Boss Monster Chat Group

Chapter 22 Beat me hard

"We have used up all the healing medicine. Can you sell us some?" Su Mo asked.

"I don't have much healing medicine left, and I have a big battle waiting for me. It's hard to say whether I can survive until tomorrow. If I give you the healing medicine, I will definitely lose!" Beboti looked very embarrassed.

She is a relatively positive NPC, so it is impossible for her to ignore death, but she does need these healing medicines to fight.

The other four people in the team are not fools and already understand the key to triggering this hidden mission.

Knowing that there is a big war in Beboti, he finds a reason to buy her healing medicine so that she cannot fight. The player just takes this so-called war from her hands.

Things turned out as everyone expected, Beboti's opponent became a hidden mission.

Players are required to kill Tiger King Angus. Angus himself is a level 30 BOSS with a lot of experience. If he turns in the hidden mission later, he can receive a sum of experience. It is indeed a very profitable business.

The group came to the Howling Forest where Angus was.

Angus's territory is very wide, but it is not difficult to find him. This guy roars loudly at every turn, which can be heard from a distance.

"Who will direct?"

Four teams of twenty people participated in the battle, and it was impossible for anyone to defeat the other.

"I'll do it," Su Mo said before everyone could discuss it, and he asked unceremoniously to take away the command power.

"Can you do it?" Liu Yili didn't trust Su Mo very much.

In his opinion, whether it is Shifang Mingliang or Luofeng Fengfeihua, any one of them is more reliable than Su Mo in commanding. The most direct reason is that Su Mo is level 25, while the other two are already level 27. .

"I triggered the mission, don't I know better than you?"

So everyone had no opinion.

However, after the war started, they immediately changed their minds. How could this Su Mo have any command?

"Hit me, beat me hard, beat me to death!"

Ten thousand grass-mud horses roared past the heart, and the other nineteen people thought they were finished when they met a two hundred and fifty.

Tiger King Angus has killed countless players from the time it opened the server to now, and not only 10,000 but also 8,000 people died in its hands. As early as when it was only level 25, it was a person who made people laugh after hearing it. BOSS.

The Tiger King is now level 30 and has a shadow clone signature skill.

Coupled with its previous disregard for hatred, now there are no teams to fight Tiger King Angus. The New World game is very big, and there are countless bosses at the same level as it.

At this moment, Tiger King Angus is very happy because he is opening again.

Players can gain experience by killing monsters, and the same goes for monsters that kill players. The system gives them the desire to kill players. As long as they see players, they will pounce on them even if they know they can't beat them.

The relationship between players and monsters is life and death.

Su Mo's output was quite satisfactory, not as weak as everyone thought before the battle began. Experienced people quickly analyzed that the short gun in his hand was not ordinary. If he could replace it with a pure output pet, it might be possible. Ranked in the first output echelon in the team.

After all, Su Mo was already at level 25, so it was normal for his output to be high.

What is surprising is that the king next door at level 24, his output is not the last among the dozen or so output at the scene.

He is a puppet master. This profession is very rare. He was a mage before the first round, and became a puppet master after becoming a professional. The characteristic of their profession is that the player can control dead objects, or merge with the dead objects to fight.

As for the concept of dead things.

Corpses are one of them, so most puppet masters control corpses to fight, and find a few friends to help kill a BOSS of the same level. After the BOSS dies, a ceremony is held, so that the puppet master obtains a puppet card. During the battle, Just take it out.

Of course, the strength of the controlled BOSS cannot be compared with that in life, but with this corpse, the puppet master has successfully entered the first echelon of the profession.

If the BOSS being controlled is an output type, then the Puppet Master is an output type. If the BOSS being controlled has thick health, high defense, and the ability to pull monsters, then the Puppet Master can also be a MT.

The only pity is that the puppet master's puppets have a limit on combat time or number of battles, and they need to constantly create puppet cards for themselves.


This puppet master's secondary profession is a mechanic. A mechanic who is promoted from engineering can build mechas, and mechas are of course a kind of dead thing.

The mecha next door to Wang Wu belongs to the relatively high-end model at present - the Mad Dragon War Armor. It has very abnormal attacks and strong survivability. The most important thing is that it has a cool appearance and can pull the sky with its mouth. It can be summoned from After that, the others drooled over the mecha.

Some people may ask, since everyone likes it so much, why not play Puppet Master?

You must be dreaming, this thing costs millions of RMB, and the cost of repairing it once is hundreds or even thousands. It is a completely expensive thing, how many people can afford it.

Besides, it is difficult for a puppet master to control a mecha. A flexible and coquettish profession, such as Su Mo's current hunter type, can easily make the puppet master kneel down, sing conquests, and lie down to call daddy.

Among the few people at the scene, among the various performances in Liuyi, the most low-key one was Luofeng Fengfeihua.

Level 27 defense has almost no sense of presence.

But at the stage when the Tiger King's hatred was not yet riotous, no matter how many people were sending crazy output, its sight never left Luo Fengfengfeihua.

This is a very reliable meat shield!

"Attention, the clone technique is about to come out." Luo Fengfeng Feihua never saw Su Mo's reminder, so he could only yell over and over again.

When in Shadow Clone, the Tiger King ignores hatred, and five Tiger Kings will appear on the scene.

These five Tiger Kings are all equally powerful, but only one is real. If you hit the real Tiger King, your HP will drop, but if you hit the fake Tiger King, your HP will increase. The harder you hit, the more HP will be added. Many teams will hit Everyone here wants to die.

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm the commander." Su Mo was serious.

Luo Fengfeihua almost sprayed Tiger King Angus in the face with a mouthful of old blood. He had a gentle personality and was friendly to everyone, but today he really couldn't be friendly.

Others were using their skills numbly, no longer having any hope for this battle.

At worst, wait until the group is destroyed and come back again. Let's continue to call friends and form more teams to kill Tiger King Angus.

Soon, Tiger King Angus used his shadow clone ultimate move when his health was at 80%. At this time, the defense team could no longer hold back the monsters, and everyone could only focus on their own affairs, as the health was low. Just run for your life, wait for others to attract the monster away, and then take healing medicine yourself, or seek treatment for help.

"Hit the one on the far left. I marked it. You can see clearly and follow my command." Su Mo finally took action.

Why is it the one on the far left?

This one looks no different from the others!

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