Blackstone Code

0799 Federal Girl

After leaving Lynch's villa and returning home, the sergeant took off his heavy equipment and leaned heavily on the sofa.

He thought for a moment, stood up again, and took out a bottle of beer from the kitchen.

A little cold, but just right for him.

Body armor, pistols, spare magazines, these things are too heavy, and you can only feel relaxed when you take them off.

Perhaps because he made a little more noise, his wife opened the door, walked out of the bedroom, and stood by the guardrail on the second floor looking at the sergeant.

The two looked at each other for a moment, then the sergeant's wife walked downstairs and sat next to the sergeant.

"You seem to be in a bad mood." As a couple, although the sergeant is often away from home, the sergeant's wife knows enough about her husband.

She noticed at a glance that the sergeant's mood was not right. He usually wouldn't drink beer as soon as he came back. This might affect his sleep quality and make him feel uncomfortable early the next morning.

Only when he has a rest the next day, he will drink some wine to relax. Tomorrow is obviously not his time to rest. This can only mean that he is being troubled by something.

The sergeant held his wife's hand. He raised the bottle and quickly put it down again. After swallowing the beer in his mouth, he sighed and said, "I can switch to administration."

As soon as he finished speaking, his wife's eyes widened with surprise on her face!

No one wants the people closest to them to be engaged in dangerous work all day long, even though Lynch pays a very high salary.

And they have a child, so she has always hoped that the sergeant can switch to administrative work. Although sitting in the office all day will make people feel... a little unmanly, but finally she does not need to face the unknown when and where. The danger of death.

"Did you agree?" The sergeant's wife held the sergeant's hand and asked again, "Did you agree?"

The sergeant had not yet made a complete decision in his heart. He could not write the list, or he could remove himself from the list.

Front-line security personnel often look down on those in management. Just like active-duty soldiers in the military, they always feel that civilian soldiers in the Department of Defense are not considered soldiers. This chain of contempt also exists in Blackstone Security.

What they looked down upon was just the nature of the other person's job, but they didn't look down upon that job at all.

Not everyone can do clerical work, although sometimes it seems simple.

The hand that was used to holding a gun had to handle pens and typewriters, and he had to face office politics. The staff sergeant, a guy who would not frown even on the front line, suddenly became a little timid.

The sergeant's wife knew that her husband was still hesitating. She immediately got up and went to the second floor and brought their child over.

The child was not old, still very young. When he picked him up, he woke up for a moment, but when his eyes touched a familiar person, he quickly fell into a deep sleep.

"Look at us..." She sat next to the sergeant and said to the sergeant.

The sergeant did not look at the mother and son immediately, but avoided facing the problem directly by raising the bottle, and said "Don't make trouble..."

"This is not nonsense, you have to know that every time you go to work I am always so scared that I can't sleep at night, especially during the trips to Nagalir and Ghafra."

"We all know that Lynch has many friends, but he also has many enemies. I don't want to wake up one day and someone tells me with a sum of money, 'Your husband died to protect Mr. Lynch', then It’s not what I want!”

"I don't blame you for not having this opportunity before. After all, Mr. Lynch has given us such favorable living conditions. But now that you have the opportunity, you shouldn't give up."

"And that's what Mr. Lynch meant, right?"

After the two looked at each other for a moment, the sergeant felt that he was almost convinced.

Just when he was still hesitant, his wife suddenly said, "I'm pregnant."

The sergeant was a little stunned, "When did it happen?"

His wife pounced on him fiercely, "Now!"

In the end, the sergeant made the decision to switch from front-line security personnel to civilian personnel. There will be a decrease in salary, but there will be no other changes.

Perhaps in the federal government, the status and salary of civilian soldiers are higher than those of front-line soldiers, mainly because highly educated soldiers are indeed rare, but in Lynch's company, whoever is more dangerous will get more money.

Colonels and others, for example, are still suppressing bandits in the mountains of Amelia. Their monthly salary is three to five times that of those in Blackstone's security management, or even more.

Sitting in the office all day reading newspapers, drinking coffee, and flirting with female clerks, and want to get a high salary just because you have a background in the Department of Defense?


If you want a high salary, go to the front line, go to the most dangerous places, and ensure that the salary will surprise people.

The seemingly unreasonable and unruly approach made Lynch deeply loved by front-line security personnel. Each front-line security personnel felt that their boss understood them.

The next day, the sergeant contacted some old employees individually and finally finalized a list for Lynch.

After getting the list, he took a look. He knew most of the names on it. After he took out a pen and signed his name, the people on the list, such as the staff sergeant, completely left front-line work. post.

The first batch of security personnel has been with Lynch for almost three years. They have also gone from their twenties to their late twenties, seventies or even thirties. It is time to take a step back.

There have been some minor changes in the management of Blackstone Security, and these news quickly entered the attention of the Department of Defense.

However, seeing that this group of people who entered the management were the first batch of veterans to follow Lynch, after a brief investigation of the identity and background of these people, the Ministry of National Defense did not interfere with some of Lynch's actions.

As long as we can ensure that the Ministry of National Defense and the military have a certain influence on Blackstone security, not to mention mastering it, at least they know some core work.

Lynch has not considered kicking the Department of Defense and the military out of Blackstone Security, a private armed company with thousands of people, which is a source of disaster for any country.

Only if the Ministry of National Defense and the military join in, and even have their interests in it, can Blackstone Security be maintained.

The departure of the sergeant left Lynch's personal security adviser as a young woman, thirty-one, with a brief marriage that ended quickly and no children.

This woman named Austin had already reached the level of captain when she retired. Women have more advantages than men in promotion of military ranks.

He has a good figure, flaxen hair, and three-dimensional and exquisite facial features, a bit like a mixed race. Just seeing this guy, Lynch thought of the word "tailor-made."

Damn it, the whole world fucking thinks I like this genre?

He was a little confused. The emperor of Gefra sent Genia to him like this, and now the Ministry of Defense also recommended such a big girl to Lynch through the internal management of Blackstone Security.

Well, they guessed it right.

Lynch looked at the resume in his hand and glanced at Austin, who was standing about five meters away from him.

There is not much difference between the photo and herself. What makes people notice more is that her lips are very full.

"It says that you have participated in some military operations many times?" Lynch asked a casual question.

Austin said loudly, "Yes, sir, I have participated in seven battles to dismantle gangs and three times against armed escorts of border smugglers."

Lynch whistled. Captain Astin's resume was much more impressive than he imagined, "Why isn't it written on this?"

Everything written on the resume is very... simple. It stands to reason that such experience has been taken out and placed in the most conspicuous place.

"Sir, these are all secret operations, and the gangs and smugglers we once fought against have not been completely eliminated by us. In order to protect the safety of soldiers, this information will not be recorded on the resume in your hand!"

Lynch nodded, "You can speak less loudly...", he paused, "Also, where are these...troublesome things, I think the Federation looks very peaceful."

Captain Austin then gave Lynch a location, Northwest.

To the north of the Federation is not the Arctic, but another country, a country that is about the same size as the Federation, but not as wealthy as the Federation.

The country is falling into a long period of chaos, with the military and the government seizing power from each other. Each regime is considered to have a long life if it can last three to five years.

Most of the time, these regimes will change every two or three years, and sometimes they are not even able to form an effective unified government. Each region is divided by local military governments.

It was a chaotic country full of dangers, but this place happened to be rich in all kinds of Croft tobacco leaves, fine dragon blood trees, and some poisonous mushrooms.

Local people often secretly smuggle these items to the federation in exchange for federal guns and weapons, and then return to the country to fight.

Some gangs on the border have close contact with these people. Coupled with the influence of the geographical environment, some gangs within the federal border continue to expand and become lawless.

In order to combat these gangs and smuggling, the federal army often dispatches troops to carry out devastating attacks on these gangs.

But the effect is not very good. As long as there is profit and market, some people will risk being shot and cross the legal and moral bottom line.

Every once in a while, some gangs disappear and others are born. It is a lawless place.

After hearing this, Lynch felt a little incredible. He didn't know much about the situation there before. If Austin hadn't mentioned it, he wouldn't have even thought it was a turbulent country.

You know, until now, he has not seen any detailed introduction about neighboring countries in newspapers or on TV, so that he feels that it is an ordinary country, with Ke Love as its economic pillar, nothing more. .

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