Blackstone Code

0647 Backstab

"Hello, Mr. Soren, I am the commissioner responsible for contacting you. You can call me Tom." A guy who looked like a professional manager appeared in front of Governor Seder's son.

The people from the Security Committee opened a suite in a hotel near the customs to receive Solon, and at the same time arranged for special people to come and contact him.

Judging from Sauron's attitude from the beginning, it shouldn't be a bad thing.

This young man should also have a name by this time. His name is "Sauron".

Solan looked at the commissioner in front of him up and down, and nodded casually. As soon as he spread his palm, the assistant beside him placed a newspaper on his palm.

Immediately afterwards, he threw the newspaper to the other party. The whole action was coherent and had an indescribable arrogance.

He has arrogant capital and qualifications. As a great nobleman of the Gefra Empire and the heir to the title, the starting line when he was born was further and higher than the finishing line of some people, invisible and impossible to catch up with.

Power, wealth, status..., whether these things were his pursuits or not, he had these things the moment he was squeezed out of the belly of the governor's wife.

No matter what happens to Gaevra and the Federation in the future, for him and people like him, the future will not change much.

When a country suffers a heavy blow, the pressure will only be dispersed layer by layer on the lower class of society, and what originally existed in the upper class of society will not change in any way.

Just like the country where the Amelia region originally belonged, after the defeat in the war, the top people were still the top people, and they still lived a life that was beyond the reach of people. Only the people at the bottom were the ones who really had the hard work.

In many places, power is a passport to wealth and status. As long as you have power, even a little bit of power, you can cash in a lot of wealth.

He retracted his hand, sat on the sofa and crossed his legs, leaning his upper body back and leaning on the back of the sofa, tapping his upturned toes rhythmically.

"This sounds like a fake name, Mr. Tom!" Soren didn't care at all to expose the fake name when the commissioner introduced himself, which was so fake that even "foreigners" could tell. He indifferently used his fingers to reveal it. Knocked on the table, "I want to buy a generator set like this."

Commissioner Tom took a look at the newspaper and immediately knew what the other party was talking about. He shook his head and put the newspaper back, "Mr. Solon, if your purpose is to buy these things, you may be very disappointed. ,because……"

He shook his head slightly and said, "Currently, there are no plans to sell these devices externally."

The things are real, but they are still a bit "immature" and cannot be exported for the time being.

Many people think that there are technical problems when they hear "immature". In fact, this view is very one-sided. It cannot be wrong, but it is not right either.

For a capitalist and a profit-oriented enterprise, many times "immaturity" just means that the manufacturing cost of the goods they say is too high and cannot satisfy large-scale production.

A product will go through multiple stages from the research laboratory to the hands of customers, starting from the "theoretical stage" and going through the "experimental stage", "sample stage", "production process technology update", "small-scale production" and finally "large-scale production". Production".

Only if the quality of the product can be stabilized during mass production, then the product is "stable".

Nowadays, these new thermal power generating units are technically mature, but they still need some innovation in the production process, and this technology is not actually the most advanced technology. At least in theory, there are some more advanced designs.

Hearing the answer from Fake Name Commissioner Tom, Soren frowned slightly. He was not used to hearing others reject him.

However, considering that this is the Federation, he did not show the irritability unique to the nobility, but there was still some dissatisfaction in his voice, "I heard that everyone enjoys freedom and equality in the Byler Federation, but you can see It doesn’t look like that.”

"You don't own these things, so how can you make decisions on their behalf?"

"Or are the claims that the Federation promotes to the outside world all lies made up to cater to the international community?"

This hat is a bit too big. The fight between nobles is much more intense and longer than the fight between government officials in the Federation. It is very normal for Sauron to have mastered the skill of putting hats on his opponents at a young age.

The commissioner smiled and did not refute, because refutation was meaningless.

Facing the smiling commissioner, Soran knew that no matter how much he said sarcastically, he could not change anything. He changed his approach and said, "Give me their phone number and I will contact them personally. You know, this kind of thing can be done casually." You can find them by spending some money, and you can’t stop me from contacting them directly.”

The commissioner quickly gave Solan the phone number of the generator manufacturer. Solan got what he wanted and started sending people out.

"You can leave, Mr. Fake Name. Besides, you don't have to worry about what I will do. I'm just here to travel and talk business..."

"If you plan to send someone to protect me, I don't care, but don't interfere with me!"

A little later, the phone in front of Mr. Wardrick, who was working, rang. It was an intercom call.

He answered the phone without much thought. He didn't mention his name or say anything, he just listened quietly.

Even if it is an internal call, only board members and ministers of various departments have the authority to call in. Others are not qualified to call his number, whether it is internal, external or private.

This also means that as soon as he picks up the phone, the person on the other end of the line will know who is answering.

"It's me... there's something you need to know. A young man came from Gefra, named Sauron. We checked and found out that he is the son of the governor of Amelia and the future governor."

"He wants to buy our improved thermal generator. I think I need to tell you."

Mr. Wardrick put down the pen in his other hand, simply put the cap on the pen, and then leaned back on the chair. "I remember we talked about this before. It will not be sold to outsiders for the time being..."

Lynch hopes to have something of weight as a bargaining chip for him to win the project. For the two big countries, there are actually very few things that can impress them, nothing more than politics, military diplomacy and technology.

Today, when the international community is becoming more and more stable, there is no need to think about the military. Politics and diplomacy have just been exchanged, and there is no room or need for further exchanges in the short term. In the end, only technology is left.

For a country trapped on an isolated island, energy is their biggest problem. He found a good bargaining chip, which suddenly tilted the balance of victory in his favor.

Mr. Lynch and Mr. Wardrick said that he would try his best to take over power generation facility construction projects in the entire Amelia region, and all use the products behind Mr. Wardrick.

This is a big deal. For the power industry in China, which has slowed down its pace of construction, if Lynch can really do what he says, it will mean huge profits.

Either way, political or economic, it was necessary to ensure that Lynch's export key was unique.

So Mr Wardrick felt he did not need to reiterate the matter and would not change his mind.

Some chuckles came from the phone, "Okay, I'm telling the truth. This guy named Sauron told me that they plan to build at least thirty thermal power generation projects in Amelia, and they plan to purchase them all. Our thermal power generation units.”

"He doesn't want technology, he just wants things. We just talked on the phone and he accepted some confidentiality conditions and confidential installation..."

The so-called confidential installation is to prevent some equipment from leaking the core technology through artificial disassembly. Sometimes they will add some anti-disassembly things inside the machine, and sometimes they will add an anti-disassembly element outside the main structure. Solved shell.

In short, with such a thing, these thermal power generating units will most likely not be repaired, because they cannot be opened once installed. If you want to open it destructively, you can only let it be completely destroyed before it is opened.

Not everyone is willing to accept this kind of installation condition. Some people just want to buy it and take it apart to have a look. If you don't get out of the way, there is no need to buy it.

Sauron's ability to agree to this condition also represents his sincerity.

"We have discussed this issue, and the cabinet is more inclined to use our people to undertake these projects. You can't just consider the issue of economic benefits..." Mr. Wardrick realized something, and he said something to the other party Before, rebut as much as possible.

Sometimes arguments are like this. If one party can be silenced before it gets heated, nothing will happen next.

But this time, the person on the phone didn't seem to be so easily convinced, "If we succeed in cooperating on these projects, Soren is willing to act as a middleman and sell our stuff to the entire Gafra..."

"Do you know how big a market this is?"

"The board would definitely support another approach, so I'm just giving you a heads up."

When he heard this, Mr. Wardrick probably understood that the other party might have been angry with the board of directors because this was a big order.

Hundreds of generating sets are worth at least several hundred million or more. The board of directors will never let go of such profits. Even if the matter itself may involve some political factors, it cannot stop their desire to pursue profits.

Whether he objected or not, it was no longer that important. After a few seconds of silence, he sighed, "I know..."

After hanging up the phone, he picked up the receiver again, but quickly put it back down. He wanted to call Lynch, but didn't know what to say.

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