Chapter 152 Repeating Life!!

So these things are small things, and it just so happens that SC Johnson remembers it and sends a message to Sister Zhou and asks her why she left.

But This time, Sister Zhou is like an iron heart and does not return to Sc johnson, and every time SC Johnson sends her a message, she will not reply, she is like the evaporation of the world, and there is no one.

Johnson saw this situation and there was nothing he could do, he sent a message to Sister Zhou every day, wanting Sister Zhou to return to him, but Sister Zhou just wouldn’t return to him, what could he do?

SC Johnson asked others where Sister Zhou was, and no one else knew, as if Sister Zhou didn’t tell anyone about his departure, but just left in a hurry.

I did so many things for myself, but finally I said it to myself and left, which made SC Johnson repay her.

Why didn’t Sister Zhou say a word in advance, so SC Johnson has always taken this matter to heart and has never put it down.

He felt that Sister Zhou did not say a word to him in advance, let him have no defense at all, and suddenly left, he felt very sorry for Sister Zhou, Sister Zhou silently paid so much for herself, and as a result, he finally lost her.

But also the marriage contract was dissolved, which made Sister Zhou how sad, SC Johnson also felt that what he did was not a person, Sister Zhou said that it was beautiful, and the ability was also there, but why did he just not like her?

This made Sc johnson very incomprehensible, but there was no way, Sister Zhou had actually left, and he could not always be immersed in the grief of Sister Zhou’s departure.

Since then, The Little Sister has played games with SC Johnson, and the Little Sister has accompanied SC Johnson to play games every day, and SC Johnson also likes to play games with the Little Sister, because as long as she does not play games, there is nothing else to do.

The only person he can talk to has also gone, what can he do without playing games? In addition to playing games is to open live broadcasts, his fans are annoyed with themselves, why do they open live broadcasts every day?

SC Johnson has also thought about this question, why does he open a live broadcast every day? Maybe it’s because I’m too bored at home and no one can talk to me.

You can also chat with fans when you open a live game, if you don’t have fans, you will be bored to death.

SC Johnson has everything he wants in the game world, he has what he wants in the game, and there are many people talking to him, he enjoys the feeling of being in the game world…

But when it comes to reality, it is always very awkward, and when you wake up, you find yourself busy for a day.

Start the live broadcast from the morning, start eating after the live broadcast, continue to open the live broadcast after eating, rest for a while after watching the live broadcast and then score the next point, either to open the live broadcast, or to play the game, in addition to these few things, SC Johnson has no other things to do.

During this time, the little sister was almost unable to watch it, and when the little sister woke up, she saw that SC Johnson was still broadcasting live before going to bed on the game live broadcast.

It is really a day except for the live broadcast, there is nothing else to do, and the little sister who watches him open the live broadcast all day is almost speechless.

A few days ago, he also told himself to let himself go out for a walk, and now he sits in front of the computer all day to open the game live broadcast, and the little sister is too speechless, he especially wants to ask SC Johnson, how did you persuade me before, how did you start this whole thing yourself.

SC Johnson doesn’t want to live such a boring life all day, but he really doesn’t know what to do, so he can only drive the game live every day…

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