Blue and White Society

Chapter 606: one man ambush

  Chapter 606 An ambush by one person

  Mo Qiong and the others ignored Zhang Shijie's actions.

  They are only responsible for one thing, before Zhang Shijie and others arrive at Diaoyu City, let the "peripheral mouthpiece" Zhang Shijie, Jiang Cheng and the seventy people survive.

  The members of the club don't care how many people Zhang Shijie recruits.

  Although they exist, they have actually helped Zhang Shijie, but can personal bravery be called help?

  There is nothing in this world that can be achieved by talking only.

   It's just that in ancient times, personal bravery had a much greater influence on public opinion than in modern times. After all, in ancient wars, morale is really important.

   In just two days, the news that the three gods defeated the five thousand Mongolian army has spread throughout Guangdong and Jiangxi.

  This time, it was Zhang Hongfan who secretly contributed to the flames again, because the leader was Li Heng, so the loss had nothing to do with him, on the contrary, he could draw attention to his defeat at Yashan.

  However, when he learned that Marshal A Shu of the Southern Expedition had arrived in Jizhou, he immediately became anxious.

   He must make meritorious service, otherwise his official career will be over, and his life may be in danger.

   On March 29th, Zhang Hongfan led an army of 20,000 to pursue Zhang Shijie's troops to the border of Hunan and Jiangxi.

  At this time, Zhang Shijie also had 10,000 troops, but his 10,000 troops were simply incomparable with others.

  The Mongolian army is equipped with excellent equipment, which is the best in the world.

   They have 1,000 heavy cavalry with 10,000 people, and Zhang Shijie has 2,000 heavy cavalry under his command. They are the elite troops at the bottom of his box. Because it is a naval battle, Yashan has not been drawn out to fight, and it is well preserved at the moment.

  Now in order to capture Lord Song alive and defeat Zhang Shijie, he pulled out two thousand heavy cavalry, and had more than eight thousand light cavalry, plus 10,000 infantry.

  Under normal circumstances, such an army is enough to defeat the Song army by 100,000 or even more in field battles.

  He thought to himself that Li Heng's defeat was due to the fact that he fought a positional battle with the enemy and did not use the mobility of the Mongolian army.

   Otherwise, no matter how brave the opponent's three gods are, it is impossible to be killed, wouldn't it be possible to fly a kite?

  Zhang Hongfan's grasp of the fighter plane was extremely precise. When the Song army had just crossed a mountain and came to a pioneering area, he chased it up, and there happened to be a river in front of the Song army.

  If the Song army crossed the river, the Mongolian army would shoot and kill them from behind. I don’t know how many people they could kill. And walking along the river is the same.

  So at this moment, the Song army had no choice but to fight to the death.

  The battle was extremely brutal, and no matter how brave the three of Mo Poor were, it was impossible to kill all 20,000 people.

  Back then in Africa, Mo Poor fired all his guns and used guns to kill thousands of people. That was all because of the use of various characteristics.

   Nowadays, supernatural power cannot be used, and it is even more impossible to annihilate the Mongolian army.

  However, in ancient wars, annihilation and defeat are completely two concepts.

   Morale is pretty much everything.

   "Zhang Hongfan! I saw you!" Lord Gou seemed to like this kind of battle very much, fighting with pure muscle. In the past ten years of containment career, he never had such an opportunity.

  In order to contain, always try every means and exhaust all available factors.

  His hard-trained tyrannical force, most of the time, is not very useful against the contained objects, it is just a 'basic attribute'.

  At this moment, they are just ordinary Southern Song soldiers, who can do a good job as normal people.

  It is different from the conflict with the military in the future world. At that time, they used abnormal forces, and they still restrained their hands. It was called a conflict, but they still wanted to protect each other.

   But this time is different, this is war, and they finally don't have to keep their hands.

   "Hahaha! Who dares to kill me!" Lord Gou growled.

  The Mongolian army watched him suffer several wounds, and still rushed to kill himself, and couldn't help being frightened.

  However, there are some hard-headed ones. Seeing that Master Gou was 'severely injured' and still so rampant, he immediately wanted to harvest his head.

  So he shouted: "I dare to kill..."

   Before he could finish the word 'you', Lord Gou smashed him to death with a spear.

  Many 'famous generals' were beheaded by Lord Gou before their names were reported.

   Seeing him so brave, the morale of the Mongolian army was demoralized. They had never seen such a terrifying general, it was simply inhuman.

  Zhang Hongfan commanded from the rear, ordered the cavalry to pretend to be defeated, and shot and killed the Song army.

   As a result, because of Lord Gou's excessive bravery, the feigned defeat almost turned into a real defeat, and the Mongolian cavalry almost retreated hastily.

   "Shoot him to death!" Zhang Hongfan was overjoyed to see Lord Gou leave the brigade and pursue the Mongolian army alone.

  The Mongolian army cannot chase after them randomly. If they fail to catch up, they will be shot into a sieve.

   Aiming at Lord Gou, it was a series of shelling and shooting with bows and arrows.

  God Lord’s halberd danced like a propeller. Even though he was still hit by dozens of arrows, he avoided the vital points, and still bravely charged against the arrows.

  However, under continuous bombardment, Lord Gou's horse was finally blown up, and he died on the spot.

   Lord Gou was so shaken that he rolled over, followed the force of the rolling, stood up again after a few somersaults, and chased after him on foot.

  In contrast, Zhang Shijie strictly ordered the Song army to maintain their formation and not to pursue.

  He knew that in the face of the Mongolian army's feigned defeat, he must not pull his formation apart, because once the heavy cavalry who had been watching the show were dispatched, they only needed a charge, and their more than 10,000 infantry would be defeated in an instant.

   So much so that, at this moment, there was a feat of chasing thousands of cavalry on foot alone on the battlefield.

  Zhang Hongfan couldn't hold back his face, fearing that morale would really collapse, he urgently ordered the heavy cavalry to attack.

   But the target is not Song Jun, but Lord Gou.

  will be the courage of the three armies. He believes that beheading the generals of the Song army can severely damage their morale. The infantry assembled by more than 10,000 townspeople is nothing to worry about, and they can be defeated casually.

  In an instant, Lord Gou was overwhelmed by heavy cavalry.

  Zhang Shijie was in a cold sweat, and all the soldiers were sweating for Lord Gou.

  However, Lord Gou became more and more courageous as he fought. After killing more than a dozen people in a row, he even snatched a horse, which disrupted the opponent's formation among the heavy cavalry.

  The halberd in his hand was all broken, so he had to go into the sword empty-handed, grabbed a scimitar, and continued to fight.

   One side is still shouting: "Attack their flank!"

  The Mongolian army was shocked and looked in Zhang Shijie's direction, only to find that the Song army hadn't moved.

  Zhang Hongfan laughed loudly, and said to Li Heng: "It is said that Zhang Shijie is a famous general..."

   "I don't think so. If there is a group of surprise soldiers rushing towards my central army from the flanks, it will force me... what!"

  I saw that although the Song army did not move, a young general came out from the forest on the side. He held a meteor hammer and suddenly rushed into the central army from the flank, as if he had entered no one's land.

  Zhang Hongfan was in the Chinese army, surrounded by infantry. Being charged by this man with an extended meteor hammer dancing wildly, he seemed to be suddenly attacked by an iron cavalry, causing chaos among the infantry and causing heavy casualties.

   "Be careful! They can take the head of a general out of ten thousand troops!" Li Heng exclaimed in surprise.

   Zhang Hongfan knew that Li Heng had been captured alive, so he quickly moved to the other side to avoid being beheaded and captured the flag.

  However, when he ran, Jiang Long shouted: "Where are the ambush soldiers!"

   "Huh?" Zhang Hongfan was surprised, only to see that there was indeed a small hill next to the place he moved to.

   But the hillside is very small, not enough to ambush troops. They have already checked it, and there is no ambush here.

   "Ha, how could there be ambushes here!" Zhang Hongfan said.

   As soon as he finished speaking, a young general suddenly appeared from the hillside, it was Mo Qiong.

  He bent his bow and set an arrow, condescending, and shot and killed two Mongolian soldiers with one arrow.

  Before the Mongolian army figured out what was going on, they felt arrows raining down like clusters, and people around them kept falling down.

   "Not good! There is an ambush!" A hundred households said in surprise.

  Zhang Hongfan said angrily: "Shut up, there is only one person!"

   "Rush up and kill him!"

  The Mongolian army rushed up the hillside. Although it is impossible to have a large number of ambushes on this hillside, it is more than enough to ambush one person...

  I saw Mo Qiong shooting arrows non-stop. His rhythm of exerting force was unimaginable by the ancients.

  He shot one arrow after another, within 300 meters, without fail, and this time he was so poor that he didn't hang up!

  All the arrows fall on the arrow itself, and the shooting is instantaneous, and the rest is due to inertia, and it hits naturally.

  He shoots two arrows per second, and three stone bows are enough to penetrate heavy armor. For a while, the Mongolian army was unable to go up the mountain.

   "Isn't he tired?"

  The Mongolian army is not without sharpshooters, and there are people who can draw the three-stone bow, but it is often impossible to shoot four or five arrows, let alone shoot continuously.

   But these three stone bows are in Mo Poor's hands, just like toys, one arrow after another, stable and accurate.

  The Mongolian infantry wanted to go up the mountain and counterattacked at the same time, but the range was not enough. The arrows either fell in front of Mo Poor, or were softly dodged by him.

  I saw Mo Poor shooting arrows while walking leisurely on the hillside with his feet.

  Shoot two arrows and take one step, shoot two arrows and take one step. After continuous shooting, one person suppressed an army.

   "How many arrows does he have?"

  A Mongolian army saw that Mo Poor had four quiver beside him, but he shot them empty after dozens of breaths.

   Mo Qiong paused after shooting the arrow.

   "He has no arrows!" The Mongolian army was overjoyed, and accelerated to charge upwards.

  However, two seconds later, Mo Poor pulled out a cart from the mountain behind him...

  On the cart, dozens of large baskets of arrows piled up like a mountain.

   "Impossible!" When they saw Mo Poor grinning, they grabbed the arrow and shot it.

   A cart of arrows! This is basically all the arrow reserves of the first battalion. If there are hundreds of people ambushing here, it is normal to prepare so many arrows.

  But one person ambushed their army and prepared so many arrows. Could he shoot them all by himself?

how is this possible? The most powerful sharpshooter can shoot 300 arrows intermittently, and his hand will rot if he shoots 500 arrows.

   There are at least a thousand arrows in this cart, how can one person shoot it?

  However, when Mo Poor was training on Extreme Island, he shot 8,000 arrows in one training session, and that's when he really broke his hand.

  But the purpose of the training is to **** until it breaks, and then the doctor on Limit Island will cure him...

  This is called extreme training.

  You can't stop, you can't stop. If you are about to go into shock, you have to rely on a will to mobilize your strength. Members do not know how many times they have gone through this kind of training.

  The thousand arrows now are just a warm-up for Mo Poor, whose physical fitness has surpassed the limit of the human body.

  At this moment, Mo Poor had only shot more than 300 arrows, and the morale of the Mongolian army collapsed, and they fled in a panic.

   Because of these 300 arrows, more than 300 people were killed!

  On the hillside, a pile of corpses, with arrows inserted upside down, formed a forest.


   p.s: Sorry.



  (end of this chapter)

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