Blackstone Code

0802 Why me again?

While Lynch was delivering a speech to the President, in another room, the chairman of the Conservative Committee and the previous president was also watching the speech.

??The people in the room don't look very high-profile. They are wearing mid-to-high-end clothes, and they don't wear any luxurious or expensive jewelry. They look like middle-class people with a good family background at most.

??But if there is a person who is passionate about politics standing here, he will definitely scream for these gentlemen in the room!

??Chairman, Deputy Chairman of the Conservative Party Committee, Leader of the Conservative Party, Party Whip, Chief Executive of the Conservative Development Office...

??Coupled with the former president who was impeached and lost his position as president, it can be said that this small room has gathered some of the most important and highest-status people in the conservative party.

??They were sitting or standing, all focused on the President's speech on TV.

??The Conservative Committee Chairman had a faint smile on his face when he talked about not shying away from history and the past.

??The serious expressions on everyone's faces have been relieved to a certain extent.

"People are not disgusted with this statement, and you can see it from their expressions.", the leader of the Conservative Party said, pointing to the fans of the president on TV who were quiet when they should be quiet and fanatical when they should be fanatical.

??If it were in the past, when the former president had just been impeached and lost his position as president, if someone had called on everyone not to avoid the past and history, then this person would have been criticized as a "staunch escapist lackey."

??At that time, the anger in people's bones, the hatred for their own weakness, and the public's disgust for their short-sightedness were all overwhelming in the terrible torrent of public opinion.

??Down with escapism has become the only correct political line at that time. Anyone who dares to challenge this bottom line is going against the people of the entire Federation.

??Fortunately, it only took two years for these problems to begin to fade.

??The people's forgetfulness has calmed them down. The improvement of the social economy and the slow and continuous rise of the employment rate have made the people become tolerant.

??Only when life is good can people act like one.

??When life is not good enough and we are running out of food, humans can become anything.

??Escapism has almost been linked to the Conservative Party in the past few years. This is a very bad phenomenon. Once it is confirmed that the Conservative Party is equal to escapism, this concept will be difficult for the Conservative Party to return to power in the future. It's going to be difficult.

??Because it gives people the impression of being like that, running away from everything, even if they don't really want to.

??So now that they have the opportunity, they must find a way to whitewash themselves. Even if they cannot make the people forget "escapism", they must at least make "escapism" synonymous with the last president personally, not the entire country. Conservative.

??"Who wrote the manuscript?", asked the chairman of the Conservative Committee. "It was very good. I can give him more work later."

"Next, we will continue to mobilize our power to reverse the current situation. I want you to remember that we are not running away from the party or escapism. We are just facing the world cautiously. This concept is very important."

??In the federal government, whether it is the Conservative Party or the Progressive Party, the real “leader” is not the party leader, although according to the current federal political system and party charters, the party leader is the top leader of a party.

??In fact, this is not the case. Party leaders are not irreplaceable. Every once in a while, or every era, twenty or thirty years, party leaders will change.

??After all, times are progressing, and people from the old era cannot always be the leaders and leaders of a party. The party also needs to progress and evolve.

??But the chairman of the committee is different. In any case, as long as he is not too old to work, there is a high probability that the chairman of the committee will not be replaced casually, and the position of chairman of the party committee has a certain degree of inheritance.

??When old party committee chairmen have to step down due to age, they will nominate who will take over their job, and then the committee will vote as a whole. There is a high probability that the committee members will not resist the nominee.

??At the same time, the power of party committees is actually higher than that of party leaders. Many committee members themselves are members of Congress or political figures. Party leaders cannot control the committees, but the committees can vote to recall the party leaders.

??If we have to say who is the real ruler of this country, after removing the capitalists, then it is the chairman of the major party committee. They are the rulers behind the scenes who truly have power.

??At this time, the former president sitting aside couldn't help laughing, "Is it my turn to play again?"

??The chairman of the committee nodded, "You need to take some attacks for us. Fitch and I have discussed that you may disappear from the public for a period of time."

??The "Fitch" in the mouth of the Conservative Committee Chairman refers to Mr. Fitch, the Chairman of the Progressive Party Committee. He is only about 1.6 meters tall and does not look like a powerful old man at all. But now this old man is He is the real ruler in the politics of this country.

??The former president was silent for a while, "Do you want me to go to jail?"

??The chairman of the Conservative Committee nodded, very casually. In his opinion, this was the best outcome.

??If it were not for the series of deals and compromises between him and Chairman Fitch, the former president who is now in the room under investigation would probably be ready to go to jail.

??"Your son has become the next third minister of the Ministry of State. He is still so young. He may not have the opportunity to reach your level in the future."

"We will also thank you for your service to the Conservative Party, although we do know that you should not bear all the responsibility."

??"Of course you can also refuse. This is not a request, just a discussion."

??The tone of the chairman of the committee is very gentle, not at all fierce. His slow speech can make people calm down and listen patiently to what he has to say.

??But what he said was a bit hard to bear.

??Sending a few years in prison is like going home and hiding for a few days. No matter what the prison arrangements are, this means that the former president will lose his freedom!

??Everyone longs for freedom, and the Federation is a world blooming for freedom. According to statistics, among the suicide cases in the Federation last year, nearly 20% of the suicides were because they had lost or were about to lose. When free, make the decision to end your life.

??It's not a good idea to put a president in jail for a few years.

??However, the former president could not refuse this request. As the chairman of the committee said, although he had lost something, his children were still fighting, and his political life had been extended to his children.

??If nothing unexpected happens, his child will at least be the first minister of the Ministry of State in the future, and maybe he will have the opportunity to become a president.

??Using the freedom of an old man who doesn’t have much value in exchange for a bright and beautiful future, and also solving some threats, this business will not suffer a loss.

??Mr. President quickly figured it out, “What do I do?”

??When he heard him say these words, the chairman of the committee rolled his eyes slightly and looked at other people in the room. Some people felt his gaze and responded to his gaze.

??The party whip coughed slightly, "You don't need to do anything about this, we will arrange it."

"When the time comes to go to court, all you have to do is plead guilty, and we will do the rest."

??The former president twitched his lips when he heard this, "How many years will it take for me... to enter?"

??He couldn't help but sigh as he said, "I have to make some preparations first."

??"It will not exceed five years, and these five years will definitely not be a torment. Trust us..."

??The President on the TV screen is still giving a speech, recalling the past and imagining the future. The gentlemen in the room watch the Mr. President on the TV talking gracefully.

??The thoughts of Mr. Chairman of the Committee drifted to far away places.

??He played a game of football with Mr. Fitch, the chairman of the Progressive Party committee, last weekend, and they talked about the political landscape ahead.

??It seems that the Progressive Party and the Conservative Party are two parties with completely opposite positions. Even in an election year, there will be many conflicts and bloodshed between supporters of the Conservative Party and supporters of the Progressive Party.

??But at the top level, the relationship between the leaders of both parties is very harmonious, and the personal relationship is also very good. Meeting to play ball is just the most common activity. When the weather is hot, they will go fishing together.

??This phenomenon is actually quite normal, because apart from the left and right, there are very few people standing in the middle.

??When the development of society requires the ruling group to move to the left, those on the left will stand up.

??When the development of society requires the ruling group to move to the right, those on the right will stand up.

??Who will govern is indeed decided by the people of the Federation, as people say and think.

??However, there was a slight surprise this time, because the former president’s governance issues led to some accidents. If these things are not handled well, it is very likely that the Socialist Party will find an opportunity.

??It is enough for people to have two choices, there is no need for a third choice!

??The former president returned home at night and locked himself directly in his study. The investigation against him has been "continuing" and he can remain free until the court makes a final judgment.

??This kind of thing is normal. Small problems are not enough to put him in jail. There is insufficient evidence for big problems. Coupled with the "protection" implemented on him under the pretext of "investigation", his impeachment journey is not as people imagined. So painful.

??But now, for the interests of the Conservative Party and the future of his children, he has to make a choice.

??He thought he would not be afraid. When he won the election, before and after, he said something similar to others, "The interests of the conservative party are greater than anything else."

??But now it's his turn, and he still can't adapt.

??why me? !


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