Born Tech Mad

Chapter [333] Japan's apology and confession

The full-scale operation of Yuta Company has a comprehensive impact on the world. The impact of green food and bio-oil on the world cannot be stopped.

Japan, which had always planned to be stubborn to the end, couldn't hold on anymore.

For the sake of the economy, the United States has voluntarily requested cooperation with China. For the benefit of all Americans, the United States has given up its hegemony. Not only has it agreed to fully import Chinese goods, let Yuta Corporation control the giant American company, but also let the renminbi and the U.S. dollar become the global currency , China and the United States go hand in hand, divide the earth into two, and one country controls half of the earth.

The benefits brought by the cooperation between the United States and Huaxia are immediate. Since Huaxia was willing to provide various technologies to the United States, the stock market in the United States has plummeted more than Viagra. In more than a month, the stock market has returned to normal.

Relying on Huaxia's toughened cement and bio-oil, the United States will save trillions of dollars in expenditure every year, and the economic growth rate of the United States will increase significantly. It will only take a few years for the United States to repay all kinds of debts.

The United States is recovering its energy, and its cooperation with China has brought a win-win situation. The worst country in the world has now become Japan.

Japan has been embracing the thighs of the United States and wants to rely on the elder brother for support. Now the elder brother has become Huaxia's younger brother. The pain in Japan's heart can no longer be expressed. The stock market almost fell to the limit. Toyota, Honda, and all Nissan cars are all facing the threat of bankruptcy. Huaxia's smart appliances have not yet been listed. The blow to major Japanese electrical appliance companies has already had a devastating impact.

Japan from a large exporting country. It has become a big country with zero exports. China's huge market has always been the guarantee of Japan's economic development. But now, Huaxia hardly imports Japanese products. In addition to the boycott of Japanese products by the Chinese government, in the face of Yuta Company, all Japanese technological products are backward, and they are no longer attractive to Chinese people. Plus Japan cannot import foreign energy. They have no oil resources. The entire Japanese economy is on the verge of collapse.

The unemployment rate in Japan has reached a terrifying 30%, and almost all large enterprises have stopped production. Apart from the love movies of the island country, Japan has nothing to export. The soaring power of Huaxia is like a mountain hanging in the hearts of the Japanese, and the whole of Japan can't breathe.

How to change the bad situation in Japan has become the topic of discussion in Japan three months ago. Using war to invade China is undoubtedly courting death. Now China can beat Japan to pieces in one day, and it is funny to unite with other countries to suppress and bully China. The United States is kneeling, Europe is flattering China, and even Sanpang is begging China to help him. Apart from Japan, there is no other country in the world that wants to fight against China.

Japan alone. It is impossible to defeat Huaxia, even if he wants to use suicide methods to break with Huaxia, it is impossible. The United States transported all the nuclear fuel stored in Japan away a month ago. Without the support of these nuclear fuels, Japan cannot possess nuclear weapons. He has no chance of defeating Huaxia.

Whether all the Japanese are waiting to die collectively, or begging Huaxia to give them food, the result is very obvious.

In order to solve the crisis, Japan changed three prime ministers within three months, but no matter who they changed, the result was the same, except for Huaxia, which failed to keep Japan alive.

At the Prime Minister’s Office in Tokyo, Japan’s nth generation Prime Minister Ichiro Kameda delivered a televised speech in front of everyone:

Hello everyone, friends all over the world, today, as the Prime Minister of Japan, I apologize to the Chinese people on behalf of all Japanese people.

During World War II, Japan invaded China, killed tens of millions of Chinese people, and did many evil things, which caused great trauma to China. As a defeated country in World War II and a war criminal, Japan is the only one in the world. Countries that invade China are not recognized.

I feel very ashamed about this. The successive prime ministers of Japan, regardless of historical facts, have never admitted that they invaded China.

I feel very sad about this. These irresponsible politicians have caused tension in Sino-Japanese relations and caused Chinese people to be hostile to Japan.

Crime is not terrible, what is terrible is that it has committed a crime and refuses to admit it. The terrible thing is that the law has determined that Japan has committed a war crime, but Japanese politicians are still distorting history, denying history, and continue to hurt the Chinese nation emotion.

The overall breakdown of Sino-Japanese relations is the fault of Japan. We should use China to apologize and ask for their forgiveness.

Here, as the prime minister of Japan, I solemnly apologize to China: please forgive Japan, please forgive Japan for its mistakes, Japan promises that it will never have a military conflict with China again, and Japan promises to revise the history books to make Japan invade China. , The fact of killing Huaxia was written into the history books. Let the future generations of Japan know that we have invaded and hurt China.

In order to improve relations with China, Japan will make every effort.

We will tear down the Yasukuni Shrine and promise never to pay homage to war criminals. For world peace and peace in Asia, Japan promises that it will never conflict with China over the Diaoyu Islands incident, and the Diaoyu Islands belong to China.

Japan promised to use legal means to ensure friendly relations with China.

Japan's promises are not just official promises. I represent the will of all Japanese people. All these decisions were made by Japan after three months of discussions and a referendum.

The future of Japan cannot be separated from Asia, and the future of Japan cannot be separated from the rising China.

Japan sincerely requests to become friends with Huaxia, and hopes that everyone will forget the unpleasant past and move towards a better future together. Japan is willing to pay any price for this.

If Huaxia has any misunderstandings or complaints about Japan, it can be discussed with Japan. Japan sincerely requests Huaxia to export bio-oil to us to alleviate Japan's energy crisis. "

On TV, Prime Minister Kameda burst into tears and kept bowing to apologize to Huaxia. In Japan, 90% of people support Kameda.

The whole world is paying attention to whether Japan, which has knelt down, can be forgiven by China.

The Japanese Prime Minister's speech had an impact on China, but the impact was limited. China as a whole didn't care much about Japan's apology. This apology was too insincere and came too late. Excited, the Diaoyu Islands belong to China, and the Japanese can't take them away even if they want to.

The Chinese government didn't seem to hear Japan's voice, and ignored Japan's apology and confession.

Huaxia's lack of response made Japan go crazy. Originally, they hoped to use these apologies to improve their relationship with Huaxia, but these actions did not satisfy Huaxia. (To be continued.)


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