Blackstone Code

0692 Bargaining [This chapter is written by: The price of naming someone under the sycamore tree-8/9

Lynch knew the horror of hunger. He went on a hunger strike.

At that time, he was still very young and did not understand the meaning and value of life. He naively regarded the hunger strike as a last resort. That feeling still makes people shudder when thinking about it now.

Mark doesn't know this, he has never experienced this, and maybe he is naive and thinks that people who exchange dignity for food just don't want to work. In fact, they just want to survive.

The convoy soon disappeared at the end of the empty street.

After lunch, Lynch didn't give Mark any more time for a lunch break and went directly to a factory on the edge of Zhulis City to look at the building.

In fact, there are food factories or vacant factory buildings in the city, but Lynch doesn't like those places. When Governor Seder chatted with him, he talked about plans to re-plan the entire Zhuris, with the Imperial District as the core and several kilometers outward. Demolition and relocation.

Amelia is Gefra's imperial special zone, and it is also a window to the entire world. Whether the Gefra people are cruel, stupid or arrogant will be displayed here.

His Majesty the Emperor inexplicably had an unpredictable idea, which may be related to his increasing pressure. After all, there are always people who accuse him of the rise of the Federation being his fault.

Okay, this is a joke, but it is true that Zhu Lisi has changed a lot.

At that time, there will be no such thing as demolition funds. This is not the Federation, let alone another world. At most, it will give a little more, but it will waste a lot of time. Demolition, relocation, reconstruction, resettlement and restarting of construction will all require time.

It is best to arrange directly in the suburbs, which is simple and trouble-free, and will not be affected by future planning.

The factory that Lynch looked at was not small. It was said that before the war broke out, it was a factory specializing in making hats, with many assembly lines. Later, when the war broke out, the factory was converted to produce military materials.

After the defeat, everything here was packed up and taken away, leaving only empty factories. The factory owners didn't know what to do. His motherland left him nothing but this empty shell.

"The entire factory has three workshops and two warehouses, which can accommodate up to four hundred to five hundred people working here at the same time."

The factory owner is introducing the once glorious history of this place to Lynch and Mark, "We can produce up to two thousand hats a day, and at least more than a hundred hats a day, and we also do OEM work for other leather products... "

In the factory owner's description, this is where his grandfather, his father and he, three generations of a family, realize their dreams and pursue a better life.

It was clear from his nostalgic and glorious face that he was proud of it all.

"...until the war broke out and everything was over." His tone gradually became lower. "They forced us to produce helmets, water bottles, and various waterproof boxes. They dismantled my machinery and took it away, and Let me advance the wages of the workers.”

"In the end, they took everything away and left me with only an empty place like this. Mr. Lynch, Mr. Mark, can you understand how I feel?"

The factory owner was a little excited as he spoke. He had a slightly twisted smile on his face and his eyes turned red. "I'm bankrupt. What's even more ridiculous is that I didn't go bankrupt because Gaevra invaded this place. It was me." My country abandoned me and they took everything from me."

"So I didn't leave with the others. Even if I left and went to other places, I don't know what I could do. I might be accused of being a spy for the Gefra people because of what I said. Hang me!"

When he said this, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes. After a while, he opened his eyes and exhaled the air he had been holding for a while, "Sorry, I'm a little emotional."

"I can understand!" Lynch was very easy-going and pointed at the houses. "How much do you plan to sell these places for?"

The factory owner looked at the houses that carried the dreams of three generations and the faded slogans on the walls of the factory buildings. He sneered, shook his head, and stopped looking at the past, "There are almost 20,000 square meters here, and the transportation is very convenient. , whether it’s going to the station or the pier, at least...50,000 fra."

After the Gefra people occupied this area, they passed the "Concession Currency Law" to force people to use the Fula. After the initial stage of coercion, almost everyone here uses the Fula as the currency of circulation. They did not resist on this issue.

"Too much!" Lynch shook his head, "Almost 90,000 soles. It's too much. It's not worth the price."

The factory owner calmly kicked the stone on the ground, "Mr. Lynch, what is your psychological price?"

"I can give you nine thousand federal soles, which is five thousand furra."

Mark was originally thinking about 50,000 fra, so he cut it for about 35,000, and then sold it for 40,000. This was a very reasonable price, and he cut it off by about 20%.

But he never expected that Lynch directly touched a zero.

The factory owner couldn't come to his senses for a long time. He looked at Lynch as if he didn't understand the international lingua franca, and his hair was bent into the shape of several question marks by a gust of warm wind.

"I'm sorry, what you just said was...five thousand fula?", the factory owner still couldn't believe it, until Lynch nodded, his emotions became excited again, "This is impossible, Mr. Lynch, five thousand fula even." The cost of renovating these houses is not enough, not to mention that such a large piece of land under our feet will not be cheap!”

"I've heard that the governor has new ideas for the city. Once the city expands, the land prices here will increase rapidly. I set this price because of the kindness of my friends!" He glanced at the place where he stood. Friends in the distance have defected to the Federation.

Suddenly he felt that this was not a good deal, because these federal people were more greedy and terrifying. He had never seen such a counter-offer in his life.

Lynch waited for him to finish, then stamped his feet on the ground, "The land is not valuable..." He looked at the factory owner who wanted to defend himself. He stretched out his finger and shook it twice, "Listen to me, friend."

"For you, for the Gefra people, there are two things that are least valuable."

"One is a human life. One bullet, about forty euros, can change a human life."

“The second one is the land.”

"As long as people are dead, the land is ownerless."

The factory owner's expression became a little ugly. Lynch said this without a care. He was not sure whether it was a warning or a threat to him. In short, he felt that no matter what purpose Lynch wanted to express, he succeeded. .

Lynch didn't stop after he finished speaking. He continued, "Secondly, many people in Amelia have no jobs now. If I hire a thousand people to build these houses and give them one dollar each, it may only cost three thousand dollars." The houses are all built.”

"As for the materials... they are everywhere!"

"So I think that the five thousand fulas I give you is a very reasonable price. Not only can you sell me your place, which is actually not very valuable, in exchange for a rare sum of cash, but you can also get My friendship, sir.”

"You can think about it. When you think about it, you can call me. I will be over there..."

He said and took Mark to the side. Mark followed Lynch and looked at his back as if he were meeting Lynch for the first time.

You must know that Lynch was like a good gentleman when he was in the Federation. It was difficult to see such terrifying aggression on his face, but now, he saw it.

Lynch threatened others with dire consequences several times, but Mark didn't know whether it was just a threat or if he would actually do it!

"My client looked around. We don't need to buy new machines. There are them nearby. The machines will be brought over tomorrow. I have also recruited the workers for you. You just need to produce what we need as soon as possible. ”

Mark's palms were a little sweaty at this time, and his expression was not very good, as if he had been constipated for a long time. "The situation here is a bit complicated, and I may not be able to do it well."

By the way, [app] is really good and worth installing. After all, there are many sources of books, complete books, and fast updates!

Lynch smiled and patted his arm, "You have experience, and I believe you can do it well, right?"

Mark hesitated again and again, but nodded, "I will try my best."

"That's right, there is nothing that cannot be solved by hard work. If you can't do it, it only proves that you haven't worked hard enough..."

While Lynch was making some nutritional soup, the factory owner seemed to have made a decision. He walked over on his own initiative, looked at Lynch for a while, then sighed and stretched out his hand, "It's yours!"

“You won’t be disappointed with your decision, I can guarantee that!”

Then, the driver took out five thousand yuan and handed it to the factory owner. The factory owner looked at the money in his hand and his mouth moved.

He wanted to curse.

If his motherland and the Gefra people shattered the dreams of three generations of their family, then Lynch was the guy who threw this shattered dream to the ground and stepped on it a few times.

The dream of three generations is worth five thousand yuan!

Dreaming about things is really so worthless in turbulent times!

After arranging things here, Lynch came over early the next morning.

Because he arrived very early, he unexpectedly met the young man he had met several times, a driver from Nagalir.

Akumali has been thinking about it during this time. The changes in Amelia made him realize that violence cannot bring lasting peace, and he began to continue studying the society of the Federation.

He discovered that the Federation's society was as stable as it is now, not because they were violent. On the contrary, their people loved freedom, peace, and equality more than anyone else.

He wanted to understand the Federation urgently and understand the Federation more deeply. When he saw Lynch, he suddenly wanted to talk to Lynch.

Looking at the truck driver not far away who wanted to come over but was a little too hesitant to come over, Lynch waved to him.

Many times Lynch is a kind, approachable, gentle, kind, compassionate and good person.

For example, now.

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