Broad World

Chapter 199: Behind the scenes

After Jaheira frightened Imon, the group continued to explore in the tunnel, clearing out a large number of kobolds along the way. But what is surprising is that these guys are all adult males, and there are no females, children, old people, or warlocks. Following the footprints left by the kobolds, everyone quickly found a stone bridge across the crack in the ground. The magma below was bubbling and bubbling, and the surrounding temperature made people's hairs stand on end.

"I don't remember such a place in the mine, someone must have opened it with magic." Jasila said with a frown.

Henry glanced at the dark and deep cave ahead and smiled. "Isn't it just right? The mastermind behind the scenes must be hiding inside, let's find him out and torture him to see what kind of conspiracy there is."

"That's right! My patience was exhausted in this mine. These damn kobolds are endless. How many have we killed now? Is it one thousand or two thousand?" Apodel asked, wiping the blood off his face. Most of his body is now soaked in blood. In the fight just now, apart from the two mages, it was the son of Baal who killed the most monsters.

Henry used magic tricks to help Apodel clean up the blood and replied: "At least 1,500! I don't know where these guys got such a huge number. I believe that after today, the kobolds in this area should be almost extinct."

Aimon shook her numb arm. Although she was using a short bow, it couldn't withstand repeated pulling. The girl came over and complained softly: "Oh my God! My arm is sore and sore. When will I be able to get out of here? I won't be able to lift it up after a while."

Jasila patted the girl on the head and taught, "Don't complain, just hold on for a while. Everyone is tired now, but you can't stop and rest in this kind of place."

Henry looked at his companions around him. Except for Apodel, who has awakened the god surname, everyone else is exhausted. Especially Dai Nahei, her robe has been soaked in sweat, and it seems that her physical strength is about to reach its limit. After thinking about it for a few minutes with his head down, he decided to use summoning spells to speed up the progress of the exploration, otherwise someone would faint in another hour.

With the sound of chanting the spell, Henry quickly used three fourth-level magic spells "Level 1 Summoning Animals" in succession. As soon as the fifteen wolves passed through the gate of summoning, they rushed to the opposite side of the stone bridge and began to explore the situation inside the cave. Under the control of the summoner, they didn't fight the enemy head-on at all, and soon the detailed situation of the entire cave was sent back.

Henry patted the wounded wolf, and explained the situation inside to the others. "There is a group of kobolds ambushing on the opposite side of the bridge. There are two big spiders at the southernmost end of the deep cave. There is also a ghoul on the west side. There is a small path leading to the lower floor on the east side, where many kobolds are stationed. The general distribution of the enemies is like this. I suggest that it is best to go directly through the east tunnel."

"The detection is quite good, so that many unnecessary battles can be avoided." Jasila smiled at Henry, then turned his head and clapped his hands at the person sitting on the ground resting. "Get up! It's time for us to set off now. The road ahead is not too far away, and the mastermind behind the scenes is going to take a good rest when the situation is completely resolved.

The exhausted people stood up reluctantly, and they simply arranged their equipment before moving on. Henry directly took out the fireball staff. He was not stingy with the spells stored in it, and carried out the bombing and killing policy to the end. Most of the kobolds were blasted to pieces and charred corpses before they could strike.

This explosive bombardment tactic immediately won unanimous praise from Apodel and Imon. It didn't take long for them to pass through the tunnel and came to a small underground lake. The lake here is very deep, and a winding path connects the hole in the center of the lake with the outside world. There are also a few kobold guards patrolling the gate.

"Looks like I found the right place. Damn you bastard! Let me see who you are!" Apodel's eyes glowed red, and he rushed over with his magic sword in hand.

"Wait! Damn it, this guy is always so impulsive." Jaheira cursed and immediately followed behind, clutching his spear.

Apodel rushed to the kobolds in the blink of an eye, and before these little monsters could react, he had already chopped off two dog heads. He brandished a sword in one hand and a fist in the other. In just a few seconds, six or seven kobolds were hacked to death or knocked unconscious.

A guy with a javelin was the first to react, and he threw the weapon in his hand vigorously. The spear flew from an angle that the Son of Baal could not see, and pierced the arm holding the sword in one blow. Apodel screamed, and the long sword fell directly to the ground. He gritted his teeth and pulled out the javelin forcefully, and immediately used his healing ability to repair the wound.

"Be careful!" Jaheira yelled, then raised his spear and threw it hard. The weapon crossed a long parabola and directly hit a guy who wanted to attack from behind. The spear that fell from the sky directly penetrated its body, nailing the little monster alive in place.

Henry quickly ran over and shot a magic missile at the only remaining kobold, and all five magic light balls hit its head, and its head exploded before it even screamed. After killing all the enemies at the door, Jaheira immediately went over to check the wound on his hand. It was found that after a few seconds of treatment, the originally not very deep wound had basically healed.

"Remember this lesson, and don't be so impulsive again in the future." Seeing that the wound was fine, Jasila began to teach Apodel a lesson.

The latter lowered his head and picked up the weapon without saying a word. He knew very well that he had lost control just now. Emotions of tyranny and killing filled the brain, but there was no way to explain these to others. He began to wonder if he had demonic blood now, because only these guys could have such crazy thoughts.

Henry noticed something was wrong with Apodell's mood, and he walked over to stop Jasila's eloquent lectures. "Stop talking, didn't you see that he was in a bad state of mind?"

Apodel smiled wryly and shook his head. "I'm fine. It may be that I've been too nervous or too tired recently, and I always feel some inexplicable impulse."

"Indeed, it's been a long time of rushing and fighting. Now let's go in quickly. It's time to end all of this." Jahira drew out his spear, wiped the blood from it, and led the way into the cave.

Before I walked in a few steps, suddenly a strange-looking guy jumped out. With auburn skin and high browbones, he was clearly a half-breed ogre. "You must have been sent by Tazok to kill me, right? The kobolds in this place must have let the road go on purpose. Great Cyric, the ore here has been polluted, but I still have to be executed?!"

Henry looked at this self-righteous half-ogre and laughed. I have to say that the power of brain supplementation is really powerful. Everyone has not said a word until now, but this guy in front of him has already speculated so many things.

"Who are you? Who is Tazok? Why are you polluting the iron ore here? Is there any ulterior secret? Tell me quickly, or I will crush your bones one by one!" Apodel stood up and threatened viciously.

"Not sent by Tazok? Then you are dead! Come on, kill all these guys!"

With an order, a large number of kobolds and skeletons suddenly poured out from the corner of the cave, instantly surrounding everyone. The ugly half-breed ogre knelt on the ground and prayed loudly: "Great Cyric! You are the master of lies, the only true god in the multiverse! Please give this humble servant a little strength, and let me kill all the believers of these false gods for you!"

"Damn it! This guy is actually a follower of that mad god." Jasira stabbed a kobold to death with a spear and cursed loudly.

Cyric used divine power to create a "Cyric Sutra" last year, that is, in dr1368. This tome of immense power declares him to be the only true god, and will convince any creature (even gods) who read it. However, this guy turned out to be stupid enough to read the book himself in the end, and he's now caught in a lie of his own making.

Since Cyric has gone mad, most of his followers have become as destructive as psychotics. These people are hostile to all other gods and their believers, and create riots or terrorist attacks from time to time. Be careful if you come across this priest of the gods, because they don't have any sanity at all.

In such a narrow place, Henry didn't dare to use magic such as "Fireball", "Death Cloud", or "Lightning". His "Teleportation Domain" has been triggered by the "Accident Technique", and the entire cave is now filled with an unstable teleportation force field. Taking advantage of the enemy's dizziness, he quickly chanted a spell, and completed a sixth-level magic "serial lightning" before the force field hour.

The dazzling electric arc quickly jumped between the enemies, and all the skeletons and kobolds within ten meters were electrocuted to death almost instantly. Seeing that there were no enemies around, Aimon quickly drew out a flaming arrow and shot it at the priest in the distance. The flaming arrow hit the guy's left shoulder at once, and the burning pain from the flame made him drop the weapon and shield in his hand, knelt on the ground and howled loudly.

Apodell and Minsk quickly ran over and pinned the pastor to the ground, and trapped him with a rope. Henry and Jasila made up for the undead kobolds, and burned all the undead creatures with magic flames. After completing these tasks, Apodel picked up the prisoner roughly, and prepared to use some criminal laws to pry his mouth open. (To be continued.)

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