Born Tech Mad

Chapter [101] Successful ejection fighter

In a blink of an eye, five days passed, and Ross had already forgotten how many experiments he had done.

In the past five days, Ross has accumulated a lot of experience and has a lot of data. He improved the electromagnetic runway and the energy-type linear motor, and improved more than 30 shortcomings, large and small.

The final test will be very real. In order to test the performance of the electromagnetic catapult, the military took the risk of using real fighters, but these fighters are old second-generation fighters J-7 or J-8 that have been retired.

The performance of these fighters is backward, and even if there is an accident, the loss is affordable.

And just to be careful, the military added protective nets to the fighter planes so that the fighter planes would not be unable to take off and fall into the sea.

A J-7 fighter plane slowly slid towards the electromagnetic runway, and the first catapult fighter jet experiment was about to begin. Ross told the pilot to start the energy-type linear motor.

In an instant, the super-strong electromagnetic force turned into a mechanical force, and the fighter jet was ejected like a spring. Three seconds later, the fighter plane's speed reached 150 knots. The pilot inside endured a pressure of up to 8 barometric pressures and controlled the fighter plane to slide towards the sea.

However, due to the inexperience of the pilots, the first experiment of catapulting the fighter plane failed. The fighter plane was at the end of the runway. With a plop, the huge fighter plane fell on the huge protective net on the sea level.

After stopping the engine, the boom of a giant crane hoisted the 28-ton fighter again and put it back at the end of the electromagnetic runway.

"Again, that big brother pilot, don't be nervous. When operating the fighter plane, you must be calm. Let's come again, don't be afraid of failure. The United States has dropped countless fighter jets in order to catapult the fighter plane. We have made great progress than them."

Ross didn't complain about the pilot's misoperation and poor mental quality, but just encouraged him.

"Yes, comrade pilot, don't be discouraged. The United States will drop a fighter plane a month. They have dropped hundreds of fighter jets for steam catapult. Our experiments are making progress, and failure is nothing to be afraid of."

Admiral Xu's encouraging speech made the pilot excited, and he suddenly became excited like a chicken blood.

"Come on, come again, as long as I have my life and I don't fall to my death, I am not afraid of failure."

The pilot climbed onto the fighter plane again, tried to take a deep breath, and calmed down after a while. The second ejection experiment started, and with a whoosh, the fighter plane weighing dozens of tons was ejected again by the electromagnetic ejection.

This is a difficult experiment, because the pilot has to withstand an environment of up to 8 to 9 air pressures within 3 seconds, and has to start acceleration, and prepare for all aspects of lift-off, plus this fighter It is too old and its performance is backward, so it is naturally difficult to operate.

Failed again and again, the pilot was really desperate, and returned to the end of the electromagnetic runway time and time again. In order to complete the technology of electromagnetic ejection, Chinese soldiers are experimenting with their lives.

After more than a dozen experiments, the pilot's body couldn't stand it any longer. He endured more than a dozen ejection experiments with an air pressure as high as eight or nine. After getting off the fighter plane, the man vomited wildly.

Lieutenant General Zhang immediately ordered the pilot to rest, and transferred over a dozen outstanding pilots on the aircraft carrier again. People can rest, but fighter planes cannot.

Three days later, Ross forgot how many times he had ejected the real fighter plane, because the ejection was too violent, or the pilot operated incorrectly. Even with the protective net, there were still two J-7 fighter jets that fell into the sea. It didn't add too much, it didn't cause an explosion, and there wasn't a tragedy of plane crashes or fatalities.

On the fourth day, the 321st catapult fighter experiment, the experienced ace pilot inside, withstood the air pressure of up to 9 g when the fighter jet was ejected and took off, within a few seconds, he operated correctly and pulled the fighter plane for the first time up to the sky.

"It worked, we made it."

On the aircraft carrier and on the pier of the dock, the sailors clapped like crazy, beat their chests with excitement, and hugged their comrades with tears in their eyes.

The first success of the electromagnetic catapult fighter has inspired the hearts of all navies and shocked their souls.

These soldiers who dream of a strong country and a strong navy are stimulated and in a state of excitement. They are in joy, forgetting discipline, and venting their feelings with applause and shouts like mountains and seas.

"Quiet, please keep quiet, we are soldiers."

Lieutenant General Zhang also burst into tears with excitement, but he still gave the navy an order to maintain discipline.

Unfortunately, Lieutenant General Zhang's dissuasion had no effect. The navy was completely driven crazy by the excitement brought by the electromagnetic ejection. Even if it was a violation of discipline, they didn't want to control their excitement.

Ross looked at the J-7 fighter jet that took off, and grinned: "Finally, the ejection was successful once. The performance of the second-generation fighter is so poor that it can fly into the sky, and the third-generation fighter is naturally no problem."

The success of a catapult fighter did not satisfy Ross, so he stopped the catapult experiment. The data of the successful ejection of this time was analyzed in depth.

After analyzing for a full hour, Ross proposed nine operating points to the pilot, and another experiment of catapulting fighter jets began.

The pilot in charge of operating the fighter plane kept in mind the nine points raised by Ross and climbed into the fighter plane.

With a whoosh, the fighter plane was ejected again. In 3 seconds, the speed of the fighter plane reached 150 knots. The pilot inside memorized Ross' reminder and quickly completed the operation instructions with both hands.

After a few seconds, the fighter plane had already slid to the end of the runway. Seeing that the fighter plane was about to fall into the sea, the pilot pulled the fighter plane into the sky at the critical moment.

After the fighter plane swayed and slid to the sea level for more than a hundred meters, with a whoosh, the fighter plane did not fall into the sea water, and was lifted into the sky by the pilot.

The fighter plane flew higher and higher, and soon soared into the blue sky. The second ejection experiment was a complete success.

"We did it, we did the electromagnetic ejection experiment."

On the aircraft carrier and in the dock, the shouts of the navy shook for nine days and soared into the sky.

All the sailors burst into tears. They held the hands of their comrades, lined up, and saluted Ross and everyone who participated in the experiment. They sang the navy's military song, the national anthem, and the march of the volunteers.

At this moment, all the navy members were happy. Lieutenant General Zhang didn't bother to persuade the sailors to maintain discipline. He was so excited that he took the lead and stood on the dock, becoming a military music conductor, guiding the sailors to continue singing loudly.

"The five-star red flag is fluttering in the wind, and the singing of victory is so loud, singing about our dear motherland, from now on we will be prosperous and strong..."

On the warship, the soldiers who had finished singing the navy's military song sang the song "Singing the Motherland" again.

They expressed their feelings with loud and clear songs, announcing to the Chinese people and the world that the Chinese navy is growing stronger and a great nation is rising.

The century-old history of modern China is a history of humiliation. Back then, the Eight-Power Allied Forces blasted open the gates of the Qing Empire from the sea with strong ships and guns. Overnight, the building will collapse, and the 5,000-year civilization suffered a devastating invasion, and China was forced to sign an unequal treaty that humiliated the country.

The weakness of the navy caused the loss of the country's gates, the fall of the country, and the death of the country.

The past is unbearable, and when the wheel of history rolls around again, everything is different.

Humiliation will not be repeated, the Navy is on the rise.

There is a genius named Ross, facing the rising sun, using technology to build a blue water fleet across the four seas. A small progress for him is a big progress for the navy, everything is unstoppable and unstoppable.

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