Born Tech Mad

Chapter [270] I will go to England for you

A few hours later, the effect of the brain stimulation fluid had already been manifested, and Yuta Company heard screams of excitement from the crowd.

Those employees who have been injected with the gene potion obviously feel that their brains have become more flexible, they can learn things faster, their reaction ability has improved, and their memory has become stronger. This superiority in IQ makes people ecstatic.

Shocking news comes from Europe that a school called 'Weisel School for Gifted Youngsters' has opened.

This school claims to be able to bring talent to humans and help humans unlock their genetic potential without the need for genetic potions.

"Charles and Eric finally opened the Mutant Academy!"

Rose could only sigh, what he wanted to prevent finally happened.

The butterfly effect brought about by my appearance is too strong, and the wheel of history is still heading in the same direction.

The genetic technology plan of the United States has stimulated the research of genetic technology in various countries, and people like Charles are already at home.

During the Nazi era, many human beings were used for genetic experiments, and the descendants of those human beings left all kinds of terrible genes in their blood.

Because of environmental problems, those ordinary people didn't have the potential to stimulate their genes. Now that Professor X is Charles, he can easily use brain waves to discover mutants with potential and train them. With the emergence of mutants, countries will have a stronger sense of crisis, which will stimulate more resources to invest in genetic technology, and this technology will develop more violently.

Ross doesn't have to be afraid of those guys. In terms of force, Hulk's force is the top among mutants. In terms of IQ, he has all the future technologies. As a reborn person, he also knows all kinds of unknown things well.

And artificial intelligence technology is developing. Soon he can become Iron Man himself.

Rose's only concern is a heart attack, which is now at its worst. In just one day, Rose suffered another cardiac arrest, and the heart surgery could no longer be delayed.

Where to go for surgery, Ross has long planned. In Marvel, Iron Man has a beautiful friend named Zhao Helen, who is Korean and a very remarkable surgeon. Ross has seen her several times and knows that she lives in Gangnam-daero, Seoul.

Ross checked online the day before yesterday. There is indeed a plastic surgery hospital in Gangnam-daero, Seoul. There is a plastic surgeon named Zhao Hailun, who is 26 years old and 177 meters tall. She has studied in the United States for many years. Due to the difference in history, there is no Iron Man in the modern world, so it is impossible for Helen Zhao to know Tony. Her talent in surgery has not been discovered, and now she is just a small plastic surgeon.

Ross did not reveal his identity. As an ordinary patient, I sent an email to her, asking if she would undergo heart transplant surgery and what conditions were required.

Dr. Helen Zhao replied to Ross, as long as you have money. Their hospital has all kinds of advanced equipment.

Ross was very excited by the other party's answer, relying on experience and judgment. Rose believed that Helen Zhao's heart replacement surgery would have a higher success rate than others.

Pretending to go to Korea for surgery. Everything is not a problem, and it will not take long to fly to South Korea. The surgery can be done within a day and returned to Yuta in a few days.

But it was these few days that made Ross worry.

In order to save Lao Liu in the Middle East, Ross was injured by Stroke and shed a lot of blood. After the blood was obtained by the Americans, it was very easy to use these genes to transform powerful mutant fighters with the ability of Dr. Zola.

Although that Ant-Man was scared away by himself, he didn't dare to approach Yuta Company again, but with Nick's urinating nature, he would never give up until he killed himself. That Ant-Man must be monitoring Yuta Company at all times, once he leaves Yuta Company company, is likely to be discovered.

Let Tan Li pretend to be herself and go to England to treat Hawking to distract those enemies, and Ross is worried that Tan Li is in danger.

How to do this heart replacement surgery so that no one will be hurt, Ross has no idea, he can only think hard about how to get the best of both worlds.

Good news came in the evening. After a month of research, the scientists of the arc factory have miniaturized the arc reactor by using nanomaterials.

Originally, scientists had bottlenecks in many technical aspects, and the small reactors could not be turned on and could not work normally.

But just today, after more than a thousand scientists were injected with brain stimulation fluid, their brain thinking became more flexible. Many problems that they did not understand and could not overcome before were perfectly solved in half a day. Two seats that can be opened perfectly The arc reactor was delivered to Ross's office.

Two fist-sized 'arc reactors' were placed in front of Ross. In the office, Ross personally installed nanochips on the two fist-sized reactors and conducted various tests.

Under the control of the chip, the reactor was successfully turned on, emitting a faint blue light, and it was operating well.

Due to the shortcomings of nanotechnology, this reduced version of the arc reactor is not as powerful as the large one, but the performance has already made Ross very excited. The power generated by the small arc reactor has reached 550 degrees per second, which is more than that of Iron Man's Ark reactor. It is also 15 times stronger, and the nanomaterials are lighter, and the arc reactor is stronger. Even if it encounters damage from bullets or explosions, it is impossible to destroy the reactor.

Ross excitedly installed the arc reactor on the nano protective suit. Relying on the powerful capabilities provided by the reactor, the power of the nano protective suit becomes extremely powerful. After the gloves, the magnetic force generated by the palms is 15 times stronger, and there is no need to worry about power consumption.

Ross happily called Tan Li, and handed her the nanosuit with the reactor installed.

In the dark night, Tan Li, who was wearing a nanosuit, flicked her long hair and jumped up to a height of 100 meters. After the nanowires were ejected in mid-air and stuck to the buildings, Tan Li easily rose and fell among the buildings, like a ghost walking like.

After a while, Tan Li jumped in from the window excitedly, extremely excited.

"Ross, this dress is too powerful. With the support of super power, the jumping ability has been tripled, and the electromagnetic force has been five times stronger. Now I can go to England for you. Even if someone wants to harm me, I can do it." Confidence to return safely."

Rose smiled: "Sister Li, I will give this dress to you. I have a measure of heart surgery. I can't let you take risks. I will make plans."

Tan Li sighed and untied her defense, and Namis slid across her face, her face was full of sadness.

"Okay, I'll help you to sleep, your heart disease is too serious to stay up late."

"Thank you, Miss Li, for your concern."

Ross is now as weak as an old man, and after being helped into the room by Tan Li, he climbed onto the bed with a sigh.

Tan Li spread her palms with a smile, and a small dark red pill appeared in her hand: "Ross, this is the medicine I invented to treat heart disease, you can try it."

Ross was not wary of Tan Li, and swallowed the medicine with a smile: "Thank you, Sister Li, for your concern."

As soon as the medicine entered his body, Rose felt drowsy.

"Damn it, this is a sleeping pill for nerves. Sister Li, what do you want?"

Rose just discovered that there was a problem with the medicine, his whole body was numb, his brain fainted, and he fell asleep.

In the dark night, Tan Li lay down beside the bed, tears dripping down, she kissed Ross's forehead, and pressed her cheek against Ross's face.

"I know you are worried about my safety and don't want me to go to the UK for you. But if I don't go, you will drag on the disease. In order to let you have an operation earlier, I have to go to the UK for you. You take my Safety is more important than your heart disease, and I would rather risk heart failure every day than let me take the risk. You are such a fool! To love someone, you have to give.”

"I know there is a girl named Jiasi Li in your heart. I don't want to ask who is she? What is the magic that makes you so fascinated and makes you worry about her. I just want to tell you that what she can do, I same can be done.”

"Maybe I will never be able to replace her in your heart, but I don't regret it."

"Ross, I love you so much, you fascinate me so much, but I'm so ordinary that I don't have the courage to say I love you."

"Love does not need to care about gains and losses. For you, I am willing to pay any price."

"Honey, sleep well! I'm going!"

After Tan Li kissed Ross a few times, she picked up the light source converter mask from the bed and put it on her face. After copying Ross's face, Tan Li completed the face changing task in an instant.

Tan Li, who was wearing a nano-protective suit and disguised as Rose, implanted several tiny voice simulation chips into her skin.

Tan Li wiped away her tears, closed the window for Ross, locked the door, and slipped out of the office.

In Yuta Company, Tan Li met many night shift employees. After seeing her, everyone did not have any doubts. Tan Li tried to speak, and her voice was no different from that of Ross. (To be continued.)


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