag of poison into the Gefra people. In the water tank, more than 20 people were poisoned, five people died, and seven people were disabled and sent back to the country.

This kind of confrontation is everywhere. In the past, there would be a patrol team of three or five patrol members plus some local white dogs responsible for maintaining law and order in the city, but now there is nothing.

The patrol team would not be willing to take to the streets without an armored vehicle. A bullet or bomb would suddenly fly from nowhere, and patrols would become dangerous.

Disorder began to spread in the city, and many times the citizens attributed the attacks, plunders, and violence from their kind to the Gefra people. This stupid and rude approach was heartbreaking, and people's Hatred has begun to become blind, and the situation will only worsen, not get better.

The Governor is also considering when to issue the application report. Returning to the country from here, even if he can only become a rich man after returning to the country, it is better than being in a state of mental stress here all day long. In this state, he feels that he may not survive. too long.

The phone was still ringing. It had been ringing for a minute. He didn't want to get up, but the phone... was still ringing.

His temples bulged and felt a little swollen and painful, his eyelids began to twitch uncontrollably, his little finger subconsciously twitched slightly, and his stomach began to hurt.

Calling at this time and for a long time will not be good news no matter how you think about it.

The phone is still ringing.

He slowly got up from the bed, looked at the ringing phone for a while with an unkind expression, walked over and picked it up, "It's me..."

"Your Majesty the Governor, just now a group of guys claiming to be Blackstone security employees sent Haiyan and some people from the Independence Front over..."

The governor seemed to be hearing hallucinations. He frowned and said, "They are coming? How many people are there? How many people do we have? Can we hold on?"

Those resistance groups are now very arrogant. They don't know where they got a method of making homemade explosives. Even if they hide in the fortifications, it has become less safe now.

If there are too few men to let go, or too many people to attack, he will demand that the defense be abandoned immediately.

Now even if these anti-Japanese armed forces have laid down a defensive point, they will not occupy it. Although there are many troubles in the city, this is the territory of the Gefra people after all.

They can gather relatively superior forces in a short period of time to organize a counterattack. Those who are more armed still harass, which is also a psychological tactic.

Probably both sides understood the other's intention. When some defenders were attacked, if the disparity in strength was large, the Governor would allow them to retreat.

Sometimes he even hopes that the anti-Japanese militants can seize a piece of territory somewhere. As long as they have a territory, they will have a target to attack, unlike now, where the untouchables disappear as soon as the main force comes out.

There was a moment of silence on the phone receiver, and there were some heavy breathing sounds. The other party seemed to be adjusting his breath.

After a while, a new voice came, "Your Majesty the Governor, I am... the guard of the outpost. Just now a group of... mercenaries calling themselves 'Blackstone Security' arrived with Haiyan and some important figures in the independent front. On my side, they passed..."

When he said this, the voice in the receiver paused, and there were some other voices nearby, which seemed to be communicating something. After a while, the voice sounded again.

"With the legal authorization of His Majesty the Emperor, they carried out military operations on the land of Amelia Province, destroyed the anti-Japanese armed organization Amelia Independent Front, and at the same time captured the leader of the organization Haiyan and related personnel, and also seized a number of important supplies..."

The Governor's breathing became more and more rapid. He took a few steps back and forth, quickly walked to the desk, took out a pen, and opened a book at random, "Repeat what you just said."

As the other party repeated the process, he recorded some of the keywords in detail in the book, and then asked the soldiers to take good care of these people. In addition to allowing them to use the facilities of the outpost unconditionally, he also asked the sentry to let you branch out. Send some supplies.

After hanging up the phone, His Majesty the Governor's head no longer hurts and his spirit is no longer tense. No matter who can solve the current problems in Amelia, then these people are his friends and his good people.

Of course, he can't just know this good news alone. He also wants others to know, such as His Majesty the Emperor, who is in the same situation as him.

The emperor had not yet fallen asleep, and Lynch's performance gave him an indescribable expectation. If Amelia's problem could really be solved so easily, then even if Lynch's request was a little excessive, he would not refuse. .

Amelia is too important. Once Amelia develops well, they can continue to expand to the southeast, occupy a large area of ​​inland territory, and realize the true transformation of the Gaevra Empire, from a small island country to A landlocked country with a large territory.

All the problems that troubled Gaevra, such as population, resources, and strategic depth, are no longer problems.

Even if the opponent is the current Federation, they still dare to touch it - anyway, no one can destroy anyone before a decisive force emerges, and the advantages of population and depth will be revealed.

Only then will Gaevra have the possibility to truly stabilize the world's most powerful country, and all of this can be achieved today.

The excitement prevented the emperor from falling asleep smoothly. This was also the most painful feeling for him in the past two years. Because of anxiety and other problems, he couldn't sleep at night and couldn't get up in the morning.

Just as he was about to take a sleeping pill along with the strong liquor, the phone rang.

He waited until the phone rang twice before he picked up the phone.

Calls transferred from the outside to the palace required several manual transfers, so the emperor knew very well that if the phone rang in his bedroom, it must not be an ordinary phone.

The moment he picked up the call, he heard the voice of the Governor of Amelia.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me for disturbing you at such a late hour. I have very good news that I can't wait to share with you. We have caught..."

Before the governor of Amelia could finish his words, the emperor interrupted him, "You caught Haiyan, right?"

The Governor of Amelia was stunned for a moment, "Yes, we caught him. I would like to ask, how did you know?"

The emperor suddenly stood up and walked back and forth several steps, his expression becoming particularly excited, "Of course I know, of course I know... Is the person alive or dead?"

"He's still alive. I've arranged for people to treat him. Maybe we can get some important news from him."

"Very good, what you did is very good. Appointing you as the governor of Amelia is the most correct decision I have ever made. Arrange those federal people properly, and they will help us solve these people's troubles in the future!"

"Federal people?" The governor of Amelia didn't know that those people were federal people. He was a little surprised. It seemed that everything that happened tonight was expected by the emperor. He asked cautiously, "Your Majesty, all this Is this all arranged by you?"

The emperor raised his chin slightly and said, "That's true. Okay, I'm going to rest!"

After hanging up the phone, the emperor laughed twice, and the headache that made him very unhappy disappeared. He jumped back on the bed, rolled back and forth for a moment, and soon began to snore deeply.

Early the next morning, when the steward and the band opened the door to the emperor's bedroom, he was shocked to see that the emperor was fully dressed and was making final arrangements.

"You're late..." The emperor, who was standing in front of the floor-length mirror, turned around and looked behind him, "I can't see some places behind him. Is there any problem?"

The steward quickly walked a few steps forward, and after helping the emperor sort out the unfinished details, he asked with some confusion, "Your Majesty, didn't you sleep last night?"

"I went to bed and had a good night's sleep. Where's Lin Qi, are you up yet?" he asked as he walked out.

The steward who followed the emperor shook his head, "It's just before five o'clock. Your Majesty, if you want to see Mr. Lynch, you have to do it at nine-thirty at the latest..."

"It's half past nine, it's too late. I can't wait to see him. Can you arrange for someone to wake him up earlier?" The person the emperor wanted to see most now was Lin Qi.

It was too fast. This big trouble was solved in less than a day. He had to say that he now believed that Lynch could solve Amelia's problems, including some follow-up problems.

As long as the price is right, he can outsource all these tasks to Lynch's company. For the emperor of a powerful and wealthy country, any problem that can be solved with money is not a problem.

If it is a problem, finding a way to kill a minister is not a problem!

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