Blue and White Society

Chapter 632: placental disappearance event

  Chapter 632 The event of the disappearance of the placenta

   Ended the call, the researcher clapped his hands and laughed loudly: "Six catties of Kun blood, for 300 million people! He also offers free shipping!"

  Mo Poor saw the disappearance of 'Little Mo Poor' in the astral projection pool over there, and said, "Where is the population?"

  The researcher said: "300 million people is not a small number, let's resettle in Australia first..."

   "Australia over there in the Song Dynasty?" Mo Qiong said.

   "Yes, we can't just throw these 300 million people into the uninhabited world to open up wasteland. No matter what, we have to train for a while first." The researcher said.

  Mo Poor nodded and said, "How about those alchemy knowledge?"

  The researcher looked at the screen and said with a smile: "This is much easier to understand than Immortal Forging, the chemistry of magic reform. They have one hundred and sixty-five elements! Fifty of them are man-made."

   "Let's put it this way, I can understand it, at least it won't be like looking at the Cultivation Technique, and you can't even watch it."

  Mo Poor asked: "Can I practice?"

   "This won't work, unless I go to their universe. In the world of cultivating immortals, I can only use it, but not practice it." The researcher said.

  Mo Poor nodded, which is very understandable.

  The power of the world of cultivating immortals can be used on the future earth, but every time it is used, the source is consumed, and the magic weapon becomes a one-time or multiple-use prop.

  Spells are used, Dao fruit has fallen to the level, magic weapons are used, and they are directly scrapped.

  The same is true for alchemy products. Here, they only need to study the essence of void projection spellcasting, and then borrow the alchemy item 'Star Gem' to cast spells across the universe.

  However, it is impossible to learn how to forge astral gems, because there is no law system for this in the world of cultivating immortals.

  There is no law to snare, they feel the power of the law of a hammer.

   You can't practice the 'sun' or 'moon' if you beat your head to death.

   "It doesn't matter if it can be used, thanks to the alchemy world, their prop industry is very developed. In this respect, it is like a mechanical technology civilization. It can be used as a one-time product, anyway, it is cheap." The researcher said.

   A few cups of Kun's blood is nothing to worry about. When bargaining before, Mo Poor completely regarded Kun's blood as a rare product to bargain.

   But in fact, these few cups were not enough for him to water a flower.

   The astral gems are used up, and buying more is a trivial matter.

  However, Mo Poor has always been worried about that civilization, and now he is being bluffed, but that world has the ability to invade the earth after all.

   Such a powerful civilization, will there be no gods and demons secretly guiding it?

  Even if they don't reveal that this is the rebel earth, the existence of the ancestor beasts alone may actually lead to war.

  It’s okay now because they only deal with individuals like Disney. Once their relationship with Disney is exposed, for example, an enemy of Disney finds out that he actually got the blood of the ancestor beast.

  The development of the situation after that cannot be controlled by Mo Poor and others across the universe.

   "The real time traveler plan should start as soon as possible. It would be better if the time traveler can practice in the past and get ahead. How are the candidates selected?" Mo Poor asked.

"The superiors asked us to choose people who have lost hope in life, lost motivation for the future, and are lonely. However, such people are often very useless... Either they have a flawed personality, or the education environment is extremely poor, or they are disabled or sickly. In short, it is very difficult to choose Satisfied," said the researcher.

   "Excellent people will not lose hope in life... In fact, the higher-ups think too much about things like time travel, even if they find normal people, there are many people who are willing to go." Mo Poor said.

  The researcher said: "According to the agreement with the council, we can't just let a person disappear from society. Who doesn't have a family? This journey through time will never return."

   "Hurry up and look for it. There are all kinds of people in the world. If it's not possible, we can accept the incompetence caused by the educational environment. That kind of person may not be outstanding, but they just haven't received a good education." Mo Poor said.

   Next, the research department continued to sort out alchemy knowledge.

  Mo Poor began to transport food to Australia in the ancient world. At that time, Australia only had natives, occupying a huge land, and many places were paradise for animals.

   There is absolutely no problem in accommodating 300 million people. The more than 200,000 refugees from the Immortal Cultivation World have already been trained at the moment, and they just go to Australia to practice their skills.

   After working back and forth for Mo Poor for a week, I finally established a population mobility base in Australia.

  The camp stretching for hundreds of miles looks like a refugee camp, but after 300 million people came here, there is no problem with temporary living.

   Mother Earth solves part of the food problem, and the other part directly sends a team of modern fishing boats to fish in Newfoundland fishing grounds in North America.

  The fishing grounds in Newfoundland these days haven’t been developed yet. It’s like fish crowding fish. When you jump into the water, you can’t step on it to the bottom, and your feet are full of big cod!

  On this day, Mo Qiong had just sent a boat of fish to Australia when he received a summons from Che Yun.

   "Moqiong, I found the contents." Che Yun said.

   "It appeared again... Where is it?" Mo Poor said.

   "I don't know... We don't even know which country the containment is in." Che Yun sighed.

   Mo Poor frowned, put on earrings, and immediately appeared in the Little Palace of Diaoyu City.

   In front of them, Che Yun took out the intelligence report collected by the Anbu of Jinyiwei: "Since three days ago, the same bizarre deaths occurred in Xiangyang, Champa, Antioch, and Fuzhou in sequence."

  Mo Poor saw that it was a pregnant woman who died suddenly and strangely. It first appeared in Xiangyang City. A pregnant woman was seven months pregnant, but she suddenly screamed and her lower body bled crazily.

  The family thought it was a premature birth, so they hurriedly called Mrs. Wen, but Mrs. Wen was horrified to find that the baby was stillborn, and the pregnant woman died of hemorrhagic shock soon after.

   "Have you done an autopsy? Is it normal hemorrhagic shock?" Mo Poor asked.

  If it is normal hemorrhagic shock, it can be saved if it is treated in time. If the hemorrhagic shock itself is characteristic killing, it cannot be saved.

Che Yun said: "When this incident happened, we didn't know it, but the next day, after the same incident happened in Champa, South Asia, it was discovered and reported by one of our peripheral personnel doing business there. "

   "Master Gou and Jiang Long rushed over to check the corpse, and found that the placenta of the pregnant woman was gone..."

   "..." Mo Poor frowned. If the fetus is gone, the mother does not necessarily die, but if the placenta is gone, both mother and child must die.

Che Yun said: "Jiang Long preliminarily judged that the death itself was a natural result. Judging from the traces of the corpse, the pregnant woman experienced a period of pain from the disappearance of the placenta to the death. If he was by his side during this period, he could be saved. "

   "But the problem is that the incident happened in different places! On the third day, the same incident happened again in Antioch, and at night, it also happened in Fuzhou."

  "The incident happened suddenly. Basically, we can only find out after the death of the pregnant woman. Even if we teleport thereafter, it will be too late."

  Mo Qiong said: "Is this containment running all over the world? Xiangyang, Zhancheng, Antioch, Fuzhou, except that they are all in Asia, what do they have in common?"

  As he spoke, he contacted Lord Gou. At the moment, Lord Gou was in Fuzhou and was investigating everyone related to the deceased.

   "I found nothing... Moreover, I also sent someone to investigate the Mayan Empire, and found that the same incident happened there today, and it was not limited to Asia." Lord Gou said.

Jiang Long also said: "What's more troublesome is that there is no connection between the deceased. The only connection we have found so far is the pregnant woman in Fuzhou, a classmate of her husband who took the same exam, and a distant niece. Know the sister-in-law of the pregnant woman who died in Xiangyang."

   Mo Qiong is speechless, what kind of connection is this!

  Grandpa Gou said: "Either the holder of the containment object is psychopathic and randomly kills people. He has the ability to run around the world. Or the characteristics of the containment object itself are the placenta of random people."

   "I'm leaning towards the latter. This psychopath is too ridiculous. He has no grievances and no enmity. He has the ability to run around the world. What's wrong with him?" Mo Poor said.

  Grandpa Gou said: "I think so too, so this is someone using a containment to obtain the placenta. This containment randomly takes the placenta from the body of pregnant women in the world in an instant, resulting in two deaths."

"But there is no way to know this. Judging from the sudden death of one on the first day, one on the second day, and the sudden death of three on the third day, there are obvious traces of artificial selection. Someone gradually became familiar with the ability of the contained objects, and began to become more and more It's gone too far."

   "And we don't even know which country he is from, Thai? Chinese? Arabian? Or Mayan?"

  Mo Poor said: "You mean the owner himself, do you know that these pregnant women died twice?"

   "Does he know? Didn't he do it all!" Master Gou said angrily.

Hearing Mo Poor's words, Adams' eyes lit up and said: "No, no, it's different! First of all, we judged that he stayed in a certain place and didn't move at all, and only used the containment to obtain the placenta, and then the whole world obtained the placenta from the containment In this way, judging from the traffic conditions and the degree of information circulation in ancient times, unless he is from Xiangyang or Antioch, he should not know about the strange death of a pregnant woman."

   "So what?" Lord Gou said.

  Adams laughed: "Then let him know. Change the parameters."

"Changing the parameters... Do you mean that if he knows or doesn't know, the choice is different? If we spread the news, this person will not use the containment anymore if he knows that the pregnant woman died twice?" Gou Ye asked road.

  Adams nodded and said: "It is very likely that at least it will converge for a period of time. This is the parameter. As long as the parameter changes, it means that our behavior has affected his behavior."

   Lord Gou said: "But we have to catch him! What about containment?"

Mo Poor said: "I understand what Adams means. We divide the regions and spread the news in turn. For example, let everyone in Guangdong Province know first, and other provinces block the news first. If the target is still committing crimes, it means that he is not from Guangdong Province … On the contrary, he is in Guangdong Province. In order to strengthen the disturbance and influence on him, we added the element of mother and son's resentment to the ghost in our news. The ancients were superstitious. "

  Adams smiled and said: "Good idea... It's easy to narrow down the scope. A province is so big. If we investigate carefully, we should be able to find out the clues of the other party."

   Disturb the parameters by disseminating news, and the holder stops committing crimes, which means that he has heard the news spread by the Blue and White Society, so he can restrain himself for a while, and explore the wind or something.

  In this way, the Lanbai Society can also lock in which area he is probably located.

   "Damn it... If he is African, how much time would it take for us to go all over the world step by step? How many people will die in the middle?" Gou Ye said.

  This is a very real problem. The world is so big, and the division of regions is large, which means that the scope is not narrowed. If the division is small, it must be repeated many times.

  If you are unlucky, you may not be able to determine the location for dozens of days.

  Mo Poor and the others, if there were more non-chiefs, too many people would die.

   "Start from Huaxia!" Jiang Long said suddenly.

   "Why?" Adams was puzzled.

  Jiang Long said: "Why do you say a person wants a placenta? He took it once or twice, and then accelerated, taking it three times a day!"

   "Zihe cart?" Mo Qiong said.

   "That's right, this possibility is very high. The placenta is a kind of medicinal material, so the purpose of the holder is really this, then we can rule out most of the world." Jiang Long said.

  Mo Poor nodded and said: "Yes, its value in China is the greatest."


   p.s: Sorry.



  (end of this chapter)

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