Born Tech Mad

Chapter [359] Population Stimulus Plan

The future of quantum technology is infinitely better, and Ross attaches great importance to these technologies.

Yuta is investing $10 billion in research and development of quantum optical brains.

This is an arduous task. Although Yuta has produced five kinds of quantum materials, there is still a long way to go before quantum chips and quantum processors. Ross can only go all out.

Haste makes waste. Quantum technology must develop step by step. There is no rush or rush.

Ross will hand over the power to develop quantum technology to Dr. Hawking and Dr. Hank. All departments of Yuta must cooperate with the quantum department unconditionally.

Yuta Company has too many technologies to develop. Quantum technology is the most cutting-edge technology in the world. Ross, Hawking and others have laid the foundation for quantum technology. To develop this technology, a large number of high-quality talents are needed. Yuta Company The biggest shortage is experts in quantum technology.

In order to stimulate more high-quality talents to engage in this technology, Ross newly allocated a special fund of 10 billion U.S. dollars to recruit talents around the world. As long as they are scientists who have researched quantum technology, Yuta is willing to provide 1 million U.S. dollars, or even 1000 With super high salaries of US$10,000, recruit them.

In addition to poaching quantum experts from all over the world, Yuta puts the development of talents on genetic technology.

As long as more advanced genetic technology is developed to improve human memory ability, thinking ability, and learning ability by ten to dozens of times, there is no limit to Ross's talents.

Using this gene potion, the IQ of ordinary people will reach around 200. If biochips and neural networks are used to assist learning, there will be no waste materials on the earth, and any ordinary person can become a scientist. With the foundation of talents, the development of quantum technology will be more rapid.

Ross gave Tan Li a new biological gene plan. This plan is very huge, with an investment of 50 billion U.S. dollars. Hundreds of thousands of biological genes on the earth will all be deciphered. By then, human beings will integrate different biological genes Gene. The human world will evolve in an all-round way. From the body to the brain, there will be dramatic changes.

The biological department of Yuta Company has expanded its staff again, and plans to recruit 100,000 biologists. Cooperate with Ultrain to realize the largest genetic project in human history, this project is named ≯∠style_txt; 'Pangu Project', once this plan is realized. impact on humans. It's like opening up the world.

The staffing of Yuta Company has expanded again, from 1 million employees to 1.5 million employees. In addition to manufacturing workers, the number of scientists will reach about 600,000.

Yuta's neural network can already support 5,000 kilometers of neural remote sensing. These scientists can work in Yuta within 5,000 kilometers, and there is no need to concentrate all of them in Donghua City. Concentrate on Yuta Company.

Yuta Company is thirsty for talents, in order to recruit more talents. Yuta Corporation has provided up to 20 billion US dollars in sponsorship funds to 100 domestic universities. These scholarships will be awarded to the best students, who will become Yuta Corporation's reserve talents.

With the help of Yuta Corporation, the world's economic development speed has set a new record. The world's slowest economic development has reached more than 10%, and China's economic development speed has reached 100%.

The current rate of human development in one year is equivalent to the rate of development in the past ten to ten years.

Africa has changed from a poor and backward country to a developing country. Almost all the products that countries cannot compete with Yuta are exported to the African market. There are 1 billion people in Africa,

Human life has entered the era of intelligence in an all-round way, and the intelligent robot housekeeper has been put into the sales market. This kind of intelligent robot with a value of up to 500,000 RMB has become the best-selling product in China. Yuta Company is not short of funds, with a cash flow close to 10 trillion US dollars, so that Yuta Company is not short of money at all.

Therefore, the smart machine butlers sold by Yuta Company are sold to Chinese people on the basis of installment payment. The per capita monthly salary in Huaxia has reached 30,000 RMB, and they only need to spend 3,000 RMB, which is one-tenth of the salary every month. In about 17 years, they can pay off the bills. Cars and smart appliances are no longer a symbol of status, but a smart machine butler is a symbol of status.

Human beings have entered a perfect era. With the use of genetic potions, human beings will hardly get sick, and the average life span of human beings has reached nearly 100 years old.

As long as there are no accidents, Chinese people can live to about 100 years old.

In China's environment, due to the large-scale use of light source conversion equipment, the speed of tree production in the country has increased by more than 8 times. All kinds of towering ancient trees can be seen everywhere in China. The mountains and forests in China are almost as dense as primeval forests. The forest coverage rate It has reached 50%, and the 100-meter-high trees are all over the mountain.

Because of the crazy growth of trees, they absorb a large amount of carbon dioxide in the air, and their air purification efficiency is extremely high. The smog in China has disappeared, and various harmful gases in the air have been reduced by 80%. Water pollution and agricultural pollution have almost been eliminated. Cured.

The quality of China's air, water, and land has already caught up to the level of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Due to the increase in life expectancy, China's population will increase rapidly, but the aging process is also getting worse. If we want to maintain the rapid economic development, we must have a huge population. If the moon and Mars are to be developed in the future, more young people are needed.

China's population will reach 1.8 billion by 2030, but this cannot meet the needs of economic development. With China's current strength, it is not a problem to feed 3 billion people. With the increase in per capita income and the decline in prices, schools are completely free , the burden of raising children is very small.

As the population increases, the number of products required also increases. In order to make Huaxia's development potential endless, the population must increase again.

For the sake of long-term development, Ross proposed a population stimulation plan to the country. Ross proposed to the central government that there is no need to implement family planning. Ordinary people can have as many children as they want. Today, China has become the first among developed countries.

The previous family planning has fallen behind the times. In order to make the country's economy develop faster, the number of young people must increase.

The Ross population stimulus plan made the central government hesitate. In the past, although China had a strong economic aggregate, its per capita income was low. The reason for this was because of its large population.

If family planning had not been implemented, the population of China would have been estimated to have reached about 2 billion long ago. The huge population would hinder economic development and consume too many social resources.

Today's Huaxia no longer has to worry about energy and food production. Today's Huaxia can feed the entire population of the world. It stands to reason that there is no need to control the population, and a larger population will make the economy more dynamic.

But the country is most worried about the problem of jobs. After the founding of China, because a certain boss said that there are many people, many families are powerful. As a result, many families have crazy children. It is normal for a family to have more than five children. If there is no birth control , Huaxia may have been dragged down by the huge population long ago. Chinese people like to have children. If they are not controlled, there will be a population explosion.

Now China has become a big immigrant country, all overseas Chinese have returned, and all kinds of immigrant talents are frantically pouring in. If the free birth policy is implemented, and the life expectancy of the population is increased, it is estimated that China will have tens of millions to hundreds of millions of people a year.

The employment problem brought about by such a large population cannot be solved by the government at all. They are not prepared at all. The previous policy formulated by the country is that the population of China will reach a maximum of 1.4 billion in 2030. As the population of the post-50s slowly disappears, the country The population will decrease year by year, and finally reach about 1.2 billion people.

However, if the childbirth is developed according to Rose's request, China may have more than 2 billion people in 2030, which is more than 600 million more than the country's estimate.

With such a large population, the slightest impact will shake the country. If employment is unstable, the social turmoil that will be brought about is beyond the control of anyone.

In order to make the country less worried, Ross informed the central government in advance of his plan to develop quantum technology and the future development of the moon and Mars.

The development of the moon and Mars can provide an endless stream of jobs. Bio-oil can provide China with no shortage of energy. The light source converter can increase the production of food several times. With China's capacity, it can feed 3 billion to 6 billion people.

As for housing and transportation...they are not a problem at all. Yuta's toughened cement can make all buildings more than 300 stories high. Even with a population of 6 billion, China has no shortage of housing. The problem of transportation is not a problem. China has now become an aviation empire, and China's aircraft production is enough to meet all kinds of transportation.

The central population experts, after two weeks of intense discussions and assessments of various issues, agreed to Rose's proposal. The country decided to implement a free birth policy starting in 2018, and China's population will experience explosive growth. , a super Huaxia is taking shape.

(To be continued.)


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