Broad World

Two hundred and sixty-fourth threat from the ocean

Ever since Henry became an Arcanist, he has been hiding in the Mage Tower and conducting various spell experiments. Especially for those newly mastered ninth-level magic, a lot of connections are needed to increase the casting speed. After all, this is the second life of a mage. It is not a good thing to rely too much on those "spell matrix", "spell sequence" and other sequential magic.

Just when Henry was obsessed with exploring esoteric magical knowledge, a piece of information from Robert brought him back to reality. In recent times, the number of sahuagin along the coast of the Sword Coast region has begun to surge. Although no attack has been launched yet, several important maritime commercial routes have been threatened.

Seeing this information, he hurriedly stopped his research, and immediately sent someone to notify Corey and make Hawke prepare accordingly. While sahuagin are unlikely to invade land, they do enjoy raiding ports. It is said that these guys are violent and bloodthirsty, and everything they pass will be turned into ruins.

More than an hour later, Hawke and Corey arrived at the Mage Tower at the same time. For someone living by the sea, there is no worse situation than this. If the sahuagin attack the port, the only thing that can be done is to evacuate all the people and materials near the port.

"Your Excellency, is your information accurate? I have lived on the west coast for so many years, and I have never heard of the sahuagin attacking the port." Hawk asked hurriedly as soon as he entered the door.

Seeing the eager look of the old man, Henry nodded with a wry smile. "I also hope it's false, but this is a warning sent by Robert himself. He has been in charge of the intelligence agency for so many years, and he has never made a mistake."

"Damn! What are these bandits in the sea planning to do? They don't really want to invade the land?" Hawke cursed fiercely and continued to ask.

Henry thought about the information he saw in the book and shook his head. A sahuagin cannot stay out of the water for too long. Otherwise the skin will start to dry out, dehydrate and eventually die. They are not adapted to live on land at all. Therefore, a large-scale invasion of the interior can basically be ruled out.

Corey took two steps forward, bowed and said solemnly: "Your Excellency, I advise you to plan early. It will take a long time to evacuate the residents along the coast, or to organize the army to resist. According to the estimated number of intelligence, they can capture almost any coastal port. And many ships need to be dragged ashore to hide, otherwise they will all be scuttled."

"That's right. I now give you the right to mobilize all the troops in the entire Baldur's Gate, and establish a defense line about one kilometer along the coast as soon as possible. In addition, I will dispatch 30 mages and 20 druids to your command. Remember, you must protect the safety of these spellcasters. Each of them is hard-earned." Henry immediately issued an order.

Hearing that there would be a spellcaster, Corey happily gave a military salute immediately. "Please rest assured, Your Excellency. As long as I have breath, these sea robbers will never break through the line of defense. In addition, can your airship also be mobilized? We can throw explosive gas tanks, heavy fuel oil, and javelins from the sky. Since it is high altitude, the sahuagin have no way to fight back."

"Of course, you can mobilize it to join the war at any time." Henry readily agreed to this request. That airship was originally used for military purposes, so it was a good time to use these murlocs to test its power. You must know that he spent a lot of money on this, and the materials and enchanting alone cost more than 200,000 gold coins. The shell of the airship airbag is so strong that ordinary bows and javelins cannot penetrate it at all.

Corey left the Mage Tower after getting what he wanted. He still has a lot to do. No time to waste here. Seeing that the knight had left, Henry told Hawke: "You start to organize the evacuation of the residents along the coast now. In particular, all the port areas of the coastal cities are emptied for me. Don't leave a single board for these robbers. Also, from today onwards, all maritime trade will be suspended, and all supplies will be transported by airship instead."

"Even the Angome Islands should be prepared for war?" Hawke asked a little puzzled. In his opinion, the sahuagin are only gathered in the Sword Coast, and they should not be able to threaten the city of Bluewind in the tropics.

After thinking about it for a while, Henry nodded. "Yes, notify all coastal cities to prepare. However, the two cities on the island do not need to be evacuated for the time being, as long as they are on alert."

After getting a clear answer, Hawk also left in a hurry. His task is even heavier than Corey's. After all, most of Baldur's Gate's warehouses are still in the port area. Moreover, the Queen of Water Hall is also a huge hidden danger. God knows whether the chaotic and evil goddess Amberley (Goddess of the Sea) will follow along with her.

Henry sighed secretly in his mind. Originally, I wanted to leave for Amn earlier, but now it seems that it is completely useless. While sending someone to notify the lord council of Waterdeep City to prepare, he personally came to the lighthouse on the Sword Coast to check the terrain. After all, this is the only place suitable for large-scale logins around the city.

Looking at the long coastline, Henry frowned. There is no dangerous place to defend around here, and the only thing that can be used is the abandoned lighthouse. Along the beach, he walked north for a while, and suddenly found some blue-skinned humanoids running around on the beach. Judging from their uneven figures, they should all be women.

Henry was very curious about these creatures, so he quickly cast an "invisibility technique" and followed them silently. When he saw the woman's face clearly, he was taken aback. It turned out that these beauties with dark blue skin were all sea monsters. They are evil sea creatures that like to seduce humans or elves for mating, and kill the father of the child after pregnancy.

He followed the siren to a very hidden cave. The entrance has been completely covered by seaweed and the like. If you don't observe carefully, you will probably regard it as an ordinary rock. After the siren entered the cave, she communicated with her sisters in strange singing for a while, and then began to eat. Their food is very simple, that is, ordinary fish, shellfish and seaweed.

Henry waited patiently for more than an hour. It wasn't until all the sea monsters gathered together that they hid in the corner and secretly released the "Abidaki Withering Technique", and the brown-white mist instantly filled the cave. The female sirens found that the water in their bodies was rapidly decreasing. They screamed and wanted to escape, but the entrance of the cave had been sealed by magic, and they couldn't get out at all.

In just ten seconds, most of the sirens were slaughtered. For these monsters who take pleasure in killing humans, Henry has always carried out a policy of killing them as soon as they can. He carefully explored the entire cave, and not only found a large number of human bones, but also found a huge iron box hidden in a crack in the stone.

Using the "knocking technique" to open the lock on it, Henry found a "Physical Health Handbook", a magic cloak, and finally more than 20,000 gold coins and some miscellaneous things inside. He suddenly remembered, isn't this the treasure in the game? Both the location and the magic items inside are exactly the same. He unceremoniously used the "Physical Health Manual" to increase his physical fitness, and then used magic to identify the cloak.

Cloak of the Wolf: "Rilele's Mistake"

The creation of this cloak can be said to be full of irony. Rirel is a mage who overestimates his abilities. In the process of creating the garment, he transformed himself into a werewolf. The wearer of this item can change his form at will. But Raleigh was not so lucky.

special power:

Turn into a wolf at will

Looking at this magic cloak, Henry felt dumbfounded. Apart from helping those fledgling rookies escape, this thing has no use at all. A wolf's combat power is very limited, and many veterans can kill one at will. After sweeping away the treasure, he went straight back to Baldur's Gate and told Corey his plan to build fortifications at the lighthouse.

The next day, an army of 400 men set out from the city and rushed to the lighthouse to start building the earthen wall. They must complete all the construction within a week. According to the latest information sent back by Robert, the sahuagin army has already begun to march towards the coastline. These bandits destroyed all the ships along the way and slaughtered the crews on them.

Seeing that things had deteriorated to such an extent, Henry immediately issued an evacuation warning to the whole city, regardless of whether there would be panic. According to the progress speed of the sahuagin, they will arrive at Baldur's Gate in eight days at most. When the common people heard the news, they were in an uproar. They quickly packed up their valuables and went to seek refuge with their relatives and friends, intending to return after a while. Even Archmage Habasser immediately closed the mage tower and took a few apprentices to the inland for refuge. Before leaving, give Henry some magic potions and scrolls.

It was too late when Anta Yindun got the news. He hurried over to meet Henry, saying that he had no extra strength to guard Baldur's Gate, and completely gave up the other half of the city's dominion.

If it is in normal times, Henry will definitely accept it very happily. But now the entire Sword Coast is facing threats from the sea, and his troops are also very tense. I heard that the dock area of ​​Waterdeep City has been breached by the sahuagin, and all the houses and buildings have been destroyed. According to information from the Brown Bear Chamber of Commerce, the death toll was as high as 30,000.

Even legendary mages and electors like Kelben and Lila failed to block the attack of the sahuagin, and Henry didn't even dare to hope that he could successfully block it. His goal is very simple, that is, try not to lose people and goods. The army only needs to support for a period of time to ensure that everyone evacuates safely.

As the murlocs got closer, the nerves of those who stayed here were highly tense. Now there is no one else in the city except the army. Even those ordinary people who didn't want to leave were forced to be sent inland. Henry had already planted a large amount of kerosene and explosives near Baldur's Gate, intending to use this place as a bait to attract all the sahuagin and kill the enemy's vital forces to the maximum extent.


Bow down and thank all book friends from Potato Panpan, Bug Hero, Centennial Dragon Roar, and Flower Planter's Little Black Rabbit for their valuable monthly votes. (to be continued..)

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