Blue and White Society

Chapter 608: that's the history

  Chapter 608 History is so settled

  Mong Yuan invaded south, Lin'an City was destroyed, Emperor Deyou surrendered and ordered the world to surrender.

  Li Tingzhi guarded Huainan, retreated from the enemy several times, and burned the edict saying: I was ordered to defend the city, and I have never heard of the emperor's edict to surrender.

   So he defended Yangzhou, the food and grass were exhausted, and the soldiers killed their children to eat.

  In the second year, the remnant forces Lu Xiufu, Wen Tianxiang, Zhang Shijie and others refused to obey the edict and took Duzong's second son to flee to sea. Then Li Tingzhi was ordered to respond, and Li Tingzhi ordered Zhu Huan, his subordinate, to guard Yangzhou, and led 7,000 people to go eastward to the sea and to Taizhou.

  However, Zhu Huan opened the city of Yangzhou to descend to the Yuan Dynasty, and expelled Li Tingzhi's soldiers, wives and children to the city of Taizhou. Taizhou deputy generals Sun Gui and Hu Weixiao opened the door to surrender. Li Tingzhi committed suicide by throwing himself into the water.

  Afterwards, the entire territory of the Song Dynasty had been included in the territory of the Yuan Dynasty. Wen Tianxiang and others jointly supported King Yi in Fuzhou, changed Yuan Jingyan, established a small court, and continued to flee south.

  Yuan army chased after the little emperor. The emperor was young and weak, and died of fright due to the strong wind in Jingao on the way to escape.

   Someone is discouraged and wants to leave.

But Lu Xiufu said: "When one king dies, there will be another king. Among the ancients, there was one who achieved ZTE with only one brigade, but now we have hundreds of officials and tens of thousands of troops. , can’t the country be revitalized by this?”

  So he supported King Wei to ascend the throne, changed his Yuan to Xiangxing, and retreated to Yashan.

  Wen Tianxiang opened his mansion in Jiannan to gather anti-Yuan forces. From time to time, the clan Zhao Mengyun recruited thousands of troops to join the army and helped Wen Tianxiang recover several counties. The anti-Yuan morale was once high.

  However, Wupoling was defeated, the entire Song army was wiped out, and Wen Tianxiang and Zhao Mengyu were captured.

  The Mongolian army built sea boats to enter the Yashan, fought fiercely for a month, and made a general attack in the rain. At the time of desperation, Lu Xiufu threw the young emperor into the sea, and 100,000 corpses floated on the Yashan. Suddenly there was a tsunami and strong wind, which blew off the flag of the commander of the Mongolian army, and it was useless to rush across the boat. Zhang Shijie took the opportunity to draw his sword and order the remnant soldiers to gather together, and personally led more than 70 people to fight back. The mourning soldiers must win, and the Jedi counterattacked. More than 70 people attacked the 20,000 army and beheaded hundreds of them.

  The Mongolian army thought that the Song army had divine help, so they collapsed and were defeated. They fled for three hundred miles, and the Song army captured countless.

  Among the rebellious army, Zhang Shijie rescued the clan Zhao Mengyu and took the opportunity to support him. When the news came out, the anti-Yuan morale rose again.

Zhang Shijie took the opportunity to raise the banner high and gathered 20,000 righteous soldiers. The new emperor was thirsty for talent, and from time to time a doctor Jiang Long came to vote. Jiang Long, a native of Lantau Island, studied martial arts and medicine since childhood. He used medicinal baths to beat his muscles and bones, and was good at using meteor hammers. He was known as the "Master of Iron Hammers".

Another Zhang Shijie has a keen eye for talent. When he was practicing soldiers, he saw a soldier under his command swinging his gun off. He was astonished. He is close to two feet, and he is skilled in bow and horse, and can shoot with three stone bows in succession. The **** Mo Qiong joined the army at a young age, and it has been several years since he has experienced hundreds of battles and has never been injured. His reputation in the past is not obvious, but he obeys military discipline, never rushes forward to kill the enemy, and has no one to promote him.

  Zhang Shijie sighed that the pearl was dusty, so he was promoted to the deputy commander of the Ma Jundu, and he was given the title of General Yingxiang, and he was awarded the rank of General Yiwulang.

The Song army escorted the new emperor to the west. Zhang Hongfan, the leader of the Mongolian army, ordered people to pollute the water source and poisoned the well. Many of the Song army were poisoned. Only Gou Tijue vomited blood for several liters, but he did not die. Zhang Shijie was very different and ordered the army doctor to treat him. Gou Tixia didn't want to drink medicine, but just wanted to be full.

   Zhang Shijie promised that Qi was full, but Gou Tijue actually ate five buckets of rice! Shock the three armies.

  A military doctor said that his physique was different from that of ordinary people, that he was as strong as a bear, and that poisonous water could kill, but not enough to kill a bear.

Zhang Shijie frightened his physique, and made him full of food every day. In the battle in southern Jiangxi, he fought to the death. He and Mo Qiong Jiang Long made a surprise attack on the enemy camp, beheaded dozens of Mongolian generals with one halberd, broke the flag of the Mongolian commander, and captured Li alive. Heng, the new emperor personally appointed him as the commander of the capital, and bestowed the title 'General Feixiong'. He was granted the rank of General Wu Yilang.

  Hearing that he had participated in the Battle of Xiangyang, the new emperor couldn't help feeling: If the general of Xiangyang knows you are brave and feeds you, how can Xiangyang fall?

  The Song army marched westward all the way, and the three **** generals repeatedly made outstanding achievements, all of which were enemies of ten thousand people.

  In the first battle in Huzhou, the Song army was overtaken by the enemy because it was carrying the families of the rebels, so they had to fight their backs.

In this battle, 10,000 soldiers and civilians bravely resisted the Mongolian cavalry and suffered heavy casualties. When the Chinese army was in the most danger, the Mongolian army almost killed the new emperor's dragon chariot. From time to time, there was a civilian girl Che Yun with a gun to escort, beheading several enemies. General, organized the family members of the rebel army to block the cavalry, and then dragged it to General Fei Xiong to capture the enemy commander Zhang Hongfan alive.

  The new emperor was impressed by his heroic rescue, and after learning that she was the cousin of General Yingxiang, he took it into the harem.

   Since then, Mongolia and Song Dynasty have fought several times, thanks to the protection of ancestors and ancestors, the soldiers of the three armies worked hard, and the new emperor finally arrived safely in Diaoyu City in central Shu.

  On the first day of April, Zhao Mengyu ascended the throne in Diaoyu City, changed his Yuan to "Hongguang", and became the 20th emperor of the Song Dynasty.

   Mrs. Li Che is the Queen, Zhang Shijie is the Prime Minister of Zuo, and he is also named Taifu.

  General Fei Xiong defeated the enemy and the rear many times, and was the first in military exploits. However, he suffered hundreds of wounds, lost several liters of blood, and died of serious injuries in Diaoyu City. Emperor Hongguang was impressed by his great achievements, and he was granted the posthumous title of "Liewu" as Duke of the State.

  General Yingxiang, Mo Qiong, was second in military merit, crowned Prince Shaobao, Emperor Hongguang established Jinyiwei, and named Moqiong as the commander of the Jinyiwei Capital, engaged in reconnaissance and arrests, collecting national and large intelligence, etc., and was directly responsible to the emperor. The right to arrest anyone, including members of the royal family, and conduct a closed trial.

  Ashu soldiers besieged Diaoyu City, and all the government orders of the Hongguang Dynasty did not leave the city, and no one could bring the edicts out of the city.

So Mo Qiong risked his life to break through the encirclement, broke through the twelve battalions of the three armies of Ashu, passed through the fourteen gates of five prefectures, recruited righteous men in various places, and developed dark sons. Tell the world.


   "History is so set..."

  Mo Qiong communicated with Jiang Cheng in a certain small town.

   At the same time, the dead Lord Gou was also in the harem of Jiangcheng.

  Jiang Cheng watched his 'Queen' talking and laughing with Lord Gou, with a calm expression.

   "It doesn't matter, I will say whatever you want me to say, what else do I need to write?" Jiang Cheng was very honest.

  Became the emperor, he didn't change his fate, he didn't even give a daughter-in-law, the majestic emperor, only a queen, is still a fake.

  The ministers asked him to choose a concubine many times, but Jiang Cheng rejected them with tears.

Che Yun is in charge of the harem, and directly transformed the place that foreign officials could not enter into a "containment and research center", and brought a bunch of scientific researchers to travel through, and go in and out of his "harem halls" every day, especially the Jade Hall. It was supposed to be the place where the noble concubine lived, but there was no such thing as a noble concubine. The darkroom inside was full of sophisticated instruments.

   The foreign ministers knew nothing about this, and thought they were all eunuchs.

  As for the so-called Jinyiwei, he can only command a group of people on the surface, and secretly has a dark army dedicated to collecting information on the contained objects.

  Although he, the emperor, can work hard, the members will not stop him, but he has no such thoughts, let alone the ability.

  Because Mo Qiong has even found an heir, there are a lot of clans in central Shu. Although many were killed, there are still a few clans like the county lords who are still alive.

  He looks good on the surface, but in fact, if there is any containment that needs to be tested, it may kill him, or make him so unrecognizable that he cannot see people again.

  Maybe one day, a gray-haired 'eunuch' came over and said, "Your Majesty, please go to the Hall of Jade."

  The Jade Palace is full of instruments, what good will there be?

  So Jiangcheng doesn't take much care of political affairs recently. After all, it's a big place, and Dayuan is in full swing. Whatever he can do, Zhang Shijie and other officials will take care of it.

When he was in the harem, he frantically researched "My Essentials for Survival", "Things About Me Being a D-Class Personnel", "The Relationship between D's Will and Survival Rate", "Summary of Experience of Senior D-Class Personnel", "Legend of D-50233" Memorandum" and other materials, in order to try to survive future containment hazards as much as possible.


  (end of this chapter)

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