Broad World

Chapter 231 Dangerous

After listening to Henry's suggestion, everyone rested in Belgoost for one night, and hurriedly headed south the next morning. After several days of traveling day and night, they finally arrived at the Naxikai Mine before dark. As soon as I came near the mine, I saw a large group of sword spiders and phase spiders slaughtering a few soldiers and miners not far away.

Apodel and Minsk rushed forward to help without hesitation, but under the attack of the phase spider, they couldn't take advantage of it. They often use innate magic to teleport to the enemy's back when attacking. If the two fighters hadn't reacted quickly enough, they might have been bitten several times by now.

Dynahei and Jasila were also messed up by the phase spiders, so they didn't have much time to cast spells and divine spells. Khaled guarded the two ladies in the team vigilantly with a shield in hand. Henry knew that he had to clean up all these teleporting spiders as quickly as possible, otherwise the miners would die in ten minutes.

Under the protection of the scroll golem, he chanted a spell quickly. Soon, a fifth-level magic "monster immobilization" was cast. Apodel, who was in a hard fight, suddenly found that all the spiders around him could not move. He and Minsk took the opportunity to slash and kill ten spiders that could not resist in just one minute.

The Scroll Golem used Paralyzing Touch to drop a phase spider trying to sneak up, and then drained it of its life force with Harming Touch. Without interference, Henry quickly prepared a sixth-level divine spell "Pyder". In an instant, five small fireballs that were not large in size but were burning violently appeared in his hands.

These fires did not hurt the caster's hands. Henry quickly threw them out one by one, each time a target was hit, it would trigger a small-scale explosion. When all five are thrown away. The sword spider in front has been put into a small piece. Just when he started preparing for his next spell. Suddenly a phase spider jumps over the scroll golem. Send it directly.

Henry stretched out a finger directly and released a "flash technique". The strong light instantly stung the eyes of this monster who had lived in the shadows for a long time, and then he slammed his cane into the phase spider's soft abdomen. The spider let out a scream, and the white liquid kept splashing out. The Scroll Golem rushed over and killed it with Harming Touch.

Minsk opened and closed the spider-killing sword in his hand. Finally, this magic weapon designed for spiders was brought into full play, and all the spiders that were hit were gutted. As the number of enemies decreased, Danahei finally released two "fireballs" and one "fear".

Jasila cast the "entanglement technique" on the few remaining spiders, and a large number of vines and strong grass entangled the feet of these monsters. In the end, Henry used the "Death Cloud Technique" to end the battle with one blow. A highly toxic mist covered a large area. The entangled spider roots have no way to escape, and can only be poisoned to death alive.

Apodell looked at the human corpses on the ground and couldn't help but sigh. Although they were already fighting desperately, the miners and several guards were still killed. In front of these monsters with innate spells, ordinary humans are still too fragile. Even if they put on armor and take up arms, they still cannot escape the fate of death.

Glancing at the dead mine, Henry not only took out the golden book and turned it into a gold golem, but also poured out the activated armor made of dragon tortoise shell from the dimensional bag. He knew that the next enemy would be very difficult, and one who was not careful could die.

Two tall magic puppets immediately attracted everyone's attention. Dai Nahei carefully observed the material of the activated armor. When it was discovered that it was a dragon turtle shell, a shocked expression appeared on his face. Be a learned mage. She knows exactly how difficult the dragon turtle is to deal with in the sea.

Imoon poked at the living armor with his dagger and found that it couldn't do any damage. She hugged Henry's arm and began to act like a baby. "Cool! Tell me what this thing is made of. I bet. There must be an exciting adventure behind it."

"Hehe, it's really exciting." Henry recalled the scene of fighting the dragon turtle back then, and let out a wry smile. "This dragon turtle attacked the ship I was on. Except for a few adventurous partners, all the sailors and the captain died. We went through untold hardships to kill this terrifying monster."

The girl pouted after listening. Apparently, she was displeased that Henry had taken such an uninspired tale of adventure. There was a trace of awe in Dai Nahei's eyes. She is not a rookie like Aimeng, she knows that killing a dragon turtle in the sea is no less difficult than killing a giant dragon in the sky.

"Be careful when you enter the mine for a while. Look at the special marks on these corpses. These monsters were all kept in captivity." Jasila lifted a spider's belly and pointed to a somewhat blurred pattern on it.

Apodel frowned and asked: "Who would breed spiders on such a large scale? This kind of domestication technology is not something a group of scholars should master."

"Dark elves, druids of some special sects, and mages who are proficient in biology can do this." Dana stroked her hair black and answered the Son of Baal's question.

Apodel spat fiercely and cursed in a low voice: "Damn Zuo Nan! If I find this guy, I must beat him up."

"It doesn't matter whether he is still alive or not. It's hard to realize your wish. Let's go in and see what magic power this book has, which has attracted so many hidden forces." Henry said that he blessed himself with two protective spells, and led three magic puppets to open the way ahead.

As soon as they entered the mine, everyone found that it was very abnormal. Not only was the silence terrifying, but the torches and oil lamps on both sides of the original tunnel were extinguished. Only creatures who like to stay in the dark for a long time will do this, and the enemies inside will be ready to emerge. Apodel had just taken a step forward when he suddenly heard a "click" and shot a fireball from the side of the wall.

"Everyone lie down!" Henry yelled and directed the activated armor to block in front.

The fireball exploded with a "boom". The scorching air wave brought countless small stones to hit their faces, and everyone lowered their heads and pressed against the ground to prevent them from being blown away. After the explosion passed, Apodell slowly stood up and spit out the dust in his mouth. Imoon burst into laughter when he saw him. Immediately following, Minsk and Henry couldn't help laughing. Dai Nahei covered her mouth with her hands, and even Jasila smiled.

"Hey! I know I'm a bit embarrassed, but you don't need to be so exaggerated, right?" Apodel wiped the black ash on his face depressedly.

Imoen took out a small mirror from his backpack and handed it over. "Look, you are not in a state of embarrassment right now."

Apodel held up the mirror to look at his face in doubt, and then let out a scream. "Ah! How did this happen! My eyebrows and hair are all gone! If I want to know who set the trap here, I have to beat his shit out!"

Henry took a deep breath, trying to regain his composure. Immediately afterwards, he released a second-level magic "detection trap", and three red magical auras instantly appeared on the ground not far away. He said to Imoen, who was still laughing, "Stop making trouble. Go and dismantle those three traps, I don't want to experience another explosion."

"Got it! These are no problems for the dexterous Imoen." The girl jumped up and down to the trigger device, took out the tool and concentrated on dismantling it. With the help of her lesser ring of perception, she easily found the core of the trap and destroyed it.

Seeing that the trap had been dismantled, Henry immediately let the adamantine golem and activated armor step forward to open the way. After walking a few steps, a group of spiders suddenly jumped out from the shadows and launched an attack. It's a pity that their fangs and poison were of no use to the two magic puppets, and they were smashed into meatloaf in a few strokes.

Jasila looked at the corpses of the spiders on the ground, and found that one of them was completely different from the normal ones. Its whole body is covered with dark red markings, and its sharp teeth glow with black light. She recognized the name of this particular breed immediately. "Bound Spirit Spiders" Only dark elves have the ability to domesticate them.

"It seems that our troubles are not small. The dark elves are not easy to deal with. In this dark environment, they can easily find us and attack. Now I am afraid that the entire mine is full of death traps. The magic of detecting traps must not be stopped for a while." As he spoke, Jasila also activated a "detecting trap", and two red magical auras appeared not far in front of him again.

Apodel touched his bare head and sighed: "My God! It's only a few steps away. It's a magic trap and an ambush attack. Even if the opponent is a dark elf, it's too exaggerated to not arrange it?"

"This is just an appetizer. You won't understand what is insidious and cunning until you see the real dark elves." After speaking, Henry blessed himself with "Light Vision".

Walking along the passage leading to the second floor, it didn't take long for them to dismantle more than a dozen magic traps and kill three or five waves of sneak attacking spiders. Just as he was about to reach the lower stairs, a completely non-reflective black arrow shot out from a corner, directly nailing Jaheira to the wall. Not only did this magic arrow pierce through the armor easily, but it was also obviously poisonous from the black blood that flowed out.

Khalid immediately took out a bottle of antidote potion and poured it into his wife. Minsk pulled out the arrow forcefully, and Jasila cast a second-level divine spell "healing moderate damage" on himself. The force of nature enveloped the wound, and it healed completely in a few seconds. Henry's eyes caught a black figure, and he immediately ordered the golem to rush up and catch people. (To be continued..)

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