Blue and White Society

Chapter 428: The Devil of the Crazy Soldier

  Chapter 428 The Devil of the Crazy Soldier


   While Mo Poor was surprised, she was also surrounded by more bugs. Not only that, she was also intruded by bugs when she hid in the civilian room.

   Without further ado, Mo Poor shot the flying sword into the room, piercing through three bugs in an instant.

   But it was still too late, and the bone spurs shot out from the abdomen of the three bugs also passed through several people at the same time.

   While the bone spur pierced through the human body, it unfolded like a claw, pulling several people into their stomachs in an instant, and swallowing them whole.


  The person who was pulled into the abdomen let out a mournful wail, but it was followed by the sound of bones being crushed, as if they had been squeezed into compressed biscuits by insects.

  The narrow hole in the belly of the worm was forcibly stuffed into a person. It is conceivable how strong the muscles and bones are there. I am afraid that even gold and iron will be compressed into small pieces.

   "No! Don't!" Everyone shouted in horror.

  They have nowhere to escape. The two-meter-high giant insects are like armored vehicles.

  Any bone spur on the body surface pierces them, they will be pulled into the stomach with barbs, squeezed into mud in an instant, and digested cleanly.

  The three worms rushed forward swiftly, without the habit of demons at all. Instead, whenever they saw something of value, they immediately stuffed it into their stomachs.

  Whether it's electrical appliances, reinforced concrete, or living things, eat everything first.

   But judging from the direction of their impact, they were indeed pointing directly at Ibuki.

   "Puff puff puff!" Mo Poor arrived just in time at the critical moment.

  Hawkeye glanced, and the black sword flew out of the worms. The three worms were shuttled repeatedly by the black sword, and they were quickly stabbed like a sieve.

  The black sword slashed in a spiral, as if cutting a disc, cutting open the insect's body.

  Mo Poor saw that their viscera were all cut open, and by adjusting the landing point, the black sword flew unstoppably, and then stabbed the stomach sacs of the worms, killing three worms instantly.

  Best Metal can be manipulated through the air with mental power, which enables its landing point to be updated all the time.

  As long as Mo Poor has enough spiritual power, she can designate it with her eyes and give her an initial force with her spiritual power. She can control Best Metal to fly at will, and the flying process has an unstoppable effect of absolute hit.

  The cooperation between Moqiong and Best Metal is like a swordsman, who is controlling an indestructible, unstoppable, and even unstoppable sword.

  For the time being, we can see that the stomach sac of the bug is the weak point. Once it is separated from the body, the huge bug body is useless, as if the stomach is the bug's body...

  Mo Poor used the sharp side of the black sword to cut open the insect's body, and then used the hilt to forcefully push out the stomach pouch, killing an insect immediately.

   "It's easy to deal with weaknesses."

  Mo Poor dexterously rolled on the ground, avoiding the pincers of the bug behind him, while continuing to strangle with the flying sword.

  Everyone saw white smoke rising from a little girl's feet, and a black long sword wandering around the field, turning in a spiral, and shuttled back and forth.

  Flying sword cuts the thick and hard carapace of insects. Although it is not like cutting iron like mud, it is at least unstoppable.

   The more the bugs fly against the black sword, the faster they will be cut.

   "That's amazing! Ibuki-kun, she can kill all these bugs by herself!" The high school student said excitedly.

   "Come on!"

  Other people also hid behind Mo Poor one after another, they were all terrified by the bugs.

   Being devoured and digested alive, he died so badly that he shuddered just thinking about it.

   Not to mention that they saw with their own eyes, a tall man of 1.7 meters squeezed into a fist-sized patty and stuffed into his abdomen.

  Mo Poor was their only hope. For a while, everyone huddled beside Mo Poor, the black sword surrounded everyone, and the insects approached and killed one by one.

   "Sugar!" Mo Poor shouted again.

  She had run out of sugar before and was stunned by the big bang, so she escaped at a critical moment.

   At this moment, there has been no supplement. Without sugar, her mobility is greatly reduced.

  Everyone heard her yelling for candy before, but they thought they heard it wrong. This time, after hearing her say it again, they realized that she really wanted candy.

   Several people immediately groped their bodies, and found a lot of candies and sweets.

  In this doomsday place, no one is stupid. Food is very important, and everyone tries to hide some on their bodies.

  Mo Poor quickly unwrapped the package and stuffed it into her mouth. She could tell that this half of the building wouldn't last long, and it was about to collapse.

   Sure enough, as soon as he finished eating the candy, his feet collapsed and the concrete above him fell down.

  The black sword quickly turned into a platform, and she propped up the air wall and shouted: "Go up!"

  Everyone stepped on the black platform quickly, and it immediately carried everyone out of the shopping mall like a flying carpet.

  In the chaos, Mo Poor propped up the countless buildings that fell down, and shot at the bugs to stop the pursuit.

  It's a pity that I ate too little candy. As soon as it flew out, it disappeared, and a huge boulder was about to hit everyone.

  Gritting his teeth, Mo Poor rushed forward and hit the side of the boulder with his shoulder, finally causing the boulder to deviate from the track and fall far away.

   But her body was mortal, and her shoulder was smashed directly.

  During the big explosion, all the bits and pieces on her body were gone, including the medicine, and at this moment, she could only rely on her good health to hold on to her injuries.


  Manipulating Best Metal to fall to the roof of the next building, Mo Poor overlooked the collapsed shopping mall, and countless bugs crawled out of the ruins.

   Rather than crawling out, it would be better to say eating a way out.

  Whether they dig or open a path, they rely on food, and their digestion capacity is unbelievably high.

   What surprised Mo Poor even more was that the insects that were killed were actually not completely dead.

  The dissected stomach sac seems to be still working, and soon produced many cell tissues, proliferating and growing around, rebuilding a carapace body at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   "Yibuki, what's going on with these bugs, please explain to me clearly!" Mo Poor asked immediately.

  Before the fierce battle, she really didn't have time to communicate with Ibuki, and now she is recovering.

  Yibui's breathing was as heavy as a bellows, but he still tried his best to explain the situation.

   Coupled with the fact that the high school students next to him helped him make up his speech, Mo Poor quickly figured out what was going on.

   "So it turns out that your heart demon worm has become a mother body, and the way it kills you is to develop violent soldiers... This wave of insects is a tool for it to produce and reproduce by devouring matter and energy, not the heart demon..."

  Mo Poor finally understood why these bugs had weaknesses. They were not demons at all, but created by the demons' abilities.

  It's like a demon that breathes fire, the fire it creates is fire...not a demon.

  The mind demon Zerg is too special, so far the only mind demon that does not personally kill the source.

  Other inner demons will do it as soon as they come up, but the Zerg is not, as soon as they come up...develop first.

  Using violent soldiers to create a sea of ​​insects is essentially the same as other heart demons breathing fire and electricity. Although it regards other people as the environment before killing the source, the Zerg is a thing that destroys the environment and devours all resources, so it shows the characteristics of being able to attack anyone wantonly.

  Sorry, these bugs don’t regard humans as enemies. There is only one enemy, and that is Ibuki. The other things are just eaten along the way.

  Eating, digestion, production, and violent soldiers are the fighting methods of the Zerg. As for bone spurs, pliers, unicorns, abdominal devouring mouth and other things that seem to be weapons, they are not weapons, but just mining tools and collection tools.

   "This is the most common bug in 1999... They are not combat units... I have never seen a real combat unit... The militia I belong to has only been exposed to this kind of common bug." Ibuki said weakly.

  The corners of Mo Qiong’s mouth twitched, these are just hard work...

  Because Ibuki's knowledge is not great, he only manifested as an ordinary worker insect. It is not clear about the absolute adaptation of the Zerg, so the worker insect did not absolutely adapt to this characteristic.

  As a militiaman back then, the greatest of his terrifying perceptions of the Zerg was undoubtedly its overwhelming scale and incredible reproductive ability.

   "Do you have absolute characteristics?" Mo Poor asked.

   "No...uh, does Hawkeye count?" Ibuki said.

   "Forget it..." Mo Qiong frowned, and Yi Chui could have eagle eyes, so his inner demon is at the characteristic level.

  This characteristic should be reflected in reproduction or digestion.

  The good news is that there is absolutely no adaptation. Ibuki has no idea that the Zerg will adapt. He never forced the Zerg to adapt to him...

   "So the super physical defense and the super ability to absorb are nothing but the biochemical technology of the Zerg, which is the strength in your cognition..." Mo Poor understood.

  Mo Poor is very clear that the Zerg were not strong at the beginning, they were oppressed in various environments and artificially, and evolved to the point where nuclear bombs would not break their defenses in the later stage according to needs.

  The characteristics of the Zerg are absolute adaptability and infinite evolution. Ibuki had never seen the strongest level of swarms, and it was only the mid-term swarms that gave him desperate nightmares. Later, the militia he belonged to led the civilians to retreat to the rear.

  So his inner demon is equivalent to being frozen at the level of "real Zerg evolution to the middle stage", and has no potential to continue to evolve and adapt.

   Judging from the current situation, the inner demon should inherit the production characteristics. Even because of Ibuki, the inner demon is a worker insect, so it can only breed worker insects. Others... Ibuki has never seen it.

  The inner demon can use resource energy to quickly reproduce countless individuals as strong as himself.

  It is equivalent to an arsenal, which naturally creates an army and produces a large number of creatures that look like themselves, but are not of the same source as the demon.

   Among them, the ability to digest resources and convert energy is still only at the natural level, and it is impossible to digest things that are beyond the scope of the workers' ability.

   "No wonder, the Zerg can eat even sand and extract a huge amount of energy. But these bugs in front of them only eat high-efficiency materials. They only eat earth and rocks when they have to. It is estimated that they can't extract much energy."

Mo Poor thought to himself, the Heart Demon Zerg is already a pseudo-Zerg, and the tools produced are not even a pseudo-Zerg, and have no absolute characteristics at all. They are purely super-powerful biological weapons that exceed the current level of human technology. .

"Although the potential is fixed, and there is a single type of unit, only miners... But as long as the breeding ability of the heart demon is really at the characteristic level, it will produce as many bugs as there are materials, and the speed is 'one-click violence'... "

  Mo Poor didn't think this was easy to deal with at all. The female engineering soldier of the heart demon did not know where she was hiding, and the continuous violence of soldiers was actually a greater threat than the heart demon.

  The large wave of demons before can at least be killed by blowing up, these bugs can't be killed at all.

  Although bugs have weaknesses, this weakness is not weak at all. What looks like a stomach pouch is actually a production line, integrating smelting, synthesis, processing and production, which can quickly digest resources and produce body tissues.

  The bug's body is too strong, and Mo Poor relies on his absolute hit combined with the best metal to cut it so easily. It can be replaced by ordinary weapons.

  The carapace is harder than the best steel, and the toughness of the internal cell tissue is comparable to polymer materials. Coupled with the horn that absorbs energy, missiles and other farts are useless.

   And best metal...only a handful!


   p.s: Sorry. Another busy day at the funeral, resume updating today. Get some sleep for the next two chapters, and make up for it tomorrow.



  (end of this chapter)

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