Broad World

Chapter 204 Contact Person

Walking into the Field Hotel, Henry immediately saw Aberdell and the others sitting around the table drinking in silence. He walked a few steps and came up close to say hello. "Hey! I'm back. Why are you all so sullen, and where did Xan go? Why didn't I see this guy?"

"Oh my God! You are finally back." Apodel stood up and hugged Henry, and then explained: "Sarn went back to the Fortress of Avraksha to report on the mission. The reason for my depression was that I met a bastard who blocked the door of the hotel and told us to get out, but was cut in half by Minsk. The sheriff believed that both parties were responsible, and finally paid a large sum of money to escape from jail."

Henry immediately thought of the two punks who often wandered around the door of the Field Hotel. He patted Apodel's arm comfortingly. "Okay, don't be so sad. Those two scumbags should have died a long time ago. Killing them is a good thing. By the way, have you found the liaison officer who lives here?"

"Of course I found it. This guy lives in the first room on the left on the second floor. Once you see that cold expression, you will never forget it. And there are quite a few people who have come into contact with him in the past two days. It seems that he is not a good person." Jasira replied in a low voice. She has been secretly monitoring this person for a day and a night. Although she has not obtained any important information, she has checked the basic information clearly.

After thinking about it for a while, Henry decided that it would be better to start early. After all, this guy is a mage, and once he gets away, it will be very difficult to catch him. After he figured it out, he said to everyone: "Let's go up and meet this contact person now. Remember, be a little bit more vicious for a while, pretending to be a robber should be able to get some words out of his mouth."

Dai Nahei nodded with a smile. "It's a very smart approach. This will not only avoid unnecessary battles, but also take the opportunity to penetrate into the enemy's interior. But I think Apodel's appearance is very eye-catching, it is best to let him put down the visor on his helmet."

"You'll forget it if you don't say it. These damned guys are sending out reward orders with portraits printed on them. I'm afraid everyone in the Baldur's Gate area knows me by now." Apodel cursed fiercely, covering his face tightly.

Henry slightly admired how careful this woman is, she can even notice such tiny details. Everyone packed up their weapons and equipment, and came to the door of the room on the second floor of the hotel together. Just as Apodel was about to go up and knock on the door, Jaxira stopped him. She made a gesture to signal not to act rashly.

Henry put on and took off the "Ring of Witchcraft" calmly. With the increase of advanced spell slots, the usefulness of this ring is not as great as before. The moment it was taken off, the first-level and second-level spell slots were reduced by five each. He put on a shapeshifting ring, which quickly transformed himself into a half-blood ogre.

After completing the transformation, Henry knocked hard on the door, and a few seconds later, a middle-aged man in a black robe walked out from inside. As soon as he saw Henry's appearance, he immediately cursed: "Damn Mulla! Why did it take you so long to contact me? Now the story of the Naxikai Mine is being spread everywhere! You have screwed up the whole plan!"

"Don't worry! The entire mine has been smeared with poison. It will not be so easy for those guys to resume normal operations. At least within half a year, production will definitely be greatly reduced." Henry replied in a low voice, imitating the ogre's way of speaking. As a person from the 21st century of the earth, acting and lying are skills that everyone must master.

Tranzik nodded, then noticed someone else standing behind. He asked in a skeptical tone: "Who are these guys? I don't remember that Tazok equipped you with men other than kobolds."

Henry pretended to be proud and patted Aberdell on the shoulder. "These people are all mercenaries I recruited on the way. They all have rich combat experience. Tazok will definitely like these guys. As for those kobolds who are not very obedient, let them fend for themselves."

Transzik frowned and pulled Henry into the house. "Are you sure these people are reliable? Will they have spies from other forces or undercover agents from Flame Fist mercenaries?"

"Don't worry, these people are absolutely reliable. On the way here, I led them to rob two caravans, and all of them killed the merchants and guards without hesitation." Henry patted his chest pretending to be heroic to make a promise.

Tranzik nodded and took out a letter from his body. "This is a letter sent by Tazok two days ago. He is planning to raid Pad Valley or Rath Forest. We are currently short of manpower. You'd better take these people and set off immediately to find the camp."

After receiving the letter, Henry carefully identified the handwriting. After confirming that it was the same as the other two he got, a weird smile appeared on his face. "Thank you very much. But since you have already obtained the information of the camp, there is no use for you." After speaking, he immediately activated the three "hold spells" stored in the "spell sequence".

Before Chuanzik realized what was going on, the energy of magic was instantly stimulated. He successfully resisted the first spell, but was still held in place by the next two, unable to move. Seeing that the enemy had lost the ability to move, Aimeng quickly ran over and cleaned up the spell book, spell-casting material package, money bag, and a protective ring.

Apodell kicked Chuanzik fiercely, then turned his head and asked Henry: "What should I do with this guy? Kill him or give it to Flame Fist? I know a female officer named Jesha Wei. If you need it, you can go to the "Happy Busker" to find her."

"Kill it. Next, we are going to investigate the camp of these robbers. If the news is accidentally leaked, they are likely to hide." Henry chose to silence without hesitation. He knew very well that the top management of the Flame Fist mercenaries had been bought by Salovke, and if Tranzik was handed over to them, Tazok would get the news immediately.

Jasila nodded and reminded: "That's right. Try not to bleed too much when you kill him. This is a hotel room. If someone finds out, it won't be easy to explain."

"Don't worry! I promise I won't bleed a little bit." Apodel grinned grinningly and clamped Transzik's neck with his thick arms. "Damn bastard! Go to the underworld and repent your crimes!" After speaking, he began to exert force. Everyone only heard a "click", and the mage's cervical spine was strangled in one fell swoop.

Abandoning the dead body, Apodell came over and asked: "How to deal with the dead body? Put it here or quietly transport it out of the city after dark?"

"You go to checkout first, and I'll deal with the corpses. Remember to buy more supplies. Lars Forest and Byrd Valley are not small, and it will take a while to search."

After Henry sent Apodel and his party away, he took out Uster Teller's dust staff and directly cast a "disintegration technique". A green light flashed, and the corpse on the ground was instantly disintegrated into a puddle of powder. Opening the window of the room, he cast another "wind making technique" to blow all the powder outside.

Now there is no trace of Transzik's existence in the entire room. I have to say that "Disintegration" is really a good magic to destroy corpses and traces. After finishing all the work, Henry lifted the transformation effect. He took off the "transformation ring" and replaced it with the "ring of witchcraft". When leaving the room, he even closed the door behind him.

A group of people quickly passed through the streets of Belgost, and when they passed the Lathander Temple, they handed over the task by the way. Bishop Kaidas generously paid 5,000 gold coins, and Henry also received 1,000 mission experience rewards. On the way, Apodell and Aimon kept talking about the luxurious decoration inside the temple and the ostentation at the entrance. They didn't shut up until Jasila couldn't bear it anymore and rewarded each of them with a stick.

After three days of rushing, everyone finally came to the edge of Lars forest. Looking at the endless woods, Henry couldn't help sighing. Finding a camp with thousands of people in such a large place is really time-consuming and laborious. Jasila obviously noticed this too, and began to communicate with the small animals around, trying to get some useful clues from them.

After walking in the woods for an hour, Henry learned from a falcon that there was a druid camp in the northeast of the forest. There had been a fight there a few days ago, and the entire camp had been wiped out by the attackers. Jasila was furious when she heard the news, and she quickly brought everyone to the scene of the incident.

As soon as he entered the periphery, Henry heard a bad smell, and saw the corpse on the ground after not walking far. Just when he was about to squat down to check, a man with red eyes and unkempt hair suddenly came out from behind the stone pillar.

"Cruel murderer! I want to spill your blood all over the earth! I want to avenge my dead brothers and sisters!"

Jaheira sympathized with what had happened to him and tried to calm the maniac. "Calm down friends! Only in this way can we find out who really killed them."

It's a pity that this person has gone completely crazy, and he yelled at everyone: "Do you think it's useful to say that?! Now taste the wrath of Mara (the evil god in charge of hunting and lycanthropy)! None of you can escape!"

The man uttered a strange cry into the forest, and then several leopards, cave bears, and packs of wolves came out of the forest. He quickly blessed these animals with various magical spells, and then surrounded the crowd. Looking at the situation, Henry knew that the battle was inevitable, so he dragged back Jaxi, who wanted to continue explaining.

"Don't waste your efforts. This man is now burned out by the idea of ​​revenge, and he won't listen to what you say."

Jiaxila pulled out the spear behind his back helplessly, because the surrounding animals had begun to shrink the encirclement slowly, and if they didn't want to die, they could only kill them. (To be continued.)

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