Born Tech Mad

Chapter [373] Tech Explosion

After six months of development, Yuta Company's desert transformation plan has entered the right track. The whole world has witnessed the miracle that the desert has gradually turned from nothing to an oasis, and finally turned into a territory.

During this June, Ross put all his energy into the desert transformation plan, and other technological development and research of Yuta Company were all left to the scientists themselves.

In the past six months, Yuta’s other technologies have developed very rapidly. The most critical quantum technology has made great progress in materials and research. Hawking and Dr. Hanke have joined forces with the world’s most advanced quantum scientists We, in cooperation with Optical Brain Pangu No. 1, conducted in-depth research on technologies such as 'quantum entanglement', 'quantum resonance' and 'quantum transmission', overcame many problems and unraveled the mystery of quantum technology.

With the support of technology, the application of quantum materials has reached a very wide level.

Yuta's new generation of quantum chips is only one centimeter in size and 0.1 millimeters thick, and its performance is equivalent to that of 100,000 nanochips.

With Lizi's mature quantum technology, Yuta has been able to develop a new generation of "quantum neural network", and develop various quantum processors and quantum computers.

The biotechnology development of Yuta Company is also very fast. The deciphered various biological genes have enabled Yuta Company to develop the 'gene fusion' technology, 'gene transplantation' technology, 'gene modification' technology, and 'gene enhancement' technology. 'Gene cloning' technology....

Yuta has more than 50 inventions that have filled the gaps in the world in terms of genetic technology. Yuta has the ability to integrate the abilities of various animals into the human body, and can also help humans modify various genetic defects. , and even use genetic enhancement technology to allow humans to have superpowers.

Various genetic modification technologies can help human beings develop various superpowers, allowing human beings to evolve from ordinary people to the level of mutants.

Gene technology is a mysterious and terrifying technology. The research results of various long-lived organisms, such as turtles, trees, etc., which can live for more than 800 years, prove that once humans transplant the special genes of those organisms, human beings will It is also possible to live a long life, living to 300 years, or even 500 years, which is technically feasible, but it will cost a huge amount of money.

Once these longevity technologies are announced, the rich people all over the world will be ecstatic. In the past, they could only live for a hundred years at most, and no matter how much money they made, they would have no life to enjoy it.

But now as long as they are willing to spend money, Yuta Company can make them live for 300 or even 500 years, which is simply a godsend opportunity for those rich or important.

Ross has no concept of money for a long time, he doesn't need to use these technologies to make money. Whether the rich live longer is meaningless to Ross. Ross just wants to use these technologies to allow his relatives or important scientists of Yuta Company to live hundreds of years longer.

Once the longevity technology is announced, the impact on the world will be unprecedented. No one wants to live for hundreds of years. If the price of longevity potion is made affordable by the rich and poor, the result will definitely be Discontent of the poor.

Yuta Corporation has been committed to using technology to develop the economy, make society fair, and narrow the gap between the rich and the poor. Once the longevity technology is released, Ross will destroy everything. The gap between human poverty will be infinitely magnified by this technology. People can live hundreds of years longer and enjoy the fun of life more.

The poor can only wait for their lives to be exhausted, and the consequences will definitely arouse the dissatisfaction of the poor all over the world. For these longevity technologies, war may come again.

These longevity technologies are the capital for Ross to conquer everything. Ross can already control human lifespan like a god. He can choose to let human beings live for hundreds of years, or choose to let human beings live to the end and die naturally.

Whether it is a politician or a rich man, whether it is a star or an ordinary person, they can only live longer if they obey Rose's orders.

No one can resist the temptation of longevity. No matter how poor or stupid a person is, if he can live for 300 years and spend 50 years learning all kinds of knowledge, he can become a top elite and have a perfect life. .

Rose has become the man who dictates the fate of the world.

In addition to the great progress made in biological gene technology and quantum technology, the development of other technologies of Yuta Company is also progressing rapidly.

Yuta's atom compression technology is very advanced and has reached the level of perfection. It can compress the atoms of any object and change the overall performance.

Atom compression technology, when compressing an object, it will first decompose the object into an atomic state. This "atomic decomposition technology" has become very perfect now. In the past, an object was decomposed into an atomic state. During the decomposition process, the atoms will be lost Dropping above 50%, Ross keeps only those atoms that are most needed.

Now the atomic decomposition technology has advanced to the point where it can completely decompose an object into different atoms without losing a single atom.

The advancement of this technology has opened up the brains of the scientists of Yuta Company. Crazy scientists are trying to use the atomic reactor to reorganize the atoms of completely decomposed objects.

Once this 'atomic recombination' technology is successful, human civilization will be raised to another level, and human beings can truly have the power of gods.

Using this technology, human beings can decompose a stone into various atoms through atom decomposition technology, and then use atom transmission technology to transmit atoms to tens of thousands of kilometers away, and then use atom recombination technology to The various atoms of the stone recombine, allowing the stone to return to its original appearance.

Once this technology is successful, human beings will not need any courier companies or transportation and logistics companies in the future.

If you want to mail an item or send an item to a distant place, you only need to decompose the item through atoms, and then use the atomic transmission technology to accurately transmit all the atoms of this object to a distant place.

Then through atomic recombination, all the atoms that make up the item are recombined to restore its original appearance.

The speed of transporting objects in this way will reach the speed of light. If all the technologies are really completed, the time for humans to mail goods will be counted in seconds, instead of taking two days to mail an item as before.

If this atomic transmission and atomic recombination technology can be applied to living objects, it is also possible that humans can use this technology to transmit animals on the earth to the moon or Mars.

Of course, life is very complicated. In addition to the various atoms and elements that make up the biological body, how to transmit the consciousness, thinking and other things of the biological body is a big problem.

This problem will be related to the "consciousness transplantation" technology that Ross dreamed of. Once Ross deciphers human consciousness and can successfully transmit human consciousness and soul in the form of codes or various energy fragments.

The impact on human beings will be indescribable.

Using atom decomposition and atom transmission, human beings can decompose a person's body into various atoms through these technologies, and transmit them to various planets at the speed of light. If various "atom recombination" machines have been built on those planets, humans can easily transfer Everyone's body restructures.

If coupled with the technology of consciousness transfer and consciousness transmission, human beings can accurately transmit consciousness to those reorganized bodies.

The consequences of this are very terrifying. Human beings can ignore time and send their bodies and consciousness to other planets at the speed of light.

If we go one step further, Yuta Corporation has developed a more advanced "quantum transmission technology", using this technology, the atoms and consciousness that make up the human body are transmitted to other planets or galaxies in the form of quantum resonance.

The human world will directly improve from the current level 2 civilization to level 9 civilization. Human beings can be like gods, ignoring the constraints of time and space, ignoring the constraints of distance, and can directly reach any planet at super-light speed without any vehicles. any galaxy.

At that time, human beings will span the entire universe, all planets will be the territory of human beings, the development potential of human beings will be endless, and the species of human beings will live forever in the universe.

The progress of Yuta's new technologies made Ross very happy. In order to make these technologies develop better, Ross pulled out a lot of funds, established various projects, and invited more scientists from all over the world to jointly research and develop these technologies.

In order to make the development of quantum technology faster, Yuta company has drawn out a special fund of 100 billion U.S. dollars to support various quantum projects.

Ross plans to design various weakened versions of quantum computers, which can be applied to scientific research or civilian applications. The performance of those quantum computers is only about 10,000 times that of ordinary nanochips. As long as various intelligent programs are not provided, these quantum computers can be controlled.

In order to make artificial intelligence technology more perfect, Ross allocated 30 billion US dollars to the artificial intelligence department, intending to create millions of intelligent programs.

In order to make genetic technology more perfect, minimize the harm to human beings, and turn longevity genetic technology into a product, Ross reinvested 50 billion US dollars in the biological building.

In order to turn the theory of "atom recombination" and "atom transmission" into reality, Ross increased funds and decided to invest 200 billion U.S. dollars to support all projects.

The desert transformation plan of Yuta Company has a great influence on the whole world. In order to facilitate the Chinese people in the future, they can enter the desert territory at any time. Ross also decided to use the current technology to create a private aircraft.

If you have a private aircraft with a speed of close to 5,000 kilometers per hour, it will only take more than an hour for the major cities in China to reach the desert. If the private aircraft is successfully developed, every household will have it, and the number of people traveling in the future will be several times. improvement. At that time, it only takes an hour to go sightseeing or live in the desert city. With private aircraft, the flow of desert population may increase to more than one billion people.

If foreigners are included, the population of the desert may reach 2 billion with the help of private aircraft, which will play an inestimable role in the development of the desert and its economy.

In order to make the desert develop better and faster, Yuta Company has planned to develop a private aircraft.

Ross decided to re-invest 50 billion US dollars in the anti-gravity department, nanotechnology department, and atomic factory, trying to create the world's first private aircraft and change the way of human transportation.

In addition, the various alien meteorites dug from the seabed by Yuta Company contain infinite research value. In order to make these minerals containing different alien elements and atoms exert their scientific and technological value, Ross re-invested 150 billion US dollars, set up a special team of physics and atomic research experts to conduct careful research on those meteorites.

Yuta Corporation's investment in various new technologies adds up to trillions of dollars. Such a huge amount of money, even for ordinary countries, is very difficult to get out, but for Yuta Corporation, money is now just a quantity.

The various gold mines, diamond mines, silver mines, rare earth mines, and palladium element mines contained in the seabed will provide Yuta with tens of trillions of dollars of wealth. Ross is not afraid to spend money now, but he is afraid that there is no place to spend money. If Yuta Company is regarded as a country to calculate its economic strength, it has become the third largest economy in the world after China and the United States. If all kinds of technologies are converted into money to estimate, Yuta Company has even surpassed the United States and become the second largest economy in the world.

The expansion of Yuta Company has surpassed human imagination. The development of various technologies and projects has reached tens of thousands. In order to develop these technologies, the number of scientists that Yuta Company needs will reach a huge number of more than 5 million people. Almost equal to the number of all scientists in the United States.

The problem of talents can no longer bother Ross. Yuta uses advanced brain stimulation fluid to help Huaxia people develop their brains. In addition, after the implementation of "neural network education" in China, the number of various scientific and technological talents trained by Huaxia itself has increased. It has far surpassed other countries in the world.

Huaxia's huge population has already demonstrated its unparalleled advantages. The number of Huaxia scientists is increasing by millions every year. The strong hematopoietic ability has provided Yuta with various high-quality scientists in an endless stream, and They are all very young.

In addition to the scientists trained by Huaxia itself, Ross is also digging a large number of talents around the world. Using neural networks and neural remote sensing technology, scientists from various countries can use remote sensing technology and neural networks to work remotely in Yuta without going to China.

Yuta's minimum monthly salary of 100,000 US dollars has infinite temptations for scientists from all over the world.

The most cutting-edge scientists in various countries are now almost all used by Yuta Corporation. They work part-time in Yuta, which is very enjoyable. The governments of various countries want to restrict these scientists, but it will not have much effect. They can work in Yuta Company with their eyes closed without going out of the house. Unless they control their thinking, the governments of various countries cannot prevent Ross from poaching people.

Yuta Company has already stood on the top, Huaxia and other countries in the world must rely on Yuta Company. In terms of funds, Yuta Company is as rich as an enemy, and never worry about money. In terms of talents, the world's top talents are at their disposal.

Yuta Company has already taken advantage of the time, place, and harmony of people, and the speed of development will only become more and more terrifying. Even God can't stop Ross. For mobile phone users, please visit

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