Blue and White Society

Chapter 568: application for expositor david

  Chapter 568 Application for David the Preacher

   Lord Gou's heart is like steel, and he successfully survived the so-called shock beyond human imagination.

  According to what she said, the shock was indeed extremely terrifying, and she didn't know how long she could endure it, and she didn't think about it when she endured it.

  But judging from the fact that she can still block the pain and not share it with Sister You, it shows that she can actually endure it for a long time.

  At the moment she is holding a cigarette, but she is not smoking because she is not allowed to change back into a man.

  If you keep your current shape, you can still maintain your three-pack abs, and you can also speak frogman language. What if it works?

  As for Mo Poor, he gathered his mind into a thread, chasing his own dust, and headed to the location of the group leader.

  Catching up was not to see the group leader, after all he must be far away, and Mo Poor just wanted to make sure that Mochen was moving.

  As long as the dust doesn't disappear suddenly, it can prove that the group leader took out the book and is studying it instead of taking it back into the game.

   "This guy doesn't have the equipment you need to shoot." Jiang Long said secretly.

   "And we didn't bring it out, it seems that it can't be brought out?" Adams said.

Mo Poor said: "In this way, it is actually very clear. It is not something created by the containment object. Although it has entered the game of the containment object, it will not be realized. The last time my props disappeared, it is probably just the owner of the group. Try to see if you can take it out. After all, this is the first time he has seen and I can shoot other game props into his game."

   If you carefully summarize the things that have been contained so far, there are actually only two types.

  The first type is something that is originally real. After being converted into game data, it can be converted back.

  The second type is the things that come with the game scene, and those things can be taken out. Down to banknotes and other sundries, up to evil gods and the like.

   No cases of external data have been found.

   "The group owner took away the purification necklace last time and found that he couldn't get the reality, so he didn't do it this time. He only took away the magic book that came with the game scene." Sister You said.

"I'm already tracking him, but after the magic book is manifested, it's also a trouble. There are more than a dozen monster summoning and control spells in it, and even the summoning of several evil gods including Cthulhu And the sealing method." Mo Poor said.

  Sister You said: "This is indeed a trouble. If the summoned monster is sent back, isn't it sent back to the game?"

   "Can we think that once some monsters are summoned through that book, it is actually equivalent to the containment that truly embodies a monster in reality?"

   "The above spell, if it spreads out, if some brain damage summons Cthulhu, will it be equivalent to implanting a Cthulhu information package into this world?"

  Although the caster will definitely become an idiot unless he has the tenacious will of Lord Gou, or the spiritual resistance of David.

  But I can't stand it, there are some strong people in this world who will act like idiots.

   The group owner may not be such an idiot, but what if he deliberately spread some of the above knowledge? If it is not complete, someone will chant the mantra with the mood of giving it a try.

  Even if it is not summoning evil gods, if it is just some small spells, it will still be a big trouble.

  Because of any small spell, the price is to be implanted with mind distortion, and gradually become the corresponding monster with the number of uses.

  In the game, they can also rely on Mo Poor to cheat and come up with a magic weapon such as the purification necklace to get rid of it. But what about reality? They don't have a cheat that can save people like this in reality.

  In reality, if something like the disaster of Hydra really happens, they have no other way but to kill them.

   "Because he has the means to observe us, we can't just go to him so blatantly." Sister You said.

   "You can teleport there directly!" Mo Poor said.

"No hurry! We have to consider the possibility of missing a single hit. After all, we still don't know what he looks like. We only know that the magic book is in his hand, or nearby. If we don't subdue him in an instant, we will be in big trouble. "Jiang Long said.

  What Pinkman learned, the group leader should also have. There are things in the mission to curb transformation, such as Chen Ai's blood.

   The group owner took some of this stuff, and they didn't know it.

   That is to say, the group leader should be able to become something like a Hydra or a werewolf, and can maintain a human body, and even use sealing techniques to maintain humanity.

   So, he should also be able to use some small spells, and with that book, he will be even more powerful.

   This is the troublesome part. The group leader recruited a mob, such as the previous frogman. It didn’t cost much, but it was just more undead flesh and blood to maintain the seal and maintain humanity.

  But to others, that frogman is extremely powerful in reality!

  If you look at them for a long time, they will turn into frog eyes, and they will talk erratically, not to mention the seawater curse killing technique. In reality, there is no resurrection coin for them!

   "I asked to apply for David's help... This is not a joke." Mo Poor said.

  Sister You said, "I'll apply immediately, and ask David for support."

  They waited for the result, and soon after understanding the situation, the superiors agreed to send David the Sleepless.

  Because the enemy this time, it is very likely that any skill will cause large-scale mind distortion. It is safer to have David around.

  If some Hydra or Cthulhu belief spreads, it will be even more difficult to deal with.

   "Big brothers, I... I have learned the art of swallowing snakes." Xu Ning raised his hand.

  Label quickly said: "I have learned to summon and control deep divers."

Liu Ye said: "I have learned 'perfection', which can transform rationality into strength and speed. By the way, there is also worm divination. I specifically asked the bald man and learned it quickly, but it is too disgusting. I don’t think I can even speak.”

  Sister You frowned and said, "Then never use it."

  In order to join the super power alliance, the three of them must learn some skills.

   Therefore, during the game, they all deliberately memorized a short passage from the magic book.

  Because they saw Lord Gou in pain, they wisely didn’t learn to summon the evil god, and it was useless if they learned it. The book didn’t record the method of controlling the evil **** at all. If they summoned it, it would harm others and themselves, which is equivalent to feeding them.

   But little monsters like frogmen, the control methods are recorded in the book, although there is a price, they are no longer ordinary people anyway.

   "Very good! Now we are the same kind!" Adams walked up to them, smiling and hugging them.

   Then he said: "Congratulations to you for joining the superpower alliance, and you will enjoy a lot of food and drink with me in the future! But these spells are too expensive, and without our permission, you are absolutely not allowed to use them."

   It has to be said that the magic book itself does not have any memes, and the words and knowledge on it have no distorting power.

  So although these people have learned one and a half tricks, as long as they don't use them, they are still pure human beings.

   Conversely, if you use it, even if it’s just once, you won’t be able to turn back.

  Some kind of mental distortion will always be entrenched in the heart, and will sink deeper and deeper with time and the number of times the power is used, unless there is such a thing as a purification necklace in reality.

  The three of them were actually relieved after hearing what Adams said.

   "Don't worry, we won't use it casually." Xu Ning nodded frequently. It would be great if he could get mixed into the super power alliance, and he didn't want to use such a disgusting power.

   "Well, the three of you will be 'spell casters' from now on. If you need anything, you can tell McGrady." Adams said with satisfaction.

   "Yes! Brother!" Xu Ning said excitedly.

   After finishing speaking, Sister You asked Mai Di to deal with Gao Lian's body. They didn't save this poor guy. Although his body has been repaired perfectly, he is already dead.

   Send the body back to his home first, and after the group leader is arrested, find a way to talk to the police, or even talk to the Global Council here.

   After finishing all this, Mo Qiong stretched his waist and said, "I'll sleep for a while, Adams, give me a massage."

   "All right, all right, you've done a great job this time, brother, I'll make you feel good." Adams smiled, manipulated Best Metal, and wrapped Mo Poor completely.

  Xu Ning and others saw that the black metal was all over Mo Poor's body, wrapping it like a mummy, like a black iron coffin in the shape of a human.

  Finally, the black metal undulates, and some places are sometimes dented and sometimes twisted.

   It seems to be a massage bed with an all-inclusive structure, and Mo Qiong is lying in it enjoying a massage.

   "Wow, there is such an operation? I want to try it in the future." Xu Ning laughed.

   "Okay, we are all brothers now, easy to say!" Adams laughed.

   Others don't know, but he knows that Mo Poor has actually left quietly under the cover of best metal, leaving only a soul inside. It is the golden cicada that sheds its shell, the shell is gone, and the cicada stays.

   After thinking about it, Adams sat in front of the computer and found the group leader in the friend list.

   "Brother, are you there?"

   "I want to talk to you."

   "Your game is amazing, join us."

  Adams typed a few words, saw that the group leader was silent, and continued to post.

"You can pull people into the game, and we cheat. Together, we can control the heads of state. Think about it, who can survive in this game? Even we are struggling so hard. Those Muggles are close to death. How can you live without hanging up?"

  "If the rich want to survive in the game, they must pay us to buy equipment. If the rich want to cheat in the game, they must listen to us. We cooperate and will secretly control the world."

  Xu Ning watched from the sidelines, trembling with excitement: Damn, can this still be the case?

   A game with death that is dangerous. One with data transfer, is Asylum. If the two parties cooperate, Muggles can only charge money if they don't want to die, and they can only be obedient.

  Adams turned back and smiled: "What do you think?"

   "Brother, you are invincible!" Xu Ning laughed.

   "Brother, your mouth is sweet..." Adams patted Xu Ning on the shoulder and laughed.

  Label was startled, but frowned: "This..."

   "What?" Xu Ning looked back at him.

  Label was silent.


   p.s: I'm sorry for the evolution of Naiyazi, and I'm sorry for the stupidity. In other words, there is nothing wrong with this book, it is just that the contained object has received some projections to play a game, and the polo song is just a clone left by Bai █, without consciousness, and it has the same nature as the thing on the moon. Think of as 'footprint', 'footprint'. In this book, it is just the background wall of the world. In addition, there will be three chapters tomorrow.



  (end of this chapter)

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