Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 24: A Good Start

In the third quarter, the two sides fell into a tug of war. Hollins and Stevens see each other, you have a good plan, I have a wall ladder. Compared with Hollins' slightly rigid adjustments, Stevens' on-the-spot command is much better, and some clever small raids can always win some advantages. However, in terms of the strength of the team, the Grizzlies are still stronger. Last season, the winning rate was close to half in the Western Conference where there are many strong players. If they come to the Eastern Conference, they will be a playoff team. Personal ability also guaranteed the scoring firepower of the Grizzlies. The score of the two sides in this quarter was 21:23. The Nets were recovered by two points, and the point difference was also reduced to 9 points.

Generally speaking, at the beginning of the fourth quarter, both sides will try their best to play off the bench to buy time for the main players to rest, recover their strength, and prepare for the last 7 minutes of the game. However, Stevens did the opposite, At the beginning of the fourth quarter, the main players were all out, and a wave of 10:2 climax was played within two minutes, and the point difference was widened to 17 points in one go. Hollins, who reacted a little slower, saw that the situation was not good, so he replaced the main force, but it was too late. With 3 minutes left in the game, the point difference remained at 16 points. Hollins, who was in the past, took the initiative to remove Conley, Gasol Jr., Randolph and other main players. In response, Stevens also called a timeout when the ball was dead in the next round, and replaced the main players such as Lopez, George, and Bledsoe.

"The opponent's Mayo is still on the field, Danny, you pay attention to him. Don't let him bring the suspense of the game back." In the previous game, Mayo scored 12 points in 16 minutes of playing time. The efficiency is good, and Stevens told Danny Green not to give the Grizzlies any chance.

A team that had no hope at all last season won a good start at the beginning of the season, and the fans at the scene were particularly excited. And what they look forward to even more is the team's 100th point. Therefore, even though the game has come to garbage time, their cheering sound has not diminished in the slightest. In this atmosphere, Pavlovich cooperated with Danny Green to defend OJ Mayo's personal offense for two consecutive rounds, and with Whiteside scoring the first goal of his NBA career, the Nets finally broke through. After scoring 100, the fans gave warm applause to the team's second-round pick, the "angel" who brought him hamburgers and Coke, and Whiteside also showed a "stupid" smile, like "lore" Heroes" generally enjoy the applause of the audience.

The final score was fixed at 103:94, and the Nets won a good start to the new season. Four of the team scored in double figures. Lopez contributed a team-high 17 points and 6 rebounds, Paul George had 14 points, 7 rebounds and 4 assists, Anderson contributed 11 points, and Bledsoe scored 10 points. Although Korver only scored 3 points today, the space he and Anderson opened up for the team is the reason why George and Bledsoe's breakthrough is so easy, and it is the team's behind-the-scenes heroes.

In an interview after the game, Stevens attributed the first victory of his NBA career to the efforts of the whole team. In terms of the contribution of today's game, there is no problem with such a statement.

"Young general manager, young head coach, young players, dedicated a game that is not young at all."

ESPN expert Zach Lowe analyzed the game between the Nets and the Grizzlies in his column, using different tactics used by Stevens at different times in the game, each The analysis of people's intentions shows that he used his targeted tactics to reverse the strength gap between the two sides when resources were not balanced. This is also a great debut for Stevens.

The success of just one game has filled the outside world with praise, which is not in line with Stevens' ideas. However, he is not too worried that the team's mentality will be impetuous, because next, the team will start to face a three-way trip to the Western Conference. The opponents are the San Antonio Spurs, Dallas Mavericks and New Orleans Pelicans. playoff team.

As the team's general manager, Jiang Mingliang doesn't need to follow the team to the away games. However, there are many things that he needs to worry about. Ticket sales are currently progressing well. After the first game, there are almost 500 sets. Tickets were sold through the team's official website. For the next three home games against the Knicks, Raptors, and Rockets, the sales of loose tickets are also quite good. Judging from the current situation, the attendance rate will reach about 92% .

Excluding the ticket revenue, another major income for the team is the rental of advertising space in the arena. At present, the central advertising space of the team is leased to Samsung in South Korea, and the cost for a single season is 20 million US dollars. The other advertising positions in the venue have also been occupied by advertisers such as Herbalife, Castrol, and MTG Pharmaceuticals. As for some vacant advertising spaces, Jiang Mingliang needs to carry out market development to slowly increase his income.

"Here in China, there should be companies willing to invest. You also know that the NBA still has a huge market in China. You have Yi Jianlian in your hands." Qin Zhengwei stayed up until twelve o'clock in the evening before dialing Jiang Mingliang's phone , originally planned to report on the preparations for "Running Man", but Jiang Mingliang asked about the advertiser first.

"It depends on whether CCTV will give us face or not, and how many broadcasts it can give us." Jiang Mingliang said helplessly.

Penguin Sports has not acquired the broadcast rights of the NBA, and the Internet is not so popular. Nowadays, domestic fans want to watch the NBA, they can only watch it through CCTV and SINA. The influence is much smaller. The influence of the Rockets and the Lakers in China is unshakable. Coupled with the formation of the Heat's Big Three, even if CCTV has given Yi Jianlian enough face, the number of broadcasts is probably the third and fourth.

Meals have to be eaten at one bite, and the road has to be walked step by step. The stride is too big, click, it is easy to tear the egg. Jiang Mingliang comforted himself.

"At CCTV, the network is relatively high, and it's a bit difficult to get news. I'll think of a way." Qin Zhengwei also needs to show his ability in front of his cousin, so that he can get more benefits in the future, and then began to report to himself work situation.

For the position of the main MC of "Running Man", Jiang Mingliang appointed Deng Chao, and he quoted a salary of 5 million. Considering that there are a total of 16 episodes in one season, it means that the recording cost of a single episode exceeds 300,000. It was a bit difficult for Qin Zhengwei to accept.

"If everyone asks this price, the cost will be too high. I don't think it is easy for us to make a profit."

Jiang Mingliang smiled and said: "I can accept this price, provided that Deng Chao must sign for more than three seasons. Liquidated damages, 50 million."

Jiang Mingliang operates domestic artist contracts in the same way as NBA players. He is willing to give big contracts to core members, but at the same time it will also extend the contract period.

The only female MC and the two stars who negotiated gave their respective quotations: Fan Qiang asked for a price higher than Deng Chao's, 8 million; Ouyang Mi was more polite, only 2.5 million.

Except for fame, it seems that Ouyang Mi is much better than Fan Yan in all aspects, and as Jiang Mingliang himself, of course he knows that by the end of this year, Ouyang Mi may become the hottest female artist in China, ranking No. Seven, the big man who surpassed Jobs. ,

It was also a three-year contract, and Jiang Mingliang took the initiative to raise Ouyang Mi by 500,000, so it could be considered that Ouyang Mi was tied to the battleship of "Running Man".

In the positions of the main MC and the only female MC, Jiang Mingliang spent a lot of money to form a dual-core lineup, and the selection of other members will naturally be restrained. Jiang Mingliang ruthlessly rejected all the lists that were presented before, but this time Qin Zhengwei finally reported a few more reliable names.

The short comedian Wang Zulan from Hong Kong has a unique Hong Kong style of humor, and is also very good at using her body to make jokes. The comedian Chen Chichi who came out of "Love Apartment" brought "cheapness" to the extreme in the series. Peng Yuyan, a sunny little fresh meat from Baodao, has height, strength and good looks, and Kim Jong Kook, the Korean version of the capable man, is perfect. Huang Sanshi, a representative of high-IQ gamers in the entertainment industry, can be used as a think tank in some brain-burning specials to promote the development of the show. Huang Baoqiang, the grassroots representative, speaks a local dialect and can bring some unique laughs to the show. Some of them were indeed suitable for the show, and some of them tried to pass Jiang Mingliang's review again through Qin Zhengwei's relationship. But on the whole, it is still reliable. Considering that Deng Chao and Ouyang Mi are two highly popular people, Jiang Mingliang barely passed the list.

Not counting the screenwriter and producer team, Jiang Mingliang paid 15 million yuan for the appearance fees of the artists alone. Fortunately, the lineup of artists formed is not bad, so we should look forward to it.

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