Blackstone Code

0677 The last link

Apart from the lack of freedom, life is actually pretty good now.

Preton was lying on the bed with his legs crossed, looking at the blue sky and white clouds outside the window, feeling a little emotional.

The peaceful life is indeed tiring, and unknowingly he has begun to get used to the life here. Although it is boring and boring, it also has a sense of security that he has never experienced before.

At first, he was disgusted with the soldiers outside. He felt that these people were obstacles to his freedom, but now he hoped that there would be more of them, so that he would not have to worry about someone putting a gun against his body when sleeping. On the back of the head.

Just as he was giggling while watching the federal TV show, the door opened.

"You should learn to knock on the door!" Preton, who was wearing a nightgown and only shorts, did not have the consciousness of a "prisoner" at all. He seemed to be... on vacation.

When he turned around, he realized that the person coming was not from the Security Committee, but Trueman.

He turned off the TV and turned to look at Mr. Trueman, who was walking over. "Is there anything else you need from me?"

Mr. Trueman was a little surprised, "You seem to be adapting to life here very well."

"Who can't adapt?" Preton spread his hands and looked around, "It would be better if you allow me to find some girls. You know, I have to rely on my hands to solve all the problems during this period..."

Considering that the news of Preton's arrest has not yet been revealed, it is difficult to satisfy his desire to solve the physical problem.

For the Federation, letting him contact outsiders rashly would inevitably reveal his traces. Therefore, in addition to being unable to contact the outside world, he could not see people outside, and it was impossible for him to be recruited.

"It is illegal to be a federal recruiter..." Mr. Trueman reminded. "The price of breaking the law is very heavy, I must remind you."

Preton sneered. He had been to the Federation more than once. He had the business cards of some modeling agencies that were affiliated with Bupen. The Federation people were hypocritical. They clearly had everything, but they insisted on denying it.

He shrugged his shoulders indifferently, "Is it illegal? Forget it, I am a law-abiding person and never do anything illegal..." He paused as he spoke, "What do you need me to do this time? ?”

"You need to reveal some information..."

Less than an hour later, Mr. Trueman left the place where Preton was imprisoned. Along the way, he asked the people from the Security Committee to send some new adult movies in to provide this "pirate leader" with some life material.

Meanwhile, in Gefra, several ministers suddenly asked to see the emperor.

The emperor, who had not had many headaches during this period, had a rare smile on his face. In the side hall, he received these ministers with a smile.

"It seems that you are very anxious. Did something bad happen again?" He made a movement with his hand, and the royal manager immediately arranged for his servants to serve cups of afternoon tea and cakes to the emperor and ministers.

The relationship between the nobility and the royal family is not completely antagonistic. It has different manifestations in different periods and is quite complicated.

Ministers, you look at me and I look at you. Finally, the Minister of Defense spoke first, "Your Majesty, I have just received news that the President of the Federation has approved the establishment of more than 20 military projects, including the expansion of the navy and the increase of various warships... …”

Originally there was still some smile on the emperor's face, but it disappeared at this moment, and his good mood was completely gone!

"Expansion of the military?", he asked again, "Are you saying that the Federation is going to expand the military?"

The Minister of Defense looked helpless, "From what I know, this is indeed the case."

"Hiss..." His Majesty the Emperor straightened his upper body, took a breath of cold air, and held his forehead.

His head started to hurt again and he hated this feeling.

"Do they... want to provoke a war and expand the army at this time?" His Majesty the Emperor's expression became serious.

The Federation has been disarmament and has no new military plans, so even if the Gefra people lost the key naval battle, they were not too nervous, and the whole world was not too nervous because of it.

Even if a country that is still disarmament to express its harmlessness has a strong military force, this military force is only to protect their own legitimate rights and interests. Their small army is not enough to invade anyone, and everyone will be safe.

But at this moment, the Federation suddenly began to expand its military. It was said that there were many armament plans, and Emperor Gefra's mind was about to explode in an instant.

He thinks that the president thinks that he has a chance to win and is bound to win the election, so he plans to be an invader?

It's not impossible. The weird society like the Federation, who knows what kind of twisted political and military ideas it will breed!

"If there is anything else, tell me in one breath!" Feeling that nothing worse would happen, the emperor asked them to share all the unpleasantness they had today.

Sure enough, it was very unpleasant.

"Previously, a federal cargo ship was hijacked and sunk. Some people in their country believe that this may have something to do with us...", the Navy Minister gave his own news, "This is just a guess, but... we must show ourselves position."

"In addition, I obtained some information from the Federation through some methods. In terms of ship selection, the parameters of the new fleet they plan to build exceed all of our current warships of the same type."

"They plan to use performance and technology to bridge the gap with us. You must pay attention!"

"Once the federal warships surpass us in terms of performance parameters, the experience of our sailors will be of little value. Even if there are no submarines participating in the war, it will be difficult for us to win on the frontal battlefield."

He said in a deep voice a truth that the people of Gefra have known for a long time, "After all, for every additional kilometer the cannonball flies, the danger is one kilometer away from us!"

This sentence was said by Gaevra, the Admiralty of the Navy when he entered the Age of Discovery. It roughly means, "As long as we can shoot farther than others, we can destroy the enemy's warships first and reduce our losses."

This idea has always guided the development of Gefra's navy. Even today, it is still the core idea of ​​Gefra's navy.

Looking at the emperor who was still hesitant, the Minister of the Navy said directly, "Your Majesty, we also need to start a new shipbuilding plan, at least not too far behind in terms of parameters and performance!"

The Minister of Defense also has the same view. "In addition to new warships, Your Majesty, we must also accelerate the research plan on new gunpowder and artillery. Once the Federation plans to challenge the world in the future, we may be the last strong wall."

"At the same time, considering the special nature of the Amelia region, we should deploy a large number of shore batteries at the local port to prevent the Federation from suddenly launching a war."

His Majesty the Emperor patted his forehead, "You keep talking about war, war, will war really happen?"

After the ministers were silent for a moment, the Prime Minister asked a question, "Your Majesty, if the whole world is not our opponent now, and we have the force and ability to occupy the whole world, what will you choose?"

His Majesty the Emperor stopped talking.

Ambition is directly proportional to ability. The ambition of an assembly line worker is probably to be a line leader or workshop supervisor.

Or a little bigger, but this scope is limited to the inside of the factory, because his ability and the limit of his ability are only like this. Going higher is not ambition, but delusion.

For the senior executives of a company, their ambition may be to obtain more equity, firmly control the company, list it, and then open a branch or start their own business to achieve financial freedom.

Ability and ambition have become directly proportional. The reason why Emperor Gefra can develop quietly now is because they can't find a way to contain federal submarines in naval warfare.

But if, if Gaevra had won that naval battle, I'm afraid Gaevra's warships would have been traveling all over the world to "maintain world peace."

So whether you can brew an amazing ambition depends on your ability.

Emperor Gaevra knew very well that once the Federation believed that they were invincible, they would begin to try to contact the surrounding countries through various methods, and then find ways to obtain more territory, profits, and population...

"We can't let the federation expand uncontrollably. We should do something." The emperor came to his senses and gave his own opinion, "At least we can't let you and them expand so smoothly." He modified it slightly. For a moment.

At this time, the Prime Minister took the initiative to stand up and said, "Your Majesty, we should announce our plan to the international community and propose military exercises to the allies."

"I believe that when our friends discover the aggression currently being displayed by the Federation, they will be more than happy to join us in defending our own rights!"

On the same day, Gafra held a press conference to release the military plan for the next four years to the international community, causing a global uproar.

What's even more confusing is that the next day, the Federation's military expansion and armament replacement plan was inexplicably exposed. At the same time, Gaevra and the Alliance of Victory Powers announced that they would launch military operations in the Western Ocean in the next period of time. exercise.

In the words of the Gefra people, it means not forgetting the cruelty of war in times of peace and using exercises to ensure the combat effectiveness of the army.

The reason was very good, even the Federation was on the invitation list, and the international situation fell into a fog in a short period of time.

"So... the military has no time to agree to the Megan Consortium's request to escort their cargo ship." Lynch, who was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, looked at Mr. Wardrick with a relaxed expression, "The last stone , moved away."

When Waldrick looked at Lynch first, his eyes were a little wandering, and his expression was a little dazed. Unknowingly, Lynch had grown to a point that he didn't even dare to imagine.

This can no longer be described by the word "plot". If his thoughts were known to Mr. Trueman, he would definitely become a confidant.

In Mr. Trueman's view, it is a pity that this ability to change the international environment through small things does not have to be used politically.

After a moment, Mr. Wardrick came to his senses. He looked at Lynch and praised, "You are a fucking talent!"

Lin Qi nodded slightly, "Thank you for your compliment!"

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