Blackstone Code

0782 Light Years Away [This chapter is titled and updated by the leader: DUKE777-1/2]

"Suddenly, the thunder of financing capital tore apart the fragile balance of the current empire in advance."

"The conflict between the common people and the aristocracy."

"Conflict between the aristocracy and the ruling class."

"The contradiction between society as a whole and the power of capital."

"Various contradictions accumulated from the last war were thrown out of balance after the explosion of financing capital. Once these barely maintained contradictions break out, someone will need to pay the price."

"There is no doubt that the incident started because of rounding up capital and ended with the finance minister taking the blame and resigning. However, the things that were destroyed along with it will be difficult to rebuild in a short period of time."

"The emperor wants power, but the nobles will not agree to this. This is a conflict between the nobles and the ruling class. If His Majesty the Emperor does not want to be an enemy of all the nobles in the empire, the only thing he can do is to give in."

"But giving in doesn't mean there is no limit. He made a move. On the surface it looked like he was giving the opportunity to the Privy Council, but in fact he was splitting the aristocratic group."

"Although the Privy Council does not hold power, the nobles are too united..."

Lynch couldn't help laughing when he said this, "There is a saying in the Federation, make more friends when you are poor, and don't socialize much when you are rich..."

"The meaning of this sentence is that when a person is poor, he should make more friends and don't care about his friends' origins and their current status. Only in this way can he find opportunities to get ahead."

"When you get rich, don't make friends with all kinds of people like before, including those at the bottom of society, gang members, and some fraudsters..."

"This sentence is also suitable for Gaevra, because the nobles in the Privy Council are poor in power, which makes the nobles in the Privy Council very united."

"This kind of unity will cause a series of troubles. For example, in this confrontation between the nobles and national policies, the Privy Council played a big role. If the nobles were not so united, there would already be many nobles in the province of Amelia. Activities on the side.”

"So while dividing the nobility and making the nobility hate the senators and the prime minister, this is the purpose and plan of His Majesty the Emperor."

"He bet that when the next war breaks out, the prime minister's body will not be able to support him and he will continue to sit in that position, and by the way, he will leave some of the current mess to the prime minister."

"As for the Prime Minister, he has to bear some infamy, such as colluding with the elders of the Privy Council to engage in secret operations, and actively seizing power in order to achieve the position of powerful prime minister. These are what he has paid for, and financial power is his gain."

"As long as he becomes a powerful prime minister, the current reputation will not affect his future political status at all. On the contrary, people will respect him even more because he has gained power."

"As for the Privy Council, the elders actually have more ideas than you think."

"If you wait until tomorrow, you will see that the nobles in the Privy Council will break up. Some nobles will defect to the emperor, and some nobles will defect to the ministers. The remaining some big nobles will continue to maintain their noble status in the Privy Council."

"In this case, will the Privy Council be completely dispersed like the Federal Congress?"

The little earl stared at Lynch blankly, and nodded subconsciously. Seven consecutive "dumbs" made him lose most of his thinking ability.

At this moment, there was only one thought and one voice in his heart, and that was that Mr. Lynch was so damn... awesome!

Lynch smiled and continued, "In the past two days, some small nobles have been contacting us. They also plan to go to Amelia Province. It won't be long before our Majesty extends his olive branch." ”

"What do you think can move these people to stand firmly on His Majesty's side?" Before the little earl could recover from his stupidity, Lynch himself replied, "Enfeng!"

"As long as they are willing to go to Amelia Province to develop, His Majesty will give them another promise of favor, stimulating them not only to go with us, but also to stand on His Majesty's side."

"They will become His Majesty's staunch representatives of interests in the province of Amelia. From now on, the united noble group will fall apart until the next war."

"Everyone is implementing their own plans, and everyone is making deals and compromises. What you see may not be the truth, and even what I see may not be the truth."

Lin Qi smiled very reservedly. He not only saw the truth, but also cleverly used some small means to promote the development of the entire trend in advance.

Once the young earl and the small nobles around him take root in the province of Amelia and become vested interests, their future influence in this region will exceed the influence of the local nobles in that region.

It is even possible that because of this incident, the aristocratic group will be split into the "old aristocracy" and the "new aristocracy"!

It may seem as if the elders played no role in this matter, but this is not the case.

Not to mention their practice of selling favors everywhere, just by squeezing out the later nobles of the island, it freed up more space for them.

They didn't offend anyone, but in the future, everyone would accept their kindness and accept their kindness. This is the advantage of a family that can be passed down for hundreds of years.

They are not necessarily the most eye-catching ones, but they are definitely the ones who can survive to the end and still be thanked after making considerable profits.

He grew up the family's power in obscurity, and then became famous in a big way.

Lynch's words directly overturned the young earl's understanding of the current political structure of the empire. How could something that was so simple suddenly... become so complicated?

After hearing this, he felt like his head was getting bigger, but at the same time he felt a kind of potential excitement. This was much more interesting than other things...

When the little earl's eyes gradually cleared up, Lynch patted his arm, "What we are doing now is to develop ourselves silently in these gaps..."

At night, the little count was so excited that he couldn't sleep. By the way, the former countess was hit by fate again.

Early the next morning, quite a few nobles got up early. They were all waiting for one thing and wanted to confirm whether it was what they knew.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the ministers gathered in the ruler's hall, and several elders of the Privy Council also came. When His Majesty the Emperor sat on the throne, his expression was not very good-looking.

"Your Majesty..." Several nobles from the Privy Council stood up first. In fact, from a class perspective, they were half a level lower than the emperor, because the emperor was also a noble, but the royal family was the strongest.

They did not need to stand up to speak, but perhaps considering that the content of their next speech would somewhat offend the emperor, they stood up to show respect and caution for the royal family.

"After our week of selection, we have not selected the right person to take on the job of finance minister. In view of some current changes in the domestic situation, we suggest that the prime minister should also serve as finance minister for the time being, and we will wait until we select the right person. Negotiate.”

His Majesty the Emperor seemed to have no emotional changes, but his tightly clenched hands reflected his inner unwillingness and anger. His voice was also a little tight and hard, "I can't choose one in a week." The right person?"

The senators did not speak. They answered His Majesty the Emperor's questions with attitude.

His Majesty the Emperor patted the armrest of the seat heavily, with a sullen look on his face.

The air in the hall seemed to freeze at this moment, and the elders held their breath.

After about ten seconds, the chilling atmosphere gradually subsided a lot. His Majesty the Emperor looked at the Prime Minister and frowned slightly.

In silence, the ministers were quietly communicating with their eyes, and the Prime Minister pretended that he knew nothing...

"For the time being, that's it..." After a long time, the emperor sighed and said these words that didn't seem to be his intention.

What happened in the ruler's hall quickly spread to the outside, and the nobles who were waiting for the final news broke out in an instant. Many nobles were as angry and excited as the ordinary citizens at the bottom, and their faces were red with anger.

They waved their fists and tore off the flower collars, and quarreled loudly with people in anger. The core of all the curses was directed at the elders of the Privy Council!

Some of them even spoke of resigning from the Privy Council, a proposal which was soon unanimously approved by all.

Since the Privy Council cannot safeguard the rights and interests of the nobility, why do the nobles still rely on the Privy Council?

The little earl, who already knew the "truth", looked at the surging crowd and breathed a sigh of relief. He was convinced that what Lynch was telling was the truth of what was happening!

At around one o'clock at noon, before lunch, some new news came from the palace.

Sometimes Lynch found it interesting, but neither the local civilians nor the nobles in Gefra seemed to realize that news from some rulers' halls could actually be "shared" in real time.

It was as if they... had never doubted why this happened!

Sources from the Federal Congress revealed that no matter how early, they would have to wait for the evening news in the evening or the morning news the next day before there would be any mistakes. They would not dare to be like Gevra.

In other words, if an emperor cannot even manage the place where he lives well, he will probably be the emperor long ago.

But he continued to be the emperor, which meant that those well-informed people were arranged by the emperor himself.

This time some new news came. After the emperor confirmed that the prime minister would also serve as finance minister, the prime minister also put forward the idea of ​​increasing the development of the Amelia region.

His Majesty the Emperor plans to recruit a group of nobles to go to Amelia Province for development and speed up the "infiltration" into all aspects of Amelia Province.

After hearing the news, Lynch knew that it was time to show his noble integrity of caring about the country and the people.

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