Blackstone Code

0787 growth

Ms. Tracey definitely didn't come to Bupen specifically for Lynch. She had some other work to do.

For example, the Women's Rights Protection Association of York State was renamed and moved to Bupen. In any case, Bupon is the seat of governance for the entire country. If it wants to be formal, it is essential to set up its headquarters here.

In addition to collecting donations everywhere, she also wanted to see if there was a suitable place here, and at the same time contact some wealthy politicians who she could reach here.

Seeing that part of the plan was completed, Ms. Tracy seemed very happy and casually chatted about Lynch's story with Gaevra.

From the perspective of the federal people, it is a bizarre story in itself for a native federal man to obtain the title of Gefra. Lynch once again became the protagonist of this bizarre story, just like many times before, it is incredible. .

As the conversation between the two gradually became "boring", it also meant that Ms. Tracy was about to leave.

Just before she was about to say goodbye, Lynch said something else, "I have a friend, Catherine, a girl as old as me."

"I know her!" Ms. Tracy nodded, "I have read reports about her, and I have to say she is very lucky!"

Compared with other people's understanding of "lucky", Ms. Tracy's understanding of luck is "she is lucky to know Lynch and have been boyfriend and girlfriend." Without Lynch's intervention, she would not have been able to enter the presidential palace. Becoming an intern is not a place that ordinary people can go, although the media and public opinion have always reported this.

"I think you should meet and have a chat. I also have some ideas about her future path. Maybe we can find a common language?" Lynch said euphemistically.

When he spends money, he must have a claim. If he keeps writing checks to Ms. Tracy without asking for anything, then he is a real fool.

Ms. Tracy is also very clear about Lynch's thoughts. Now that she has decided to step onto the stage and enter the political arena, she will definitely need a large group of people to help her.

Her goal is to be the first female governor in federal history. Her failure to run for president will not affect her influence in this regard. On the contrary, people will create enough topics and heat because she is a female candidate for president.

It can even trigger a wave of "discrimination against women entering the political arena" topic, causing her defeat to be misunderstood as the reason for her being a woman.

With so many hot topics and topics, coupled with the influence of her father and uncle, plus the support of women's rights organizations, financial resources, and manpower, as long as she runs it well, running for governor is not a big problem.

When she thought of the title of "the first true female politician in the history of the Federation", Ms. Tracey was filled with power!

In the process of achieving this great goal, she needs the help of many people, people like Lynch, who are rich, willing to give money, and have influence.

So she wouldn't say no to Lynch's request, "Sure, why not?"

There was no reluctance at all on her face, "This is a good thing. I am very interested in chatting with girl Catherine. Maybe I can impart some experience to her. When will it be tomorrow?"

Lin Qi thought for a while, "In the evening, we have to wait until she gets off work, and then we will find a place to have dinner together."

Ms. Tracey knew it was time to say goodbye. She stood up, followed by Lynch, and the two shook hands again. "Thank you very much, Lynch. People will remember your help to them!"

Lynch's face was filled with a bright and sunny smile like when the two met for the first time. "All people are equal when they are born. We should not let the problems left over by history, culture, and some social prejudices make some people become vulnerable groups. .”

"This is what I should do!"

"You are very sincere, I like that about you very much!" Ms. Tracy sighed again.

Regardless of whether what Lynch said is true or not, at least what he said will make people believe that what he said is true. Without feelings, it is difficult to say such profound insights.

After the two said goodbye, Lynch put Ms. Tracy in the car before returning to the house. Women sometimes get very entangled in some inexplicable issues, such as "Why didn't he send me to the car? Is he doing anything to me?" What’s your opinion?”

Men don't have these problems. Instead, they think that being less warm and polite is the best way to communicate.

The next evening, Lynch made a reservation at the restaurant and drove to the Presidential Palace.

He had a pass and frequently entered and exited the presidential palace. In addition to normal routine inspections, the guards did not initiate detailed interrogations of strangers. They only checked that he did not carry any dangerous items with him and then let him in. door.

After more than two months, this batch of presidential palace interns have gone from being uncomfortable at first to getting into working mode.

Working here is really very stimulating, more so than people outside think.

Every day they have to receive visiting people from all walks of life, or help some politicians handle some official duties within their capabilities, such as assisting or presiding over some government meetings.

There are so many such meetings, one or two almost every day or every other day.

Some civil society groups, some influential people in society, or government staff from other regions came to the Presidential Palace to ask for some matters to be handled because of various matters.

For those scheduled, it will be held on the same day.

The real big shots won't come and wait early in the morning. These interns will handle it first. They call people into a certain conference room, prepare all the materials before the designated time, and finally notify the real host. .

Those big shots, or cabinet members, will stay for about ten minutes at most after they arrive, listen to some representative opinions, give their own feedback, and then leave.

The intern will then collect everyone's opinions and feedback, extract the valuable ones, and then send them for approval...

Everyone was uncomfortable with a job like this at first, including Catherine, who had never been exposed to such a high-end job.

She originally thought that joining a project team to conduct research on some topics at the university was already very high-end, but after coming here, she gradually realized that there is a difference between an intern and an intern.

Compared with those outside interns who are like formal jobs in companies, the internship here is obviously more difficult.

No one will comfort you because you can't do something or you did something wrong. Everyone's time is so tight that they don't even have time to scold you.

Once you get through the hardest part and everything starts to fit in, the tasks become a little easier.

For example, she has mastered the ability to write a report that politicians can understand. The things she initially thought politicians would focus on are actually things politicians don't care about. Their focus has never been what people think. of those.

For example, she has mastered the ability to communicate friendly with people from all walks of life. People from different social classes must be treated in different ways. Blindly lowering your stature will sometimes make people think you are weak.

For example...

There are too many examples here. For example, just over two months have made her feel like she has spent a year!

There has also been tremendous growth in all aspects, especially the mentality and the perspective on this society.

In the evening, after a tiring day, the interns finally had time to be lazy for a while. It was almost time to get off work, and the busy day's work was almost over. The tense atmosphere in the presidential palace gradually relaxed.

Catherine was holding a cup of coffee and standing on the edge of the presidential palace hall. This is a "waiting for call" place. There are several telephones on the wall. If you need anything, the phone will ring.

In addition to Catherine, several interns were also taking a break, and everyone looked very tired.

"Bring me a cup of coffee..." A voice sounded familiar to Catherine. She immediately put down the coffee cup in her hand and subconsciously agreed.

There are always people who have needs of one kind or another every day. For example, "a few cups of coffee" is the most common. We can't let those ministers and the like go to the coffee room to brew coffee, right?

Of course, everyone knows how bad the coffee at the Presidential Palace is. Most of the time they just answer the phone and go to the door to get the coffee from the delivery person and deliver it somewhere.

People who directly ask for brewing like this must not understand how bad the coffee at the Presidential Palace tastes.

But soon, Catherine's footsteps paused, and she looked towards the direction of the sound with an expression of surprise. It was Lynch!

"Why are you here?", she asked.

Lin Qi's sudden arrival was completely beyond her expectation!

Only then did the other interns notice that the person who came was Lin Qi. Even though Lin Qi was about the same age as them, there was still a big gap in terms of status.

At least Lynch has become a national flag, and they haven't even inherited much of the family business.

After Lynch smiled and said hello to the others, he pulled Catherine aside and said, "Go and change your clothes. We will have dinner together later. I also invited Ms. Tracy, the president of the Women's Rights Protection Association. .”

Catherine was a little embarrassed, "It's not time to get off work yet."

Lin Qi looked at the clock hanging on the wall. There were still about twenty minutes before get off work. It was indeed inappropriate to leave early at this time. "Then you chat with me for a while..."

Catherine was dumbfounded and chatted with him about her work during this period.

It happened that at this time, Mr. President walked out of the innermost room surrounded by some bodyguards. He saw Lynch standing in the hall chatting with Catherine, and shouted unexpectedly.


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