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0761 big problem

Blackstone Crypto Text Volume 0761 Big Issue For more than a week, the Gafra Financial Index has gone up and down, like a battle between the Prime Minister and the Chancellor of Finance, entering a stalemate.

It seems that there will not be much progress in the short term. Neither the Prime Minister nor the Minister of Finance seems to be able to launch a fatal blow.

Both parties seem to be trapped in a special situation, with no way to turn back and it is difficult to move forward.

The attention of the entire country's top leadership is focused here. Some people are no longer as determined as they were at the beginning that the Prime Minister can win the final victory. They feel that there may be some changes.

These changes come from the "ruthlessness" of the Finance Minister, who never leaves himself a way out when doing things. Even other nobles will choose to give in when facing such a Finance Minister.

It seems not worth it to completely break up with the Minister of Finance over a minor matter. Even some nobles in the Prime Minister's camp are not so firm when faced with the requirements of the Minister of Finance.

After all, the losses caused by a thorough investigation of the company are too great.

Just when people thought that the "battle" between the Prime Minister and the Chancellor of Finance would continue until the end of the year or even the New Year, a seemingly insignificant incident completely changed the direction of the entire matter.

In the early morning, the director of the loan department of Imperial Bank got up and washed up. He was reading the newspaper and eating breakfast. Imperial Bank's working time was half past nine. He had enough time to enjoy a beautiful morning and this wonderful morning. All the good things that come with it.

The things reported in the newspapers have long been unremarkable. For example, a certain official from the Finance Department has been found to have problems and has been arrested. What awaits him will be severe punishment by law.

Another example is that a certain listed company was suspected of business fraud and was fined a huge amount and suspended from trading for one month.

At first, people were attracted by these "wonderful" moves, but now, it's a bit boring.

He turned over a page and said almost similar things. Both sides were still exerting force, but it seemed that it was difficult to achieve a stunning effect.

Soon he picked up another newspaper, "Ledu Daily", which has become a new heavyweight publication since it triggered the Yuanyuan Capital fraud case.

Whether a publication is heavyweight or not is not something they say themselves, but is expressed through the number of subscriptions.

In Gafra, only newspapers with a total national subscription of more than one million can depict a golden ear of wheat in the lower right corner of the first page of the newspaper to prove its influence.

"Ledu Daily" also seized this opportunity. They split the newspaper into two parts, one is current affairs, and the second part is the previous content, those girls wearing or not wearing clothes.

Many people initially thought that this would be a failure. They felt that people who read current affairs news would not like those girls in the newspaper, and people who read those girls did not want to waste their money on some current affairs news.

What is unexpected is that the redesign of "Ledu Daily" is very successful. They use two background colors of light blue and light green to distinguish the content, which makes people feel clear and intuitive.

More importantly, they have grasped the pulse of the market. Most of the people who are keen on reading current affairs news are men, and this is a newspaper born specifically for men!

It's also a nice way to relax after reading the current news and looking at those girls.

Like Mr. Executive, his wife is sitting across from him, not noticing that her husband is actually looking at those young and beautiful girls instead of some boring news.

"Are you laughing?", his wife said with some uncertainty, "I've never seen you do this. Is there any interesting news?"

The supervisor came to his senses immediately. He shook his head and turned a few pages forward. "No... I'm not sure if it's interesting news to you."

"A man bit a dog and the owner took him to court."

His wife showed the right expression, "Oh my God, that's really terrible..." After saying this, her attention returned to some fashion magazines in front of her.

The supervisor calmed down his expression and continued to look at the beautiful girls in the newspapers, suddenly wanting to do something good.

He may not be able to help all the girls, but he can at least help one.

After a while, he rolled up the newspaper, tucked it under his arm, kissed his wife, and got ready to go to work.

While he was checking his car for dust in the yard, his next-door neighbor happened to be getting ready for work.

Whether it is in Gaevra or the Byler Federation, whether society and people admit that there is such a thing as class, class exists.

For example, there cannot be poor people in high-end communities, because the residents of the community will refuse any poor people to move in. At the same time, if anyone goes bankrupt, they will also ask the poor family to move out as soon as possible.

In addition to ensuring that the classes in the community can be unified, this is also for the sake of the safety of one's own property and life.

A rich person will not be upset even if he loses a hundred dollars, but a poor person may kill someone for ten dollars.

What level of community people live in are the rules of society.

"Hi...", neighbor Xian greeted.

The supervisor stopped his movements, walked to the bushes, and said hello, "Good morning."

The neighbor laughed and shared a cigarette, and the two men smoked together across a low shrubbery wall less than a meter high and less than half a meter wide.

After taking two puffs, the neighbor suddenly asked, "I heard some rumors recently. You know, I always hear a lot of similar news."

The supervisor nodded. This neighbor is a stock manager. He has climbed up from the bottom. He belongs to the middle and upper class. He will always make money. The only difference is between making more and making less.

This kind of person is very well-informed. After all, the most important thing in the financial field is not having any unique vision, but someone who is willing to share secrets.

The neighbor flicked the ashes from his cigarette and asked as if he was joking, "I heard that the bank has no money now, is it true?"

After hearing this, the supervisor was stunned for a second and immediately burst out laughing, "Oh my god, this news is really interesting. The bank is gone?" His tone and expression were a bit exaggerated, "This is a very good joke. There’s no money in the bank.”

There is no money in the bank. Isn’t this a joke?

Everyone knows that banks are the richest institutions, with various savings and public accounts. Even the imperial treasury is a bank account. How can a bank have no money?

The neighbor breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, "It would be best if it was a joke, but I don't want that to happen. It would only be a disaster."

The neighbor said and put out his cigarette butt. He said hello to the supervisor just to communicate about this matter. Now that he got the result he wanted, there was no need to stay any longer.

It can be said that this is a reality, but this is the most common life.

"I'm leaving first. The situation in the stock market is very different recently. Let's go play ball together on the weekend?" He said and walked towards the car.

The supervisor pondered for a moment, then nodded and agreed, "No problem, call me when the time comes."

Social networking in high-end communities often starts with neighbors and then radiates to the entire community.

After the two agreed to go out to play ball on the weekend, the supervisor also returned to the car. He was ready to drive to work as if nothing had happened.

After checking the rearview mirror and tires, he drove the car slowly on the road in the community. After saying hello to the security guard at the door, the car merged into the traffic flow.

He didn't know what happened, but he remembered the neighbor's joke again, and couldn't help but laugh again, "I don't know who is so boring as to say that there is no money in the bank!"

But then a flash of light flashed through his mind, and then he slammed on the brakes. This was a subconscious action, just like someone clenching their fists when they are nervous. It is best not to ride with such a person. It's dangerous to do that while riding a motorcycle.

He hit the brakes, and then there was a clang, and the car behind him rear-ended him. A middle-aged man got out of the car angrily, but the supervisor sat blankly in the driver's seat, showing no reaction at all.

His eyes were dull and scattered, and he kept repeating the words that seemed like a joke, "The bank has no money..."

At the same time, the staff of a certain branch of Imperial Bank in Imperial City changed their clothes and entered the counter in the lobby to start preparations.

This was a girl. She wiped the table in front of her and looked at the queue outside the bank in a strange way. This situation was rare.

Her first thought was to consider whether there were any supermarkets nearby that had discounts. Generally speaking, more people would come to withdraw money in this case.

In addition, only during the school season will so many people come to handle business.

While I was thinking about why there were so many people lining up, the bell in the hall rang and the guard opened the door.

The people waiting in line to handle business walked in orderly, and one of the customers sat in front of the girl.

"It's a pleasure to serve you, sir, is there anything I can do for you?", with a smile on her face, respecting others is not a derogation of oneself, but a manifestation of upbringing, at least she thinks so. of.

The customer handed over the deposit certificate, looking a little nervous, "I want to withdraw money."

The girl took a look at the voucher, checked the security mark, and nodded, "Okay sir, please wait a moment..."

She said, picking up the phone and dialing the internal number, "Help me check... how much money can be withdrawn from this account."

Without hanging up, an exact number came from the receiver soon. She looked at the customer in front of her and said, "Hello, your account is still active. How much do you plan to withdraw?"

The customer gulped, "All of them, okay?"

The girl seemed surprised that he would ask this question, "Of course, this is your right, please wait..."

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